Answer the Call with Emily Gallagher Podcast
Answer the Call with Emily Gallagher
Emily Gallagher
via Podcasts
Love Yourt Show Emily!
Hey Em! Thanks so much for having me as a Guest on your show - You have a FAB show with so much valuable advice in ALL Life areas! Keep up the great work in inspiring and educating your listeners in Conscious Success in Life & Love! In Light & Love, Coach Riana Milne
Thank you!
Loved this episode! Looking forward to future talks. Thank you 🙏🏻
liv mab
Worth every minute
A must listen for anyone going through change and needing to be reminded of what really matters. Subscribe now !
BTS episode
Loved loved this episode.. leap is my word for 2020
So good!!
Yes yes
I love listening in on the behind the scenes conversations. These are the conversations I crave to be having with women in my own life, so I love that I can listen in here and feel like I’m right there in the room. I love the real, open, honest topics. It feels so refreshing to hear about how these women are navigating things in real time and not waiting to share after they’ve overcome certain things, but being vulnerable and sharing the messy middle part of the journey. I can’t wait to hear more!!
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Refreshing and real
It’s hard to navigate the world of trying to create a life that is both fulfilling personally and also means something in the greater scheme. Emily manages to share strategies and inspiration to both make a difference and live your best life by answering the call in life and business. My new favorite podcast!
Fresh perspective on biz and self help
I’ve listened to a lot of the popular self-help and entrepreneurs pods because I love them, and Emily is bringing a fresh voice to a lot of important topics. She’s willing to share specific stories and honest perspectives and get the same from her guests - excited to listen to more of this show!
Emily Changes The Game
Emily has such a unique perspective and I love listening to her to create major change in my life and in my business. I know I’ll always leave with multiple nuggets!! Must Subscribe!!
Aly Wilkins
Everything about this is perfect, every single time! Motivating and inspirational and creative all in one. Addicted!✌🏼
Great insights for life and business
Highly recommend
Preston Smiles
Love this, refreshing and inspiring
Highly recommend
Love these!
I’ve had a sneak peak at some of these episodes and I love the candid conversations around calling, purpose and success- so many gems!