All About Symbian Podcast Podcast

All About Symbian Podcast

All About Symbian
News and views on Symbian phones (smartphones - S60 and UIQ) from the AAS Team.
AAWP Insight #201: Steve Litchfield - Origins part 2
In AAWP Insight #201, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we continue the Steve Litchfield 'origins' story (following Rafe's own Origins tale on the 361 Degrees podcast). This time we (mainly) cover the post-millennium years. This includes the All About era, Steve's database efforts (from Trivopaedia to a UK Pocket Directory), early device reviews and content, and the switch from Symbian to Windows Phone.
Dec 13, 2016
55 min
AAWP Insight #200: Steve Litchfield - Origins part 1
In AAWP Insight #200, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we celebrate our 200th podcast by tackling (the much teased) Steve Litchfield 'origins' story (following Rafe's own Origins tale on the 361 Degrees podcast). We cover the early years (adventures in aerospace), the rise of Psion and the 3-Lib shareware library, Steve's app development efforts (from golf to GIS), the dawn of connected PDAs, and the beginning of the Symbian era.
Dec 7, 2016
50 min
All About sites podcast special: Damian Dinning - smartphones and imaging
Apologies for the break in your normal run of podcasts with Rafe, but the chance arose to sit down with Damian Dinning, ex-Nokia and its head of imaging for years, the guy (with his team, of course) behind classics like the Nokia N73, N90, N93, N95, N82, N86, N8, 808 PureView and, of course, the Lumia 1020. The chat was in a quietish pub and is hopefully very listenable - the content is about 60% Windows Phone-related, 30% Symbian-related and 10% generic, but there's plenty here of interest to all readers/listeners, I think.
Nov 7, 2014
47 min
AAS Insight #248: The Last One
The end of an era? Rafe and I record the last ever All About Symbian Insight podcast. No, the site's not going away, but after an absence of over six months, we felt it appropriate to at least draw a line under the Symbian-centric podcasts. And we go out with an hour-long bang, with a heady mix of news, retrospective and our picks of our favourite Symbian devices.... ever.
Nov 3, 2014
53 min
AAS Insight #247: AppList in beta
In All About Symbian Insight 247, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we start by talking about the return of Nokia's Public Transport app, updates to the cuteTube and F1uptodate apps, an alternative curated Symbian apps and games directory, and Skype on Symbian officially being "removed". However, the highlight of the podcast is a discussion around AppList, an alternative app store for Symbian devices, which became available as an open beta a few days ago.
Mar 14, 2014
29 min
AAS Insight #246: AppList and three years on
In All About Symbian Insight 246, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we start by reviewing the state of Symbian with regard to signing, which leads to news of the forthcoming curated on-device app store AppList. Other topics covered in the podcast include Delight custom firmware releases for the Nokia E7 and X7, and a discussion around the three year anniversary of the February 11th announcement.
Feb 12, 2014
38 min
AAS Insight #245: Nokia Store and app updates
In All About Symbian Insight 245, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we start by talking about the state of Symbian app updates in the context of the freezing of Symbian content in the Nokia Store. Other topics covered in the podcast include a Nokia 808 versus Lumia 1020 (with Lumia Black) comparison, weather widgets on the Symbian homescreen, Delight custom firmware, Swype, and more.
Jan 7, 2014
39 min
AAS Insight #244: A changing world
In All About Symbian Insight 244, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we start by apologising for the longer than expected gap between podcasts, before moving on to chat about the status of the Symbian app ecosystem and Symbian devices in general. We also discuss the practicalities of using a Symbian device as a backup smartphone (watch out for SIM card sizes) and Steve offers some details on the Delight custom firmwares.
Dec 8, 2013
35 min
AAS Insight #243: Nokia Store and January 1st
In All About Symbian Insight 243, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we talk about the news that from January 1st 2014 no new Symbian content will be accepted in the Nokia Store. We consider the timing, implications, and possible solutions, with particular reference to application updates. In the back half of the podcast we offer some further comparison of Nokia two imaging heavyweights, the Nokia 808 PureView and the Nokia Lumia 1020.
Oct 7, 2013
41 min
AAS Insight #242: Future Symbian support
In All About Symbian Insight 242, hosted by Steve and Rafe, we talk about the future of Symbian support, especially in the light of the proposed acquisition of Nokia's Devices & Services business by Microsoft. We touch upon software updates, app updates, service availability, component supply (for repair), and more. In the second half of the podcast, we round up various news items including the removal of App Wizard apps from Nokia Store, the EasyStreetView app, the MusicKloud app, ThemeBox, and the Nokia DC-19 accessory.
Sep 20, 2013
49 min
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