Australian Abortion Stories Podcast

Australian Abortion Stories

Hosted by Kelsey & Cassidy
1 in 4 Australian women will have at least one abortion in their lifetime. This podcast is a space for Australian women and people to share their stories and experiences, and for Australian professionals to share their work in abortion access and care. Come join the conversation!
35 | Cassie's Story | Procedural Abortion, Unexpected Barriers to Access, System Failure, Post Abortion and Contraception Challenges
In episode 35, Cassidy sits down with Cassie who shares the unexpected twists and turns that led to her surgical abortion within the hospital. Cassie talks about the barriers to her accessing an abortion, how she was supported and the challenges she still faces thirteen months on. It was a pleasure to connect with Cassie, to hear her story and to seriously consider the challenges that people still face when trying to access abortion here in Australia. Thank you Cassie! Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can message us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and each other! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Sep 30, 2023
1 hr 6 min
34 | Kari's Story | Procedural Abortions, PhD Research Into Abortion Stigma and Work for Children by Choice (SA)
In episode 34, Cassidy sits down with Kari who shares her two procedural abortion stories. Kari reflects on how positive her abortions were and talks about her PhD research into abortion stigma. She shares the hurdles and challenges she came up against while completing her PhD including what led her to pause her research. Kari has completed work for Children by Choice (QLD) and contributes invaluable work in the field of abortion advocacy and research. Thank you for joining us on the podcast Kari and congratulations on submitting your PhD! Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can message us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and each other! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Sep 1, 2023
56 min
33 | Bess's Story | Medical and procedural abortions, reflections and processing over time (NSW)
In episode 33, Cassidy sits down with Bess who shares her two abortion stories that took place ten years ago. Bess reflects on her experiences and shares valuable insights about abortion, how we think about it and how we respond to it. Thank you Bess! Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and eachother! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Aug 6, 2023
44 min
32 | Abortion Pills, Pain, Ultrasound & Pro-Life Comments (Kels & Cass Chat #2)
On July 11, 2023, the TGA published a press release stating that restrictions on what healthcare providers could dispense abortion medication were lifted. This comes into effect on August 1, 2023. What does this mean? And also - what are abortion pills anyway? Kels and Cass get together for a chat about the above topics, as well as review some common myths and misconceptions around early medication abortion. DISCLAIMER: This conversation should not be considered medical advice or information. It is for educational and 'entertainment' purposes only. Please seek advice from your healthcare practitioner if you are considering abortion. Links to relevant articles/research: The Guardian Article: RU486 Limits Scrapped, July 11 2023 Marie Stopes Article: Retail Pharamacy Magazine Article: Changes to MS 2-Step Dispensing Restrictions SA Health: Abortion Reporting Committee Report 2022 TGA Media Release: Amendments to restrictions for prescribing of MS-2 Step, July 11 2023 TGA: MS 2-Step Product Information Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Jul 14, 2023
42 min
31 | Madison Griffiths | Experience Writing and Publishing 'Tissue', the Conversation Around Abortion, Story Sharing
In episode 31, Cassidy sits down with Madison Griffiths, author of the newly released 'Tissue'. Madison Griffiths is a writer, artist and producer based in Melbourne. She is the co-producer of Tender , an award-winning Broadwave podcast that follows what happens in the aftermath of abusive relationships. Her essays have been published widely in The Guardian, SBS, VICE, Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings and more. In 2022, she won the Our Watch Award as administered by the Walkley Foundation for Excellence in Reporting on Violence Against Women and Children. We have been eagerly awaiting the launch of this book for some time and are very excited to have it in our hands. A big thank you to Madison for sharing with us on the podcast and congratulations on the release of such an incredible piece of writing. You can find Madison on instagram - @madisonrgriffiths. Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and eachother! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Jul 5, 2023
39 min
30 | Lisa's Story | Procedural Abortion, Post Abortion Processing, Offering Medical Abortion in General Practice (NSW)
In episode 30, Cassidy sits down with Lisa who shares her experience of abortion and working as a GP offering medical abortion in Wollongong, NSW. There's excellent information in this episode and we're incredibly grateful that Lisa reached out to be on the podcast. Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and eachother! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Jun 30, 2023
44 min
29 | Kristen's Story | Herbal Abortion, Multiple Abortions, Post-Abortion Counselling Work (NSW)
In this episode, Kelsey is witness to Kristen's 3rd abortion story. Kristen was based in NSW at the time, and had a herbal abortion under the care of a midwife. She also is a very wonderfully spoken person, and works as a post-abortion psychotherapist. Very fitting! She shares lots of nuggets of wisdom about how she personally has intergrated her experiences, and tips for you to do so as well. Thanks again to Kristen for sharing your story. She can be found via Instagram @kristenportney_therapy Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and each other! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Jun 18, 2023
48 min
28 | Hannah's Story | Surgical Abortion, Coercive Control and Abuse*, Supportive Workplace and the Complexity of Choice (VIC)
* This story does discuss themes of coercive control and abuse. If you or anyone you know are in need of help you can contact White Ribbon Australia on 1800 737 732 or Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander you can also contact 13 YARN on 13 92 76. In episode 29, Cassidy sits down with Hannah who shares her experience of abortion five years ago. Hannah speaks about the psychological impact of her abortion and her experience of abortion not being a choice. It is a potent and powerful share, we're incredibly grateful that Hannah reached out to be on the podcast. You can read her article written for the guardian here - Support the podcast⁠: ⁠ State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and eachother! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Jun 2, 2023
57 min
27 | Rosie's Story | 2 Procedural Abortions, Assault*, Motherhood, Mental Health, Birth, Resilience
*Trigger warning - this story includes assault, so please use your discretion in listening. In episode 28/29, Rosie shares with Kelsey her 2 abortion stories. Rosie shares so beautifully about her journey, and has done a lot of personal reflection and therapy which really comes through. She also speaks to her experience of abortion as a mother, and shares briefly about the births of her children. Many, many thanks to Rosie for sharing your story with us. Support the podcast: ⁠⁠ ⁠The National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line⁠ (24/7) - 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) - For any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. ⁠⁠⁠Lifeline⁠⁠ 24/7⁠ crisis hotline - 13 11 14. State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and each other! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
May 11, 2023
1 hr 5 min
26 | Kaitlyn's Story | Medication Abortion, Motherhood, Twin Pregnancy, D&C, Grief, Doula Work (VIC)
In episode 26, Kaitlyn sits down with Kelsey to share her story of medication abortion. There are lots of elements to her story, and she ended up having a D&C several weeks post her medication abortion for retained products. Thank you so much to Kaitlyn for sharing your story with us. ⁠Support the podcast⁠: ⁠⁠Lifeline⁠⁠ is always available if you find yourself in crisis - 13 11 14. State by state abortion support organisations: QLD - Children by Choice NSW - Family Planning NSW NT - Family Planning NT VIC - 1800 My Options SA - SHINE SA and Pregnancy Advisory Centre TAS - Family Planning Tasmania or Women's Health Tasmania If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can DM us on Instagram @australianabortionstories or send us an email via [email protected] Until next week, take care of yourselves and eachother! The music in this episode was written and recorded by Oliver Shute and Hugo Ludemann.
Apr 27, 2023
1 hr 10 min
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