Ancient Rome Refocused Podcast

Ancient Rome Refocused

Rob Cain
A comparison of the ancient world with modern society by Rob Cain.
Story Contest (S7)
Apr 6, 2024
3 min
Ancient Roman Girl Found!  Dead but Stunning. (Epi 41, S6)
A Halloween Special.  In 1485 workmen came across the body of a dead Ancient Roman girl in a sarcophagus.   The body was uncorrupted.  She was beautiful.  As you may guess this became a bit of a sensation in Rome.
Oct 31, 2023
19 min
Great Books of the Western World (Epi 40, S6)
Total playing time: 12 minutes. An original story written by Rob Cain. Narration by Skye Taylor Synopsis: Alice has a YouTube Channel called Alice through the Looking Glass.  In this episode she talks about how she became a classics major. She avoided telling her father, and one day her grandfather gives her the entire set of GREAT BOOKS OF THE WESTERN WORLD when she shared the news .   This sparks a conversation with Dad. Will Alice keep on the Appian Way or go back to Engineering School?  Great Books of the Western World is a cautionary tale about following your dreams.   Featuring the music GIVE ALL YOU GOT by Leroy Wild and the vocals of Noa Blu.
Oct 7, 2023
12 min
Bob Carr’s Excellent Adventure (Epi 39, S6)
Rob Cain interviews a Mr. Bob Carr who went down to Tikal in 1959 to assist in the surveying and mapping of this ancient site. Assisted by John Windmuller, Bob's son-in-law, Rob, John and Bob conduct a kitchen interview about his two years in the jungle. The mystery of what was termed an ARRIVAL BOWL is discussed near the end.
Oct 7, 2023
54 min
Frasier and the Witchery of Powerful Women (Epi 38, S6)
Rob Cain provides an Editorial on the beloved character of Lilith Sternin of the TV Show Frasier. Was Lilith just an ex-wive, or was she purposely created to take the attributes of a mythological character?
Oct 7, 2023
8 min
Indiana Jones and the Bull of Persepolis (Epi37, S6)
INDIANA JONES AND THE BULL OF PERSEPOLIS Rob Cain writes a love letter to a museum. The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures once known as the Oriental Museum is at the University of Chicago on the city's southside. If you visit take an uber to visit this unique museum that frankly looks like a set for the next Indiana Jones Movie. Don't waste time visiting the M@M store on Michigan Avenue. Take a real adventure and visit the past.
Oct 7, 2023
40 min
Forget Cleopatra.  Where’s my Queen Zenobia and Queen Amanirenas? (Epi 36, S6)
EDITORIAL Forget Cleopatra. Where's my Queen Zenobia and Queen Amanirenas? Rob Cain goes on a rant about the entertainment industry's continued fascination with Cleopatra VII. Typing out an article on his laptop while listening to Seraj Nebal, he puts forth his frustration while waiting for other movies to be made about other powerful women. Tell the story about Queen Zenobia! Tell the story about Queen Amanirenas! Forget Wakanda, and let's celebrate the people of the Kush.
Oct 7, 2023
9 min
Gladitorial Games at Starbucks (Epi 35, S6)
Gladiatorial Games at Starbucks 32:00 - 1:17 Introduction 1:17- 10:03 Matthew Leigh Embleton and the History of Latin, Pt. II 10:10 - 11:59 Rob Introduces an audio segment from the 1970s TV production THE PALLISERS. This is basically a dramatic scene within a courtroom that illustrates how Latin could be used for communication. 12:02 - 18:10 An Irishman on trial and saved by the use of Latin. 18:12 - 20:35 Rob discusses a European thought experiment to make Latin the language of the European Union. 20:36 - 28:23 A true story of a gladiatorial game in front of Starbucks.
Oct 7, 2023
28 min
Dinner with Stroud (Epi 34, S6)
A conversation with the historian Michael G. Stroud. Synopsis: Michael G. Stroud and Rob Cain discuss subjects as the nature of history and its study, the importance of context, and the history of Tudor and Roman Naval Sea Power.
Oct 7, 2023
45 min
The 12 Labors of Antony (Epi 33, S6)
The 12 Labors of Antony A Dramatic Narration in a 'What-if?' vein.  An original story by Rob Cain and performed by Jordan Harbour of Twilight Histories. Imagine Marc Antony going to a public relations firm for advice on how to win over the people of Rome in his war against Octavian. This story is about the Aequitas Publicae Negotium, a public relations corporation that provides him a communications plan to achieve his objectives. The story gives insight on how history could have been different with just a little bit of adjustment. Would Antony have taken the advice?
Oct 7, 2023
33 min
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