In this thought-provoking episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” hosts Mr Rennie and Mr Wright dive deep into the philosophical and moral implications of prioritizing lesser values over fundamental truths. They explore the destructive nature of idolatry in various forms, from misplaced worship and skepticism turned nihilism to the perverse outcomes of prioritizing toleration […]
Apr 14
1 hr 13 min
Dive into a riveting episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness” where hosts Jason and John Wright embark on a quest to unravel the essence of humanity. “What is man?” they ponder, weaving through the intricate tapestry of biology and theology, history and morality. This episode takes you on a fascinating journey from the dark […]
Apr 7
1 hr 9 min
In this gripping episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” hosts Jason and John C. Wright delve into the controversial Prime Directive from Star Trek, sparking a fiery debate on non-interference with less developed civilizations. They journey through a maze of moral dilemmas, historical conquests, and speculative fiction scenarios, challenging the Directive’s ethical standing. From […]
Mar 31
1 hr 10 min
In this thought-provoking episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” Mr Wright and Mr Rennie, delves into the intricate web of morality, philosophy, and societal norms. They articulate the paramount importance of prioritizing higher goods over lesser ones, using the metaphor of a pyramid to illustrate how values should be structured in a rational, Christian […]
Mar 24
1 hr
In this episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” Mr Rennie and Mr Wright, embark on a thought-provoking exploration of hell. They ponder the myriad depictions and theories surrounding this daunting concept, ranging from its traditional portrayal as a place of eternal fire and brimstone to more abstract interpretations that view hell as a state […]
Mar 17
1 hr 1 min
In this thought-provoking episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” hosts Jason and John C. Wright delve into the intricate world of artificial intelligence and its potential perils, famously known as the alignment problem. They humorously rename it the “Frankenstein problem,” discussing real-world incidents and theoretical scenarios where AI, in its quest to fulfill its […]
Mar 10
1 hr 2 min
Embark on a journey through time with ‘Time Shifters,’ an episode that delves deep into the enigmatic world of time travel stories. Join hosts Jason and John C. Wright as they unravel the complexities of traveling through time, from the logical inconsistencies to the narrative devices that captivate our imagination. Through a lively discussion enriched […]
Mar 3
1 hr
On this episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” hosts Jason and John C. Wright embark on a riveting exploration into the heart of science fiction’s portrayal of military might and the scaffolding of society itself. With Paul Verhoeven’s “Starship Troopers” serving as the launchpad, they delve deep into the chasm between the film’s bombastic […]
Feb 25
1 hr 9 min
In this episode of “Against the Mountains of Madness,” hosts Jason and John C. Wright discuss their past experiences as libertarians and the reasons for their departure from that philosophy. They approach the topic with respect for libertarianism, acknowledging its strengths while also highlighting its shortcomings in addressing certain issues, such as marriage and euthanasia. […]
Feb 18
1 hr 4 min
Join hosts Mr Rennie and Mr Wright as they navigate through a world of unconventional customs and explore the difference between shallow seduction and genuine connection. In this captivating podcast episode, they delve into the age-old question: can one truly experience love in a world where numbers, not emotions, dictate relationships? Tune in for thought-provoking […]
Feb 11
1 hr 3 min