Agile Life Podcast

Agile Life

Katerina Lengold
My name is Katerina Lengold. In this podcast we explore science-based methods to thrive, not just survive in life. Each week we cover topics ranging from productivity and motivation to self-coaching and the neuroscience of happiness.
We obsess over productivity tips and tricks and forget that going in RIGHT DIRECTION is more important than running faster toward the WRONG DESTINATION. In this episode I will explore 4 critical mistakes in setting goals. Download a PDF version of my 3-week agile planner:
May 31, 2021
15 min
9 LIFE-CHANGING LESSONS I learned by 30 [personal growth, money, relationships]
In this episode, I share 9 lessons that I learned by 30. 3 lessons in each category: personal growth, career, relationships. Download a PDF version of my 3-week agile planner: šŸ“ˆ Personal growth   #1 Everything in my life I either MADE happen or LET happen  - Honest look in the mirror  - Full responsibility  - Control my thoughts, words, actions   #2 There is NOTHING good in being PERFECT  - Perfectionism paralyzes action  - Perfect moments or results don't exist  - Make small imperfect steps   #3 HIDDEN cost of LYING  - Impacts self-esteem  - Requires energy  - Toxicity grows exponentially    šŸ’µ Career and Money    #4 Most LUXURIOUS thing money can BUY  - Freedom to choose how/where to live and what to do (or not do)  - Savings and investments (money not spent!)   #5 Make MORE MONEY with less effort  - Use superpowers  - Hire others  - Invest $$$ in growth  - Create products with ZERO marginal cost   #6 Money should create JOY or VALUE  - Bring daily joy  - Create long-term value  - Generate more money  - Invest every month, keep it simple   šŸ‘« Relationships   #7 GROWTH & STAGNATIONS mirrors others  - We are hardwired to copy behavior of others   - Pick your social circle (including online) wisely!   #8 PROVOKE the best in others  - Noone is 100% good or bad  - Notice and highlight good qualities in others  - People live up to your perceptions of them    #9 Be a LOVING & caring PARENT for yourself   - Relationship with yourself is #1  - Be compassionate when you make mistakes  - Give warmth, learn lessons, try again
May 31, 2021
19 min