A.D.D. Comedy with Dave Razowsky
A.D.D. Comedy with Dave Razowsky
Dave Razowsky
via Podcasts
Improv Instruction and Philosophy
I wish the podcast was more geared toward improv and sketch instruction, but I still like the podcast because I pick up useful things here and there. Maybe if there was a segment that was dedicated to improv philosophy, style, and instruction I would be more satisfied. Either way still great stuff. Thanks!
The Patty Stiles episode
I've been listening to Impro/Improv podcasts for many years – and this episode is absolutely one of the best I've ever heard. I loved hearing Dave and Patty bounce ideas -and the different language for some of the same ideas-around. Thought-provoking episode that I will recommend to all of my improviser friends!
I enjoy this podcast soooo much!
This podcast is an inspiring hour of wit, fun ideas, silliness and great stories. I haven’t heard one yet that didn’t amuse and make me think about my own journey in a new way. Keep up the great work, Mr. Razowsky!
Razowsky was born for this medium. Each show is utterly its own event, though they all share an intimacy, cleverness and respect for intellect and comedy that makes them compelling and extremely listenable. Dave makes me glad I’m currently a human.
Ramblin’ Foodie
Life lessons taught from a true mastermind
These skills you learn from Dave is like a mentor handing out free candy. I look up to Dave in lots of ways and have applied many of his life lessons. "You must let the ego go. It's not the e-stay, it's the e-go." -Dave Razowsky
Very bad. he = bad improviser
This show is Terrible. How could any humon enjoy this? I'd rather listen to the best podcast in the universe. I recommend you do the same. as for this show, I just don't get it.
TrustME for Real
Hard to listen to.
The thing about improv comedy is, no matter what, it has to be comedic. This guy is doing something, but there is very little improv involved. No comedy to speak of. If you want to pitch bad bits, you don't need to disguise it as improv to do it.
Kyle Crusoe
Very Refreshing
It was very refreshing to hear an honest conversation with no filters. I listened to the latest podcast with Jeffrey Nicholas Brown and just got an earful of stuff that I totally related to. Conversation was witty and insightful and full of affirmations about working as an artist. Right on!
Razowsky is brilliant
I saw this guy perform and he was so brilliant I immediately went home and subscribed to his podcast. It's fantastic. One of my new favorites. Also, and this really doesn't have anything to do with content, but his voice is so pleasant. It's like one of the resonate and soothing voices of the golden age of radio.
Engaging, unpredictable, fun and cozy.
Dave really gets into interesting and unsuspecting conversations with his guests, which really helps you to get to know them outside the "normal" aka boring interview questions. Give it a listen for sure!
New Favorite Podcast
Simple, fascinating conversation, wonderfully lacking annoying advertisements. A must listen for any comedy fan!
nick paul
Honest, inspiring, incredible…and HILARIOUS!
Anyone who knows Dave knows what a brilliant performer and teacher he is, and anyone who doesn’t know him will feel like they do by the end of his candid and beautiful interviews. Zen has never had a faster tempo, and it is a joy to keep up with this guru. Dave speaks with interesting artists, not just famous ones, and brings his guests into his own home and listeners’ heart. At the end of each episode, I’m always wanting more. It's ice cream for the soul.
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why so angry?
At best the guests are interesting and the conversation is smart and witty. But that's at best. More often than not, Dave comes across as an angry bitter guy. He yells and curses about joy. Go figure. He protests too much about not being resentful of his more successful SC friends. But the infrequent times that he lets his guests complete a thought, its a great conversation. He can be so quick-witted and insightful..when he's not so bleeping angry.
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Great app
Great app. One suggestion-in photo section add caption with name of people.
Whether you're an improvisor or not (or as a result soon will be!), this show is candid, honest, smart, and highly engaging. Dave and Ian have cooked up a brilliant podcast that has been a LONG time coming…you guys f'ing RAWK!
mr. mandrax
A.D.D. Comedy so worth your time
I've had the pleasure of being taught by Mr. Razowsky at ridiculously high tuitions. Just kidding. Sort of. But now we get him for free - so funny, so insightful, so asking the questions that we all want to ask of these celebs and famous comedians. Huzzah for this podcast.
Great podcast. Enthusiastic, accessible, intelligent and friendly. Very funny while keeping a relaxed pace, feels like you're sitting at the table with them. Love love love it.
Intelligent Humor
Movie reviews, discussions of the craft of acting, more...laced with humor and story.
I love this!!
Dave Razowsky's podcast is fascinating and so insightful. Whether you are in the entertainment industry or just a fan, there are so many wonderful nuggets of wisdom along with hilarity to enjoy. If you can't have an actual face to face conversation with Dave, then this is the next best thing!
This podcast is to improv performers what Marc Maron's podcast is to stand up comics.
What more is there to say?
Sooooo random!
I just got done watching the movie God Bless America and I was looking up more info on Joel Murray and I found this. These interviews are epic! I wasn't familiar with Dave Razowsky before this podcast - he's is very engaging! Ironically enough I saw Ian Foley perform at the Comedy Store months ago and the reason why I remember him is that his back went out and he performed the rest of his show laying on the ground. This is so random!
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I stumbled on this by accident, who are these guys? Looking forward to hearing more from them.
Think about someone you admire and have watched perform and whom you are inspired by. Think about how often you've wanted to pick their brain, or just sit down and have a cup of coffee with them, and just talk about their life, and their awesome work, and what they're thinking. Guess what? The ADD Comedy Broadcast IS THAT VERY THING. Dave Razowsky--who is that inspiring person you want to hang out with--sits down with some of the hardest-working names in the business, and YOU and I get to listen in to their conversation. It is pretty....freaking....SWEET. It's like sitting down for a master class on existence. Thank you Dave and Ian for making this happen! Can't wait for more installments!
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Found the entire set of podcasts profoundly enjoyable. Way to go Mr. Razowsky!
Razowsky Rocks!
Comedy as the art of presence. These are deep, inspiring discussions about living a good life.
Best of the Best!
David Razowsky and A.D.D. Comedy is top shelf joy! David takes the personal interview to new highs speaking with some of the worlds best! His personal approach and funny insights makes his guests relaxed and you feel like we're a guest at a small lunch table around a blue plate special. Enjoy!
Love it
Way to go Ian!! Miss ya buddy
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