A Psychologist looks at Scripture Podcast

A Psychologist looks at Scripture

Dr. Peter Doherty
In this 10-15 minute podcast, I as a psychologist and a priest use my training and skills to examine  the Gospels.  I will present  alternative interpretations and insights into the meaning of Scripture for men and women in the 21st century.I can be reached at [email protected].
Mark 4:26-34 Having the faith of a mustard seed
Send us a Text Message.We have two very short parables where Jesus is describing the Kingdom of God. The first question that comes to mind is what does Jesus mean by “kingdom of God”? The term is used 126 times in the Gospels alone. I am also reminded of the statement where Jesus said: “If you had the faith the size of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move.” Matthew 17:20. These passages could be a source of strength to those...
Jun 9
9 min
Mark 3-20-35  Can we refuse salvation?
Send us a Text Message.This Gospel is perhaps one of the most unusual of all the Gospels. Jesus’ family, including his mother Mary are coming to take him home believing that he is either possessed or has lost his mind. Jesus is accused of being possessed by members of his own family. Due to the lack of understanding of mental illness in those days, strange behavior was often seen as possession. Jesus turns the events into a teachable moment. Jesus seizes th...
Jun 2
8 min
MK 14:12-16,22-26 The Eucharist, the meal of liberation!
Send us a Text Message.Jesus and the disciples are celebrating the Passover Meal, a major feast day in the Jewish faith and history. The Passover commemorates the “passing over” of the angel of death who would strike down the first born of the Egyptians. This was the tenth and final plague that Moses would bestow on the Egyptians to force the Pharaoh to release the Israelites from their slavery. Every year the Jews celebrated Passover as they were celebrating their freedom f...
May 26
8 min
Matthew 28:16-20 Who is God for you?  Nurturing your faith
Send us a Text Message.I urge you to spend some time reflecting on who God is for you? The answer may give you insight about how you see God, your expectations of God and how you allow God to impact your life. One of the questions I ask people is; “What does God have to do to get your attention?’ This is another way of looking at what God means to you and how you expect God to reach out to you. Don’t make the same mistake, as that of the Pharisees who missed recognizin...
May 20
8 min
John 20:19-23 The Disciples on Fire after receiving the Spirit
Send us a Text Message.Today’s Gospel is an account of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. This account is very different from the other accounts in the Gospels. Jesus makes another appearance. He welcomes his disciples with the call to Peace. I want to point out that Jesus said this to the disciples who were afraid, the doors were locked, they had isolated themselves out of fear. Fear can lead us to abandon our values, goals and convictions; leading us to ...
May 12
7 min
Mark 16:15-20  Jesus calls his people to share the Good News!
Send us a Text Message.Jesus makes some serious claims of those who follow Him, who will be able to drive out demons, speak new languages, pick up serpents, and even if they drink poison they will survive. Jesus promises miraculous cures simply by laying hands on the afflicted. I recognize that miracles do happen. I am not questioning that, however in our own times we don’t always see the healings nor the drinking of poison. I am wondering if there is something more he...
May 11
9 min
John 15: 9-17  To love as Jesus loved
Send us a Text Message.John is writing on his favourite theme of love. We are given a command to love one another. I struggle with this because one cannot be commanded to love. I wonder if the personality of Jesus, described in the Gospels, could shed light on how to respond to the call to love. We might start by focusing on and developing these personality traits in our own lives.
Apr 30
8 min
John 15:1-8  Jesus is the true vine
Send us a Text Message.In this Gospel Jesus compares himself to the true vine. There are many points I want to draw your attention to. This metaphor of the vine would be well understood by the people. There were vineyards where people would grow grapes for wine. People would understand that vines were frequently pruned to produce much more fruit. Anyone who grows plants or interested in growing gardens is familiar with the concept of pruning to ultimately make the...
Apr 22
8 min
John 10:11-18  Jesus the Good Shepherd
Send us a Text Message.Today’s podcast is from John 10: 11-18. This Gospel will be read in churches April 21, 2024. Jesus compares himself to a shepherd, not just any shepherd but a good shepherd. Fortunately, Jesus goes on to clarify what he means. Probably most of us have little or no experience with shepherds and likely have never met one. Jesus frequently used common experiences that people would recognize... to illustrate key spiritual concepts, in the parab...
Apr 14
9 min
Luke 24:35-48   Is community part of our journey to salvation?
Send us a Text Message.There are many stories in which Jesus is revealed to people in various communities. I am proposing that the aspect community in our faith may be more important than we realize. I want to draw your attention to Matthew 18:20 where Jesus promises, “When two or more are gathered in my name I am there”. I am beginning to realize that being in a community can help mature our faith. I know that living community is not always easy. It was no diffe...
Apr 7
9 min
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