All Sides with Anna Staver
All Sides with Anna Staver
WOSU Public Media
via Podcasts
Consistent relevant quality and quality info
Anna and the WOSU team do an incredible job informing Ohioans on what is important to us. There are consistently really interesting guests that Anna asks great questions to make sure we get the most out of the hour. Whether its whats going on at the statehouse/ohio supreme court, new technology’s usefulness/benefits/or dangers, the protests on college campuses, or tips on health/personal finance, you’ll learn about all the things you didn’t even know you wanted to.
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Waiting for it to get better.
I used to listen to this show everyday. Now maybe a hr a day if I can get through it. Shows come and go I guess.
A great show! Ann will be missed!
All Sides with Ann Fisher was the first NPR show I got hooked on back in 2015. Because of this, I became a member of WOSU. Ann’s shows—particularly the weekly reporter roundtable and conversations with Ken Rudin were deeply informative. I also always looked forward to Tech Tuesdays and Wellness Wednesdays. Ann said on her last show that All Sides will go on and I’m sure it will continue to be successful, but we will definitely miss Ann. I listened to almost every episode since 2015 and her warmth and inquisitive approach to both local and national topics really helped me to understand so many different things. Good luck, Ann, on your future! You will be missed!!! Thanks for being such a engaged member of the Columbus community. Enjoy your retirement!
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Love this podcast!
Informed interviews and discussions on many topics. Always learn something!
Love this show
I listen to all sides with Anne fisher to stay informed. Traditional news outlets push out content that can be so negative. I appreciate the balanced way topics are discussed on Anne’s show. I also learn a lot and love the opportunity to learn about cool things happening in and around Columbus. Keep up the good work!
short but mighty
A very good podcast!
Very informative. I enjoy the statehouse round up episodes the most.
This Show is a Favorite
It is quite refreshing to have such an incredible show for our local community. Many of the topics also are of national interest. The show is thoughtful and informative and hopefully an inspiration to its listeners to be engaged!
Not updating in iTunes anymore
What happened? This podcast hasn't updated in weeks
Great local show
What a pleasure it is to listen to this show. Anne is an excellent host asking relevant and insightful questions while also being very down to earth. I also appreciate all the local stories such as those on the Columbus commons, scioto mile, etc. On a recent show on COTA, I was hoping for a longer segment as I was hoping to hear more on a transit terminal. My only beef is that the sound level is low compared to other podcasts. I always have to turn up the volume when I listen to all sides. Otherwise, thank you for a great show!
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Very Nice
I'm so glad for WOSU and all of it's lovely programming. I can't stand T.V. news. The celebrity gossip, yelling and silly sophomoric atittude that all of these major T.V. stations have is too much for me. I like just having the (real) news delivered to me in a balanced and well mannered way. Thank you very much WOSU, stay classy :)
Great Addition to NPR Line Up!
All Sides' Ann Fisher helps her audience take an insightful look at the pressing issues of the day! What a great addition to the airwaves!
Fred Anderle
Fred is such a great asset to our community and will be sorely missed when he "retires" from Open Line. I hope he'll continue to return occassionally and "WOW" us again with his wit, style, and grace.
Intelligent - a treasure of Columbus
Fred Andrle is a true treasure of Columbus. I tell people frequently how lucky we are, as a medium-sized city, to have such an intelligent, balanced talk show with excellent guests of national- and even world-stature. Great!
Thoughtful, insightful, and intelligent
Fred Andrle is a thoughtful, insightful moderator who knows how to keep a debate show interesting without digressing into the theater that takes place on shows like Hannity or Franken. Andrele often seems to play devils advocate to try to explore an issue from every angle. He is always composed, but never dull. The show restores dignity to a genre that has unfortunately fallen into the hands of the polarizing pundits. I also enjoy that he is not afraid to talk about the arts, be it reading poetry, or talking about what artists or musicians are visiting Columbus. I am graduating from college soon and will be moving away from Columbus, but I will surely continue to listen to Andrele when I am not in the Columbus area.
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