Jordan Cope
Jordan Cope
ON INDEFINITE HIATUS | Arcs is an actual-play Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition podcast, in which three unlikely comrades journey across the mystical realm of Thirithia in search of a famed relic! Pretty basic, right? Well, dear reader… That’s only the beginning. Featuring radio-style production, original music and a lightning pace, Arcs is the perfect show for anyone looking for a hearty sip of comedy, drama, intrigue, and sometimes a dog. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a total newbie to DnD, you’re sure to get wrapped up in Arcs’ world, its characters and their uncanny ability to almost always make the wrong decision. Join us every for a rip-roaring, spell-casting, drink-downing, chair-smashing, chuckle-having affair, replete with grins, tears and statistically-astounding dice rolls. Sometimes very bad rolls. … Usually very bad rolls. Created by Jordan Adika
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 13 days
Latest episode
5 years ago
August 3, 2019
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