All Things Video Games Podcast

All Things Video Games

Aaron Patterson
I just wanted to start a podcast about all things video games. Video games are a big part of my life. I stream, it helps me connect with friends and they're just all around fun to play! I want to talk some controversy, positives and negatives around playing video games, watching video games and try to keep up with all the gaming news needed to help all you gamers out there. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the talks! Join the Discord to ask questions for the show!
Trailer - Welcome to ATVG
A trailer for a podcast. I never thought I'd be starting one of these any time soon, but hey, there's no better time than the present! In this trailer, I just explain what's to be expected in the future for the podcast and the topics I'd like to discuss. Also, the discord link SHOULD be posted within the description, but I'll also post it here as well (and to all future episodes as well) Stay safe and we'll see ya, gamers. DISCORD INVITE LINK:
May 21, 2020
1 min