Feelings are inevitable because they are a part of our design. Although we must be aware the enemy often uses them as weapons against ourselves. Nevertheless, God equips us to overcome the weapon of our feelings through His word. Therefore it is imperative that we prioritize pursuing a personal relationship with God to combat this. We were all created with a purpose. It’s up to all of us to advance the Kingdom of God together. *Excuse the audio, the microphone was connected elsewhere. Nevertheless God still spoke and I pray that y’all get the word.*
Dec 5, 2023
40 min

This episode highlights the many tests of faith that we endure! All that we encounter in this life is for a greater purpose! The God that we serve is so intentional. Faith is not intended to be viewed on a surface level. It’s a lifestyle. Join us as we unpack our personal faith walks, diving deeper into the word, and more! Above all else, everything circles back to Christ! Hold on, be steadfast, greater is coming! 🙌🏾 (IG: @andthabeepodcast)
Nov 13, 2023
1 hr 48 min

In this season, we’re partnering with God to navigate the issues of the heart. One thing I really do love about God is that He is solution oriented. Before sin entered the world, God already established His plan for a solution (His son Jesus). I’ve been partnering with God to uproot the thought processes and patterns that stem from the insecure attachment style. This attachment style is more common than you think. I know firsthand what it is like to have challenges navigating relationships with others. Nomatter what your current attachment style is, know that the most security is found in Jesus. I’m partnering with God to learn what the secure attachment style is and it’s imperative that you all do the same! ❤️
Sep 28, 2023
41 min

I asked in Season 4, Episode 2 - which one is worse, barring bad fruit or being barren? God gave me clarity and I felt that it was important to share what He showed me in scripture.
Sep 27, 2023
6 min

Avoidant attachment styles are plaguing the body of Christ. This attachment style is producing the fruit of stagnation. It inhibits our spiritual growth and hinders our ability to be with intimate God. In this episode we dive deep into uprooting the patterns that have inflicted our hearts and minds. These patterns interfere with the nature of our spiritual gardens. You don’t want to miss this outpouring from God! Follow us on Instagram @andthabeepodcast! Follow our special guest, Amber’s IG @aservantofchrist25.
Sep 9, 2023
1 hr 18 min

This episode unpacks navigating the issues of our heart. In this episode we examine the life of Hannah (1 Samuel Chapter 1). We also go through what’s it’s like to endure hardships the challenge of seeking God during those times. Don’t hesitate to follow us on Instagram @andthabeepodcast to stay posted on episode releases!
Aug 21, 2023
1 hr 3 min

Come join me as I reflect on this season of my life. Learning how to walk by faith, release burdens and trusting God in a new way. This is a mini-segment. A new episode will be released soon! God bless y’all! Instagram: @andthabeepodcast
Aug 12, 2023
20 min

Our lifes circumstances aren’t ideal at times. Many of us wonder why we endured hardships or why our lives may have been more challenging than others. Understand that God’s chosen sometimes endure the unexplainable but His hand is upon you. Tune is as I share my personal testimony and explore the life of Joseph. God bless you! ❤️
Jun 16, 2023
49 min

Transformative processes are seen throughout the Bible. A major one is Saul’s transformation to the Apostle Paul. God is requiring many of us to endure the transformative process of growth at this time. Sometimes we wonder why but why not you? The act of love that Jesus displayed for us on the cross is worth the uncomfortable of growth you’re enduring! It’s all for your good so press through and trust God!
May 5, 2023
46 min

The world is sick and in need of healing. A lot of the time we make the mistake of self medicating. We have no need for that when everything we could ever need is found in Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection sealed the deal for us. As we accept Him into our lives we take on the responsibility of continuing the His legacy. We are one body. We all have a function. It’s time for us to seek God about the legacy He wants us to leave in order to advance the Kingdom of God.
Apr 15, 2023
54 min
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