ALLWays Another Way Podcast
ALLWays Another Way
Marina Sbrochi
ALLWays Another Way
Marina Sbrochi
ALLWAYS ANOTHER WAY PODCAST is for out of the box thinkers and for those that hear the call of HOPE in Always Another Way. Inspiring stories of game changers and people that have overcome odds. Business and negotiation skills, health, fitness, mental health, suicide, addictions, yoga, astrology and so much more. THERE IS ALWAYS ANOTHER WAY -- do to things. I would appreciate your support in a variety of ways -- subscribing and rating being fast and free! Want to buy me a coffee? Something more? I am appreciative. Donate Here --- Marina talks to game changers in the mind/body/spirit/education space. You'll hear from neuroscientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs and more. We talk about psilocybin for depression, acupuncture, revisioning, network spinal analysis, ecstatic dance, traditional Chinese medicine, diabetes, dating, divorce, science of resilience, social justice issues, domestic violence, cancer, death, veterans homeless issues, the zendo project and more! Bonus -Hypnosis and Guided Meditation tracks. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. Do not listen to hypnosis recordings while driving. Hypnosis allows the conscious mind to take a back seat and let the unconscious mind take control and be an agent for change. Just like the time you stopped getting in your own way and made positive changes in your life. Marina has a Masters in Professional Counseling. She is the IPPY Award winning author of Stop Looking for a Husband: Find the Love of Your Life and Nasty Divorce: A Kid's Eye View. She is trained in clinical hypnosis. She has always been a challenger of authority. Phoenix * Marina Sbrochi MA Professional Counseling IPPY Award winning author Allways Another Way podcast Find Allways Another Way Podcast on iTunes and subscribe and rate! I appreciate all of your support and sharing!
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Typical release rate
± 94 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
January 24, 2023
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