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Welcome to episode 35 where we salute the "Global Accessibility Awareness Week."We showcase some of the apps that Google released during the "Global Accessibility Awareness Week"--Action Blocks, Sound Amplifier, Google Maps and "live Transcribe."Sound Amplifier is located at: "Live Transcribed is found at: "Action Blocks" can be found at: moved on to the "Tip of the week where I, Warren demonstrated how to download Dropbox content onto your SDCard and also demonstrated how to set the SDCard as the default location for downloads using the Chrome Dev.Nimer showed a tip on how to use an alias using Gmail as he also talked a little more about some of his observations with the Motorola Edge Plus.For questions, suggestions or concerns, please, contact us using our email address:[email protected] should you want to join out mailing list, all that needs happen is you sending a "join request" to:[email protected]