Ask Dr. Drew
Ask Dr. Drew
Dr. Drew
Ask Dr. Drew
Dr. Drew
On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his studio in California. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. Produced by Kaleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
3 days ago
April 29
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