the international is almost upon us, but first, qualifiers! as always, benj and fourbeats are here, this week talking about the SEA and NA qualifiers, and this week they are joined by MLPDota, a very lovely person and fantastic caster to help them break down the teams, players and everything else.
Jun 30, 2021
1 hr 3 min

the international is almost upon us, but first, qualifiers! as always, benj and fourbeats are here, talking about the EEU and SA qualifiers, and this week they are joined by caster and all-around Dota expert AvoPlus to help them break down the teams, players and everything else.
Jun 22, 2021
56 min

the wildcards and group stage of the WePlay AniMajor have finished, so let's talk about them! benj and FourBeats are joined by special guest @nephsensei as they break down the teams moving on, the teams going home, their predictions for the bracket stage and also a discussion on the current meta.
Jun 10, 2021
1 hr 48 min

first episode of Aegis and Cheese, previewing the WePlay AniMajor! we break down the biggest headlines coming out of DPC S1 and going into the event, as well as what we can expect from the teams attending, and some predictions regarding heroes/teams.
May 31, 2021
1 hr 11 min