ADHD Essentials
ADHD Essentials
Brendan Mahan
via Podcasts
Great Podcast!
I got here after googling my guitar teacher for a laugh. I found an incredible podcast with amazing resources and a host who’s voice isn’t grating FOR ONCE! Amazing
Sashpash W.
Thank goodness for this show!
I’m finally learning what it means to have ADHD, and Brendan gives great conversation ands knowledge that previously felt nonexistent! Thank you!
Jack Daddy Hacks
Outstanding Resource
Over the past few months I’ve played from the start of the podcast to the end of 2021. I’ve tried a few ADHD podcasts and some seemed a bit hokey, some let too much opinion leak in without evidence, and some might be good but they literally hurt my ears (podcasters take note and find out what equipment and editing tools Brendan Mahan uses.) ADHD Essentials is the most listenable ADHD podcast I’ve found and it’s done so much to help me understand my newly diagnosed (at 46) ADHD. Thank you!
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Phenomenal pod
Very useful for everyone, especially Dads who are “neurotypical”, but don’t quite understand.
Chris Ht
ADHD Essentials indeed!
This is a great podcast. Brendan weaves together his professional and personal experience, bringing his insight and curiosity to every interview. He pulls experts from such a wide range of fields creating an impressive wealth of knowledge and exploring every facet of life with with ADHD.
K/T 19
Brendan Rocks!
Brendan is extremely knowledgeable about managing ones own adhd, as well as raising children with adhd. He delivers information in a user friendly way that is both realistic and effective. Brendan’s podcasts are informative but also entertaining, thanks to his playful and witty personality. My husband and I are currently enrolled in his parent group, which has been incredibly helpful and insightful for us. I’m so grateful to have Brendan’s podcast and coaching group as a resource for our family. It has made a world of difference for us.
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Great information on ADHD and great guests!
I listen to other podcasts on the same network that I also like. But there is a quality about this particular podcast that feels more intimate. But more importantly there are a wife range of topics that Brendan covers, so there's something for everyone! I highly recommend subscribing!
Great Resource!
I was diagnosed as a child, but only recently have I started to research my disability. This podcast is one of many great resources I’ve used on my journey.
This guy knows of what he speaks
Listen, learn repeat.
Lots to learn, even if you don’t have children!
This is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. I’ve only recently learned that I’ve had undiagnosed ADHD my entire life so I’m really just getting into the nitty gritty. I’ve learned so much from ADHD Essentials. Even the episodes specifically about how to help your child with their ADHD have resonated with me because I can look back to an event that happened thirty years ago and think, “oh, that was my ADHD standing up and saying hi.” Every episode is interesting. Brendan does an excellent job of being personable and relating his information in a way that my brain wants to stay present and paying attention! (I usually don’t do podcasts because I’m a little too good at tuning voices out.)
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Best adult and kid adhd podcast out there
Adhd essentials helps give me the tools I need as an adhd parent of kids with adhd. I’m always guaranteed to learn something that either helps me with my own adhd or helps me learn more about how to support my kids.
carrie tc
Such a help
This podcast has been hugely helpful to me in understanding how my kiddo’s brain works. Brendan and his guests dive deep on key aspects of ADHD and help listeners better grasp how ADHD impacts emotion, motivation, and more.
The podcast I needed as a parent of child with ADHD
Such valuable information. I always hear something that is new or a perspective that helps me think in a fresh way about how to relate and support my teen with ADHD. Most importantly, Brendan is so loving and real, and hits the social and emotional aspects of living with and parenting with ADHD. I’m very grateful. This podcast makes a difference.
mom of teen with ADHD
Neurodiversity University
Brendan does an excellent job of sharing insights and support that help me think in more positive ways about my ADHD and drive healthier self talk. He also has great guests and conducts excellent interviews. I both love and hate his phrase “being mindful of time, any last essentials to share?” Because I’m often not ready for the conversation to end!
ADHD is my jam!
Hi! I am a mom of an ADHD son (15) and a teacher (2nd grade). I also learned I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child (my mom never told me until I was struggling through college at the age of 36). My husband also has ADHD. say I’m familiar with all kinds of ADHD is an understatement. You could also say I am great at dealing with it all...but that’s a lie. Brendan’s podcast helps me understand ADHD so much better! I am on the struggle bus but his tag line “10% better is all you need” has become my mantra! At home, in the classroom, in my own life. It really takes the pressure off of trying to be perfect! Thanks for all you do for us Hot Mess Moms/Teachers/Wives out here!
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Brendan has a way of delivering a lot of information in an easily digestible way. As a Mom who isn’t ADHD, your show has helped my family navigate my daughter’s unmet needs and find collaborative solutions. The Wall of Awful model is brilliant.
