ANATAD Podcast is here to bridge the gap for blind users of technology.
At ANATAD Podcast, we aim to change people's perspective of Android usage by the blind and the visually impaired.
For too long, too many people have published misleading info about Android, leading unsuspecting blind and visually impaired people to the conclusion that Android isn't blind-friendly, thus, as a result, most blind people flock towards iOS and this is one of the reason that ANATAD Podcast is here to correct such a myth!
Take a trip with us as we show you what endless possibilities there are on Android, even for blind and visually impaired people!
Welcome to ANATAD Podcast!
Anatad stands for Android News, Apps, Talk, And Deals. Anatad started out as Antad, and. Antad started out as a mailing list of blind Google fanboys wishing to have a place to discuss anything without restrictions or limitations on what could be discussed. It has since grown into this podcast, as well as groups on Skype, Whattsapp, and Telegram.
If you have any questions or suggestions for future podcasts, please send an email to
[email protected]
If you would like to join the Anatad mailing list and community, please send an email to
[email protected]