Alter Egos Podcast Podcast

Alter Egos Podcast

Alter Egos Podcast
Alter Egos is a showcase of characters and personalities that inspire, create, and influence. Hosted weekly by Lauren Tyler, Kayla Schill, Heidy Caruso, and Laura Nichols – Alter Egos will give you an in depth yet casual profile of prolific leaders, celebrities, musicians, and more with a whole lot of humor and wine.
Season 02 Episode 01 - 11.3.17 - The One With NaNoWriMo
It was November 1st — the first official day of NaNoWriMo and I didn't have an idea. Empty page, cursor idling and haunting me as the minutes ticked on. That was me two days ago. Struggling in the days leading up to National Novel Writing Month for some sort of story idea that I’d been harvesting and saving for this very moment. And then the panic started to set it knowing I already had a busy couple weeks coming up, which meant I was wondering how in the world was I going to fit in time to write 1,667 words each day for the next 30 days. On the first podcast of Season 2, we're mixing it up and I'm sharing my tips and tricks to get the most out of National Novel Writing Month, plus a sneak peak into changing things up this time around.
Nov 3, 2017
19 min
Season 01 Bonus Episode 01 - 6.6.17 - The One With the Reunion
This has been a long time coming and we have appreciated your patience as we've teased posting for weeks and weeks and weeks. But without further ado ... After we finished recording the official first season of Alter Egos, we missed everyone so much, that we called all the peeps back over for a little Sunday fun. There's really no format and no control when you have such great personalities together. So to make it short and sweet, get ready for some Carlo Rossi, #HoCo and high school politics, new ice cream, wine, champagne, all the new music we are crushing on, and even a live commercial we borrowed from SNL. You know how it goes when you get 8 people and a cat together. Fun for all! Now go enjoy yourself. Don't forget to leave us a review on Soundcloud and iTunes and follow us on instagram.
Jun 6, 2017
1 hr 2 min
Season 01 Episode 10 - 8.17.16 - The One With GND And The Schill
What happens when you put two girls, a live laugh track, no bake chocolate peanut butter cookies, beer, and no real game plan? Brilliance or a shit show? You get to decide. We got together for our "official" final episode of Season 1 to talk about what we love most about our beautiful city and state (Boise, Idaho), latest travels, great crushes, and a little sneak peak at what might else be in store before we launch season 2 this fall. Did we mention there are attempts, and fails, at accents and hashtags? If that doesn't give you a laugh then we definitely need to try harder. #idahome NOW ... we need a favor from you. Swing by iTunes or Soundcloud and leave us a review. We want to know what you think of our season 1 experiment and make sure we bring back more fun for you (maybe sooner than you expect).
Aug 17, 2016
1 hr 6 min
Season 01 Episode 09 - 8.10.16 - The One With the Decent Normal Mechanic
Need a lunchtime break? Now's your chance to catch up with the Alters as we invite another man into the midst. He's not afraid of showing his soft side or getting a little dirty. Please welcome ... TONY CARUSO ... the decent normal mechanic. And husband to our Heidabelle. Episode 9 is chocked full of goodies, extra crushing lists, a little "not so" newlywed game, and a session of creative cursing that even we decided to hold back from your ears (we do give you a little). If our little video is any indication of how the evening went, you're definitely in for a treat. Sit back in the sun, put in your buds, and enjoy a little lunch break. Did we mention we're on the home stretch to the Season 1 finish line?
Aug 10, 2016
1 hr 12 min
Season 01 Episode 08 - 8.3.16 - The One With the Girls
Are you ready for some good 'ole fashioned girl talk? Because we're back and now is your chance to get to know us all a little better. If you didn't realized how much we loved books before now, it will be very evident when we're finished. We dish on all our favorites - books, movies, music, vacation spots, curse words - and that's not even the crushing lists, which might be the best yet! So grab your cup of joe, turn it up, and enjoy the drive into work.
Aug 3, 2016
57 min
Season 01 Episode 07 - 7.27.16 - The One With Ronda Conger
What do truckers, red bull, new home construction, books, love, and being a better human have in common? RONDA "F'ING" CONGER! It may get a little hot in here, so make sure you have a frosty beverage and a fan as we dive into the life and love of published author, VP of the #1 homebuilder in Idaho, owner of a mining company, and more. We dug deep, laughed hard, and thoroughly enjoyed our hour with Ronda, who happens to be just as big of a reader as we are, so you know there is book talk involved. And maybe some wine. Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!
Jul 27, 2016
57 min
Season 01 Episode 06 - 7.20.16 - The One With a Boy
hat happens when you bring a boy into the library? It gets real. After much stalking, pleading, begging, and maybe some bribing, we managed to corral this week's guests in the library for a lot of acapela singing, music talk, and some healthy banter. Get some behind the scenes scoop from two members of the Big Wow Band, some life lessons, upcoming events, and more. If you haven't had a chance to see these two live, now is the time to set up your next date night. And if we're really lucky, an encore performance will be coming soon.
Jul 20, 2016
51 min
Season 01 Episode 05 - 7.13.16 - The Real First Episode
It's time to go back in time a few months when this whole crazy idea started, and we got together for the first time to make sure we actually had anything to say. If there was any way to blend together Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, Girls, Kevin Hall, Walt Disney, socks, and accents, we definitely made it happen. The crushing list is out of the world and full of variety for you this week. One thing we learned, some things never change, some topics stay relevant, and there's always a good reminder of something amazing you have yet to check off the list. Get excited!
Jul 13, 2016
41 min
Season 01 Episode 04 - 7.6.16 - The One with Steph Sorensen
Every day and moment is a party when you have Steph Sorensen in the house! Owner, creator, color coordinator, wife, mother, and more, Steph launched her party planning business, Sending You a Party, to make all your party planning simpler. Join us for some good 'ole girl's night fun where we swing from Fixer Upper, Vanderpump Rules, Party Power Sculpt (you need to check it out), and the ever popular Fitbit. Did we mention, it wouldn't be an Alter Ego evening without a long list of books you must read this summer? Get a sneak peak of our official Alter Ego Summer Reading List. And just for you - enter the promo code AlterEgo at check out to get 15% off your Sending You a Party online order! Find Steph and Sending You a Party at ... Facebook :: Instagram :: @sendingyouaparty Website :: Find the Alters on Instagram at ... Lauren :: @blondierocket Kayla :: @jamesoncash Laura :: @lauranichols05 Heidy :: @heidabelle Alter Egos :: @alteregospodcast
Jul 6, 2016
58 min
Season 01 Episode 03 - 6.29.16 - The One with Erin Guerricabeitia
Erin Guerricabeitia is the Executive Director for Boise Urban Garden School (B.U.G.S.), Program Coordinator for the City of Boise, wife, mother, and NOW an official Ted Talker, to name a few. Listen to learn more about cultivating healthy eating habits for kids, growing your own garden, diving into a challenge head first, following your passion, and empowering our kids to follow their dreams.
Jun 29, 2016
1 hr 11 min
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