Alireza Kohany Best Remix - Podcast
Alireza Kohany Best Remix - Podcast
Alireza Kohany
Alireza Kohany Best Remix - Podcast
Alireza Kohany
Alireza Kohany (Persian: علیرضا کهنی) is a successful, talented Musician (Singer and DJ) and Producer who is pursuing his dreams and achieve his goals by his latest style. He is also an Iranian Public Figure Artist; Fashion Model and Actor, Instagram Star, Entrepreneur and Influencer; He was Born in 18 June 1993 in Tehran, Iran. His journey started at a very young age, followed by producing his first ever music podcast at the age of 15, Finally Alireza decided to move to Turkey, where his career took off and he had the chance to get introduced to famous DJ's and Producers. In 2018, he finally found the sound that he was looking for so long and officially started his music style. He takes pride in the fact that he can communicate with people on a spiritual level as soon as one of his podcast are played and that is the thing that makes him stand out in the ever saturated crowd of DJ's. He has managed to attract many fans in social media; He has accumulated over 700 thousand followers...
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 9 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
July 1, 2021
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