Netflix’s hit show Indian Matchmaking highlighted many issues that plague communities of colour, including colourism. This episode will tackle colourism in the Indian community, what it is, why it exists and what can be done! Let me know your thoughts! | Hi! My name Shréya, lover of all things political and legal (a nerd...I know). This biweekly podcast is dedicated to discussing and simplifying complicated issues happening around us, so that you can positively contribute to our world that we live in! Everything is a social construct, so we can discuss everything!
Aug 29, 2020
21 min

Hi! My name is Shréya, lover of all things political and legal (a nerd...I know). This biweekly podcast is dedicated to discussing and simplifying complicated issues happening around us, so that you can positively contribute to our world that we live in! Everything is a social construct, so we can discuss everything! Some examples include the Legality of the Death Penalty in South Africa, All lives matter, internalized racism and whether Indians are racist. Thank you for joining me on what I’m sure will be an interesting and wild ride, and hopefully you’ll learn something too!
Jul 23, 2020
3 min