Essential Listening
My favorite ADHD-related podcast. I'm newly diagnosed as an adult and mom. I cannot overemphasize how much I LOVE hearing content for the parent with ADHD in addition to content for the parent of ADHD kids. It's really helped me shift my thinking to identify the real problem I or my kids are having with a given task. Plus, it's just good background noise for many household tasks because it's informative and entertaining. I really appreciate that it acknowledges the many struggles that come with ADHD in a realistic but positive way.
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Huge Help
Much of these podcasts, esp the one about the 50s and 60s were mind blowing for me. My child just got diagnosed with ADHD and These podcasts were nearly direct reflections of so many parts of my life and the Struggles that come with ADHD. I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I am going to as soon as I can. Bout 95% I have it and gave it to the lil one. Great podcasts and interviews. Really helped me and my wife understand myself and the lil one better. Revelatory!
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Great help for an ADHD parent trying to help myself
I’ve listened to ~30 episodes so far, and they have all had helpful information and perspectives on processing and dealing with my own ADHD brain and helping my kiddos with theirs.
Can Has Learning Burger
Great tips!
Appreciating the advice and tips I can immediately apply to myself and my family!
Happy to have found Brendan!
I’m a mom with ADHD with 2 kids, 1 already diagnosed with ADHD
Tremendous Resource!
This podcast has helped turn me from a floundering mama into a Mama-Who-Can-Do-This!! I recommend this podcast to people ALL the time. learning the ins and outs of ADHD has helped me understand myself, my kids and the rest of my family so much better! I am always learning new tools, new ideas, new ways of communicating that helps smooth out some of the bumps in the road of life that is life with ADHD. Listen! you won't be disappointed!
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Sew Happy Mama
Very helpful resource for parents of Kids with ADHD
It’s great to have access to short podcasts that are very informative. It helps to learn tips and tricks to better parent my child. This is well researched.
Most helpful
I started listening to this podcast soon after my son was diagnosed with ADHD. I was lost and floundering. I had no idea what to do or how to help or even if I could. My son had been going to talk therapy for 2 years for anger issues. It was helpful but still not enough, then the diagnosis. Luckily I found this podcast, this gave me an understanding of what was going on in my child’s brain in a way I could understand. In the last year my son has improved so much. I know a major part of this is me knowing how to interact with him. His therapist asked me in a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best or easiest what is my son like to live with? I answered 10 months ago it was a 1, a 2 on the best days. Now it’s a 6 with a 10 on the best days. I learned a lot from this podcast and from the resources Brendan talks about.
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You yvytv
Something for Everyone
Brendan leads his weekly discussions with in a way that invites listeners to engage. It’s awesome!
More girl-centric content please
This podcast is great - very positive and affirming. Full of helpful tips. My only suggestion is that Brendan could be more gender conscious as he talks. I recognize he is a man, he has sons but there have been times where he has a very male-centric POV that is not helpful to managing my ADHD (inattentive) daughter. Maybe a couple of episodes specific to adhd in girls?
Perfectly named!
This podcasts covers all the bases in a coversational manner with lots of acceptance. Must listeb for anyone with ADHD or with children that are diagnosed.
Very helpful
I am learning so much from this show! So glad I came across it.
Anna Mossity
So many ah...ha moments...I get something useful out of every episode.
Where has this been all my life?
My wife an I recently took a 8 1/2 hour car ride one way for vacation. For those of you who don't know, that is a long time in a car. My wife thought we could maybe find some podcasts to listen to that might help us help our son who has ADHD (Hint... he got it from me!) As I listened, I learned more about my ADHD, his ADHD, and how to help out family work better together. I laughed, I cried, and I for the first time realized I wasn't crazy. Like Brendan and a lot of his guests say, it sounds like a made up disorder. I have had ADHD all my life, but was officially diagnosed as an adult. I work in the school system where I see it all the time, but never realized how far reaching the problem is. I honestly grew up my entire life not realizing that some of my idiosynchrosies were a direct component of ADHD. Brendan and his guests really help you understand what ADHD is, how it affects the family component, and what you can do to help make the worst "gift" ever easier to deal with. Thank you Brendan! Fan for life :)
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Hey look a squirrel!!!
Real and honest
Today, in an attempt to convince all of you to adopt This podcast as a regular habit to enhance your life, I want to share a couple of reasons why I love this audio of wisdom. I firmly believe that when you stop learning, you stop growing and that’s when your inner self dies (so to speak). So, if you’re worried about that (or Adhd), Brendan is here to fill that void.
This has quickly become a favorite
I love Brendan’s insights into raising my kids in a household full of ADHD. His latest episode on “Today’s Awesome” is something I’m trying to incorporate into my family’s culture.
