All In with Chris Hayes
All In with Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes, MSNBC
via Podcasts
Love the “Are you better off…series”
The “Are you better off than you were four years ago” series is perfection! Also, Jasmine Crockett should be platformed whenever, wherever possible! Keep up the great work Chris. P.s. Jen Psaki seems nice and well intentioned but is soooo boring, give Monday nights back to Chris!
Please!!!!!!! Tell Chris to shut up and stop interrupting his guests.
This show brings in too many pro-progressive policies that have destroyed the entire West Coast and nose-dived the states into drugs, Cartels, gangs, and violent crime. Furthermore, laughing when serious things happen legally to a former President sounds divisive and immature. I wish MSNBC would revamp its lineup and get more moderate hosts like Nicole and Lawrence. They show maturity, and her show isn't the cookie-cutter show, nor is Lawrence’s, of each of the previous shows, which makes Nicole's show exciting, and I look forward to hearing her show. Get rid of Ari, Chris, and the new commentators. Keep Rachel, Lawerence, and Nicole.
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mary mccord
omg mary mccord is so gullible. she thinks cannon is allowing amici because of cannon’s lack of experience. wake up pollyanna mccord. cannon is being steered by federalist attorneys. this isn’t inexperience. i am sorry you think at this point she still has unbias actions, like i said, for all your legal experience you cannot read people.
Dismantle the FBI?
I love this show! Chris, are Republicans planning to dismantle the FBI? When Russian and Chinese state-sponsored hackers are constantly attacking our electronic infrastructure? When international corporate criminals regularly attempt to hold US company data hostage for millions? Republicans are going to destroy a government that keeps us safe! The Dems must win, or we are at risk! Chris, Thank you and your team for your fantastic journalism.
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Good show but..
Stop the yelling!
Long overdue for change
We have had 9 Supreme Court justices since 1869. Population was 35 million then and now 350 million and makeup has changed dramatically. The court is way out of step with current beliefs and will stay that way with only nine members. We need 25 to 50 to get a good cross section of the population but even 15 to 20 would help. Time for congress to do something and for Biden to wake up.
Stopped listening - too one sided
I agree with most perspectives and believe the content to be truthful. However, the content shared and perspectives are way too narrow. I felt like I was being preached at not informed. I don’t like hearing perspectives and news I don’t agree with or makes me uncomfortable but I consider that necessary to learning and understanding what is happening in our country/ world now. You seem like a very smart person. I hope you embrace a more balanced approach in the future.
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Love Chris..
But Alex Wagner’s vocal fry “Kardashian” voice makes me recoil
desperately single
Chris has the best guests…
His “why is this happening podcast” is great. Deep dives into subjects that are happening now. With guests that know their subjects intimately. Thanks Chris.
Please Upload Sooner
Love the show and really enjoy when it's posted the same night so I can listen as I wind down for bedtime. That's my only complaint.
MD Chi
Trump’s destruction of abortion rights in America
Thank you so much for highlighting the way Trump destroyed women’s reproductive autonomy. The blame needs to be laid directly with him. We cannot forget when we go to the polls to vote. The idea that he could become president once again is horrific.
I’ve been a listener of Chris Hayes not only on this show but his why is this happening podcast. I find Chris to be intelligent, well prepared, insightful, and has a sense of humor. Always an outstanding show!!
Great Show
Love Chris! Informative show and I especially love his honesty about the former guy🤡
Jesus F. Christo
Never condescending
Chris Hayes comes across as an honest host, doing his best to present and analyze what’s going on.
Not Much for Games but
Excellent Journalist
My second favorite MSNBC host, next to the awesome Lawrence O’Donnell. I love how you voice your indignation while reporting the corruption so prevalent in Congress.
Trump is a danger
Thank you Chris- you’ve been right all along. Democrats have to be serious or we’ll lose our democracy
Love Chis! 💙💙💙🔥🔥🔥
When I cannot watch. I can listen. Great guests.Brilliant takes and knowledge. Bravo 👏 it is a podcast of his show !
Heh heh
Very informative but don’t understand why Chris does his heh heh laughter at inappropriate times
Avid listener 227
He serves his masters just like all his peers. Question who you allow in your ears.
B Team
What happened to the consistent release time of this podcast? Is the B Team now in charge??
Episodes not posted
MSNBC is a major network. Why aren’t Chris’s podcasts posted promptly and reliably? I noticed that others reviewers have made the same complaint but it’s only getting worse. Should we all unsubscribe to see if it gets someone’s attention?
Tilted the wrong way
Podcast lag time
What is up with the lag time in dropping MSNBC prime time podcasts? In this rapid-fire news environment, last night’s news will be passé in 24 hours. Last dropped podcast was 4 days ago.
My favorite podcast
I am concerned about my favorite podcast being replaced so often by other pundits. Please stop doing that.
Wood Rat
Does any work at msnbc?
Of course the ratings are low and will plummet given most of the crew works 1 to 4 days/week!
Patronizing dork
Chris Hayes
This man has a face made for radio, get off TV.
Ashi from monsey
Where are the fantastic podcasts? Please post.
Debbie in AZ
why no Wednesday shows
At first this was a problem on Fridays and now the last two Wednesday shows are not here. Frustrating. I love the show or else I would have quit in frustration a while ago. Is this more complicated than it seems?
this is michelle
Friday show not being uploaded to pod channel
Are Friday shows not uploaded to your pod? Cannot find this info anywhere. Love the show and cannot wait for the one that will not be named is no longer a story to be told or warned about.
Thank you for pushing back on the Israeli “justice” minister
Chris, as a Jewish woman, I say thank you, thank you, thank you for exposing her obfuscation , lies and absolute obvious racism against Palestinians, especially the children. I appreciate the strength with which you met her audacity to portray Israel’s objectives as somehow just righteous or humane.
