Ain't Slayed Nobody
Ain't Slayed Nobody
Push the Roll LLC
Y'all of Cthulhu (NP) 9/21 - House Call
1 hour 5 minutes Posted Sep 1, 2020 at 11:31 am.
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This month on Ain't Slayed Nobody: rested but reeling from the terrible nightmares plaguing them, Sheriff Ellie and her posse begin to investigate the "definitely not haunted" Prestwick House in Las Cruces. Familiar names and unfamiliar horrors await them in the dark, and no one knows if they will all live to see the light of day. What new cosmic horrors lurk in this quest? How is the party not out of Luck yet? And will the party's past finally catch up to them? Only time will tell, as we continue down darker trails.