animal adventures from Amanda's farm Podcast

animal adventures from Amanda's farm

Amanda Ahorn
I'm Amanda Ahorn and I'm about to tell you a story. Having had a farm and horse farm for a few decades, I have a lot to share. For my friends, the animals and the people it is often not so easy to do everything right, but they always learn something for their lives. And every time they have learned something they feel happier. I wish the same for you!
14. Mack, the dog, is thinking
Woof, woof, woof, woof. "My goodness, do you really have to bark all the time?" asked Mona the pony. "Why the hell are you making such a racket???
Jun 27, 2021
6 min
13. Kalle has eaten too much
Kalle the pig had become really fat, he lay in the barn and whined and cried and grunted. "My belly, my poor belly, it hurts so much and it's all fat, full of air, I think I'm going to die" he wailed terribly as all the animals approached...
Jun 20, 2021
6 min
12. Filou, the rascal
Filou was locked in his box and didn't like it at all. The other ponies, old Laika and Mona were grazing in the meadow. Werner and Pia were in the big run. They also thought it was stupid not to be allowed to graze. Murkelinchen and Murkelino searched the stable for grains that had fallen out of the wheat straw. "There's so much to eat," Murkelinchen squealed, happy to see so much food. "Great ", snorted Filou...
May 23, 2021
6 min
11. Kalle can't sleep
Murkelini and Murkelino were sitting in the barn, nibbling on grains of wheat that had fallen out of a mountain of straw. "Isn't it a beautiful morning", Murkelino said, watching the sunrise in the sky. Light mist rose and the air was wonderful. Suddenly there was a noise...
May 16, 2021
6 min
10. Rudy in the chicken coop
Very carefully Rudy approached the chicken coop. "I think this is the place Daddy Murkel was talking about. "A nice place, because every now and then you can eat an egg, because it was left alone anyway and it doesn't belong to anybody else," thought Rudy and was about to lie down in the straw in the back corner when he suddenly heard a terrible screaming...
May 3, 2021
7 min
9. Rudy, the rat- I don't understand
Rudy was sitting in front of an emptied rubbish bin and gleefully ate a blue-green loaf of bread. "Add to that some green sausage, oh was life perfect", Rudy thought. Then he found some fluffy milk with a soft white fur on top. "How nice that people always leave something for me to eat, even if it sometimes tastes a bit harsh, but I don't have to go looking for it myself." Murkelino and Murkelini looked at this giant big mouse and saw what it was eating. "Come on..."
Apr 18, 2021
7 min
8. Ani and Anabell, the friendly goats
Ani and Annabell rushed around the yard, hopping on the table, jumping around the campfire stones, running to the straw, hopping in and out again. "Look Ani..."
Apr 11, 2021
6 min
7. Pia and Filou, the ponys
Murkelino and Murkelini had already learned a lot and observed a lot. They were always amazed at what there was to learn and how different the animals were. Murkelini said, "Everyone is unique in some way, whether they are loving or evil. "Yes", said Murkelino, "but I believe that everyone evil can also be loving and everyone who is loving can also be evil sometimes. Let's sneak into the yard and see what's there". They took each other by the paw and sneaked out of the nest, into the yard. "Oh, look..."
Apr 4, 2021
6 min
6. Adventure with Kalle
Getting to know Mack, the dog, was already very exciting and they had learned a lot by watching Mack. "I wonder if he was always like that", Murkelinchen wondered when Murkelino took her by the paw again and said, "Come on, let's go to the farm and see what else there is. Let's visit Steffi, she can tell us something". And poof, they were gone, sneaking from their nest, just under a beautiful rock, near the hazelnut bush, to the chicken coop. What is that horrible grunt?...
Mar 28, 2021
6 min
5. Visit to Mack
Murkelini and Murkelino had met Steffi. She was actually quite nice, but if you want to get her food without asking, it is stealing and she did not like that at all. The two had learned that if you ask Steffi, she is quite friendly and nice and happy to give something. That was good to know when times were bad. Steffi had talked about Mack, the dog. They wanted to have a look at him. He is supposed to be so mean.
Mar 23, 2021
6 min
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