Ugly Chugley
Like the in-studio
On the live audience shows , Chris constantly says ‘right?’ or ‘ok?’ Very annoying. He is better on the teleprompter. And wish he would stop yelling
”THAT DOES IT FOR ALL IN” needs to go!!! It’s so jarring, and it’s always bookending something really upsetting. News doesn’t need to end in a jumpscare, people
Great show
Great show, I enjoyed it
Good Job
Thanks again Chris
Great Content But…….
Always enjoy the show, I listen in the morning due to my schedule. However the uploads are spotty at best, never know if it’s going to be there or not.
Good monotor and App
Hi Chris, I enjoy your podcast. I have one important criticism - Please stop interrupting your guests on their finishing sentences. This cuts them off and I miss their point. This habit is very irritating and degrades your guests contribution!
Maybe slow down, Cowboy
Instead of jumping over the invited guest experts, maybe let them say whole sentences rather than interrupting.
Run to the Right
Have you considered those who are verbally running to the Right are purposely propping Trump up to be more moderate. They already realise they won’t win the primary soo Let’s make sure Trump wins the general
Excellent reporting ...
I listen to your podcast frequently, and used to watch your show when I had cable. I fear mainstream media is reverting to a 2016 style of election coverage, repeating talking points like they are fact. I hope that isn't happening to your show. When will mainstream reporting get realistic about this Documents case? I hear lots of jokes and outrage that the criminal defendant is so crazy (writes shopping lists on TS docs), but do you really believe it's only because he is crazy? He has been taught about plausible deniability and he knows about special structures for viewing top secret documents (he had one at mar a logo). His only skill is propaganda, and he uses it to divert attention away from his nefarious actions and intentions. Why is vlad coyly praising him? Does anyone truly believe he has not shown any documents to russian, saudi governments? Where did jared get $2Billion? Does anyone consider that he was deleting records of his wrong doing, QUanon at the White House, russians in the oval office, vlad praising him (probably has more documents under his pillow or in the cloud)?
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The instacart shoprote ads are absolutely awful!!!! Please rotate your advertising . It’s terrible
cet blaine
His name is Raffensperger not Berger there’s no B in his name
Please stop saying right
Yes … Let’s televise Trump’s Trial
I agree with House Democrats that Trump trial should be televised, that way the public can how corrupt the Democratic Party is much like the Communist Party in China. What’s going to happen when Trump attorneys call people up to testify and those people have to put their hand on a bible ? Are these people going to lie to keep the truth from being exposed about how the 2020 election wasn’t stolen ( It was stolen and anyone with a functioning brain can see that Biden didn’t get all those votes. Just look at his approval rating , they say he got more votes than Obama . ) Then this leads us the 1/6 . Why did Nancy Pelosi not include the acting Capitol Police chief for all the intelligence that they leading up to 1/6 ? Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the National Guard that Donald Trump requested ? Why didn’t they let Trumps video of him calling for people to leave the capitol ? Why didn’t Jack Smith play the video of Trump telling his supporters to protest peacefully and patriotically? These question all will be and should answered in a publicly televised trial. Buckle up commies the truth is going to come out and we don’t want to be friends with people that have destroyed this country with your open borders policy and your support of non winnable war in Ukraine.
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Love the series, hate the voice on commercials
I enjoy being informed on the day's news and Chris tells it in such an entertaining way. But one of the women's voices in the commercial breaks makes me run to my phone to advance through them. Please, make it stop. The advertisers pay a pretty penny to get their product noticed. I'm beyond noticing.
Mostly old news, repurposed, every night.
Cover more stories. There is so much overlap btwn the news hours that it’s largely redundant. Please stop repackaging commentary as if you need to spend the majority of the hour providing context for the day’s news. We know. We watched/listened last night. And the night before. It’s a waste of time to keep listening, so I’ve unfollowed. Producers: do more with the hour and connect with colleagues to address redundancy btwn hours. Less outrage commentary and cover more important news stories. You have the resources to do more news. I love Chris Hayes, but will just listen to Why Is This Happening? — which covers interesting and important stories that don’t get enough coverage elsewhere in a way where I actually learn something new and useful that informs my citizenry with each listen. THAT is the kind of journalism we need more of, MSNBC.
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Love this, except for one thing…
The music between topics and segments is way too loud and it’s not very good either. Other than that, I really love this show. Please fix the music! Sarcastic and biting yet uplifting. Extremely clever. Timing is impeccable. Forever Hayeser!
The only way I could see the picture is by looking in
What are the odds of you being in a relationship that is going on in the next few months that you’re not in the same situation that you
You are corrupt
How amazing is this, zero problem accusing others of exactly what they are doing currently and what they have been doing for years!! Lol trump lost fair huh? Will all the crooked media reporting lies and never admitting it! Just move on. The words coming out your mouth make me sick. Lol you guys have all cronies and loyalist cause that’s exactly what you do!! But it’s ok if you do it. You ALL need to removed from office and speaking. So one sided, have any of you looked in the mirror?? Have ever written down what you do verse others and see who is worse? Oh but we love all the criminals crossing boarder with zero reporting. We love more the interest rates we are now paying. But you all don’t care about us never will only yourself and more power. Pathetic, how do you sleep at night .
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Chris now a lovable Podacst
I record Chris daily & now I can enjoy him “on the Road” & ad free. Thanks Chris & MSNBC. It would be great if you & Rachel did a podcast about this current political culture/climate. Juicy topic.
Not funny
These times are not funny & your laughing in almost all your presentation is irritating. Also, please stop interrupting your guests. Stop laughing
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