This episode explores ways to approach "stranger danger." This is a term we've always heard, and as children, we probably internalized it as "If they look or act strange, they must be a stranger." Well......everyone we meet is a stranger, so.......? But tricky people? That's who we really need to teach our children about. Tricky people could literally be anyone, including a parent (which I forgot to mention in the episode #MomBrain). So, let's talk about how we can teach to identify those tricky people instead.
Nov 20, 2021
18 min
I think we have come to a time where we probably should explore our expectations for our children.
Oct 8, 2021
13 min
Currently, in our lives and in these times of information, we would think that information about different parenting styles would be something every parent would look into. Shockingly, a lot of people only know of 2 because of how we were raised (generally speaking). Either you're strict or your children are running over you and every other adult. I feel this point, we should really look at these parenting styles and really think deep about how we want to raise our children since so many people want to break generational curses. What you think?
Oct 1, 2021
27 min