Analog Jones and the Temple of Film: VHS Podcast
Analog Jones and the Temple of Film: VHS Podcast
Stephen Bay
via Podcasts
Hey good job fellas!
^ what they said
man i love that sweet vhs nostalgia!
I love this show! Stephen and Matt are entertaining and informational. its just like being in highschool and haveing to listen to the A.V. club nerds in study hall when all you wanna do is not listen to the A.V. club.. but now you get to do it by choice cause youve made some weird life decisions and this is now where you are in life. But highly recommend this show!
Awesome show
Listening to the show each week is like hanging out at the video store and talking to the cool employees. The dudes that will not only make sure you've seen the classics, but also introduce you to your first Full Moon film. I love the format of the show especially when there are a ton of trailers! They do a great job of dropping behind the scenes facts while discussing the plot and I look forward to what will be going into their museum at the end of every episode. Stephen and Matt are two awesome, nostalgic, nerds that will make you want to run out and buy a VCR from the thrift store.
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“Gorilla girl wasted” is my new line
Congo episode is great! Steve and the Jersey Ghouls are hilarious. Love hearing some lady voices on the podcast!
Unpack your dusty box of nostalgia and laughs!
Although I have not seen or sometimes even heard of some of these movies, they are still great to listen to! It's nice to hear some like-minded nerds talk about the movies of my childhood and teen years. I love how they break down the box are, talk about the trailers, and eventually put something in "the museum" with a nod to their name sake. It all takes me back to family nights where we watched movies in the dark, covered up in blankets and devoured big bowls of homemade popcorn. Wethere they're tearing a movie apart or apprieciating how awesome a movie is, I'll continue to listen over and over again.
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Good stuff
Good stuff
Hilarious & Enlightening
Matt and Steve bring new angles to obscure movies I loved as a child, with some new gems thrown in there as well. These guys don’t step on toes, they step on necks.
Nostalgia for the win!
Makes me want to go digging in the attic to see if there are any lost VHS gems around. Totally want to watch some of these again.
Love VHS
Who doesn't remember watching these old tapes from the 80's and 90's? The content from the box art to the behind the scenes is top notch!
Cray Bay...