Aliens & Artists
Aliens & Artists
via Podcasts
Please come back to earth
A tangibly terrific show… however where did you go? John Perretti
A must
If you listen to one show about Extra Terrestial anything, listen to this one.
F'kn A 5 stars all the way!!
one of a kind show and the leader in it's field. Thanks homie!!
Chaz Duga
Perhaps my all time favorite!
If the title appeals to you at all- This is a great night time listen, and I find myself listening again, if I had fallen asleep to the smooth sound of Stuart’s speaking. A serious effort with humor interjected sporadically as well as original music.
nickname jay kay, ok
Excellent show
What a great show. It has really made me think differently about my intersecting identities as a luthier and psychologist. Thank you.
Great Entertainment
Writing this just to say that even if you’re a hardcore skeptic, this is a great listen. I didn’t understand “Truth is stranger than fiction” until I listened to this show. These are compelling stories, period. Stuart does a great job of presenting them as well. Kudos!
I am so happy to have this in my podcast rotation. I am typically not the type to pay for additional content but this is one paywall I smashed to pieces to not miss an episode. Also check out Stuart’s music, I recommend Universal Communion or Transpersonal Cowboy.✌️
At the leading edge of consciousness and creativity. This podcast is an absolute gem.
Ep 51 Leslie Kean
Wow what a strange interview. I still don’t understand why Kean avoids saying she and Hopkins were lovers. Kindof weird. Then the emotional immaturity of describing how Hopkins died. Shows how effed up this culture is. Have never hunted for food. Never been on a farm. Never been around aged ppl. Never “seen” death until a middle aged woman. All kindof weird.
other brother darryl
Good Podcast but ease back?...
In-depth on the phenomenon and decent commentary overall... Seriously, some advice for the show host to please stop asking five minute long questions of your guests? Long winded in the vernacular is what you bring to your podcast.
Anonymous E Part Three
have read many accounts of the insectoid beings; the idea of our consciousness can be manipulated, taken from us, stored somewhere at the will of another being is confusing and a bit terrifying. I think many of your listeners/participants would agree we would like to see our last life on this planet but is the theory of earth as a "prison planet" and consciousness can be captured in this density a threat to our ascension abilities? Love love this podcast. Always quality every time.
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A brilliant mind in action
Since I haven’t seen anyone else mentioned this particular point, I will. Stuart’s narrative capacity is brilliant. He apparently thinks, and is capable of speaking, in paragraph-long, coherent, sigilistic prose. His mind integrates numerous relevant points and details, and somehow fits them together into utterances that seem to have been carefully crafted in advance. Pay attention to the conversations. Gradually you will realize that the man is doing this extemporaneously. Strange and wonderful. Other than this, what everyone else says is true. This podcast is food for the mind and soul.
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Ennes Tee
One of the Best
Whether one’s interest are in spirituality, aliens, or deeper levels of consciousness, this podcast has some of the most interesting and profound guests. Plus, Stuart is himself both smart and profound and asks the right questions. I just recently discovered “Aliens and Artists,” and it immediately became a favorite. I have enjoyed listening to all of them, and eagerly await continuing content. Major thumbs up!
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The truth is inside-out there
First heard Stuart on the Self Portraits As Other People podcast. A&A features great level-headed explorations of topsy-turvy territories, tethering wayward woo in terrestrial talkativity. Stuart’s down-to-earth tonality stewards the listener through a creative cosmos where artists and aliens play proverbial frisbee with unidentified flying ontologies.
Refreshing perspectives
I appreciate the thoughtfulness of Stuart and his guests. My favorite podcast on these topics.
Not the same old stuff
Very interesting shows and a way different perspective to what the other guys are all doing Craig Lefebvre Author of The Vessel of One
craig lefebvre