This week I have a quick rant about why I love the trending and award-winning show "Love on the Spectrum" and discuss why representation of everyone in media is SO important.
Dec 14, 2021
16 min
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen had some very astute insights into the human condition. Whether you're a diehard fan or you've never read a page of her books in your life, you'll gain some useful lessons from this week's look at how a beloved story of fictional characters from hundreds of years ago can teach us what to do - and what not to do - to support balanced mental health.
Dec 5, 2021
24 min
Unpopular opinion: technology can be really good for mental health. Often we hear about the harm it can do (and yes, I will admit there is a lot of harm it can do) - but there's more than one side to the story, and it's vastly under-discussed. This week, I give a number of highly practical suggestions for how to take control of technology and use it in aid of your mental health.
Nov 24, 2021
39 min
This week I discuss what "mental health" actually means; warning phrases that can foreshadow the brewing of a future mental health concern; and why common suggestions for boredom cures can be so annoying. I also explain the universal appeal of the "life-changing solution" and propose a useful exercise to figure out which needs are really driving your decisions.
Nov 15, 2021
14 min
Welcome to the first episode! This week I explain why we all need to be talking about mental health even when there's no "crisis"; how addressing issues is not just about seeking happiness; and the unexpected benefit of memes for mental health.
Nov 8, 2021
15 min