Parent of Child With ADHD
The ADHD Essentials podcasts are one of the best resources I’ve found for helping parents understand their child with ADHD. Brendan’s engaging manner and topic relevance keeps me coming back for more. The guests he invites on the podcasts are experts in the field as well. I look forward to continued learning and understanding of ADHD with Brendan’s help. Thank you!
A very diverse and engaging podcast!
Brendan at ADHD Essentials manages to find a wide variety of high quality, well-informed, engaging guests on all things related to ADHD. In addition to focusing on treatment, organizational skills, and doctors/specialists’ expertise, ADHD Essentials never strays from its mission: honoring and supporting those who live with ADHD, or love someone with ADHD. Highly recommended podcast.
Subscribe now!
If you’re raising a child with ADHD or any other distractions this is a must listen to podcast. Brendan is a great resource.
Very helpful
I really appreciate the effort made to talk with people of different backgrounds with ADHD. Thank you!
Andrea Tosten
Should be mandatory for educators
We have had great educators, and well, not so much in our "ADHD Adventures!". This has really helped me to constructively vocalize challenges my sons are having in school, and give a good reference to options on how schools can help. On an "at home" level, this has really helped me to understand and more appropriately handle behavioral issues that come up with the insight of Brandon and guests. Thank you SO MUCH for starting this podcast!!
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Mom of 2 ADH
Thank You!!
Helping me and my husband not fail our son!!
Very informative
Please keep it coming. I learn so much about myself from this podcast
Great show
I am 45 I have ADHD, so does my 10 year old son. I have often said to my doctor and counselor that someone should write a book about HAVING ADHD and trying to raise a child with ADHD. This show helps me to fill this need. Thanks!!!
Brendan is a warm, knowledgeable, and fun voice in the ADHD podcasts scene
I love the insight and the compassion that shines from every syllable of the show. There’s something inherently empowering in the way Brendan and his guests talk about ADHD, it’s struggles and gifts. Great listen!
Marina VF
I just found this podcast and it’s fantastic! I am married to someone with ADHD and am trying to soak up any and all information I can about it. Even though this podcast is directed at parents and those who work with kids that have ADHD, I still find it so helpful. I’m binging on the past episodes to catch up :) Thanks so much for putting this together!
Interesting Topic
First time listener, so I wasn't quite familiar with the format. Kristin (I think was a guest, and not a weekly host) seemed like a fun addition! The story about taking a month to finish the scavenger hunt sounds hard. I'm not super familiar with ADHD, and couldn't recite all the facts in this episode, but I like learning about new/different things! This was a cool listen, especially if ADHD is something you want to learn about!
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For everyone
I love the feel of it. Its a great show to have families who struggle with these issues listen to together. Very helpful and eye opening.
WSPN The Spoon
Thank you!
Thank you for providing a much needed outlet for parents of kids with ADHD. Perhaps more importantly, thank you for addressing the perspective of parents who might have ADHD themselves. I applaud ADHD Essentials for exploring the challenges as well as the unique insight, perspective, and alternate approaches ADHD parents can offer neuro-typical parents as we ALL strive to do our best for our kiddos! Lastly, thanks again for inviting me to interview on your show! I LOVED having the opportunity to share my experiences and found the whole process to be far less nerve-wracking than I first expected! I hope this convinces more parents to share their stories. We have so much to offer one another!
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Great ADHD podcast
I’m so glad I finally listened to ADHD Essentials. I’ve planned on listening to this podcast for a while now but, well, ADHD happened. Brendan, great job. So helpful and easy to listen to.
Fantastic! Clearly Explained Solutions for ADHD Problems!
Brendan, I used to find myself looking forward to ADHD Rewired's question/answer episodes because I always walked away with some new nugget you delivered. You have a nack for understanding the problem, breaking it down and clearly presenting real life solutions that are ACTIONABLE!!! I've Been waiting for your launch and now that it's here, you have not disappointed! From an ADHD mom with an ADHD daughter, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!
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An informative podcast that’s enjoyable to listen to!
Brendan delivers the information parents need for raising a child with ADHD. He understands ADHD from the inside out, from his experience as an educator, as a parent of children with ADHD, and as an adult with ADHD. Brendan strikes just the right blend of professionalism and humor in a way that makes him so very relatable. An informative podcast that’s enjoyable to listen to!
ReWired Rebecca
Podcasts on ADHD
To get information and help with ADHD listen to Brendan's podcasts. They are interesting and informative!
I have enjoyed the ADHD Essentials podcast a great deal. I love the three silos of interview guests, and look forward to hearing more.
Bartelou Tanner
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