This episode is about something God taught me when I was struggling this past spring with major fatigue being post-chemo. I cried out to God to heal me and in this episode I will tell you what God told me. Also, don't get me wrong, I fully believe in physical healing and know God can still do that in people's lives as well and in mine as well.
Be blessed. We you want to contact me:
email: [email protected] | Instagram and Facebook: @amomscancerstory
Jun 18, 2022
11 min

This episode is NOT just for parents. If you have children in your life in any way (a teacher, a nurse, a daycare worker, etc.), this episode is for you.
This episode is to encourage you with how the brain develops that security and trust with people. I talk about what Noah has seen in his life with cancer in his home and how we handled those situations with what he his witnessed and seen with cancer.
Be encouraged.
[email protected] | Facebook & Instagram: amomscancerstory
May 13, 2022
10 min

This episode is to encourage you and give you understand of the Hebrew word for "Armor" in Ephesians 6:10-13.
You will be challenged to look at the struggles you have in your life as something deeper then flesh and blood. The battle and things you are going through in this world is not because of the people and things in front of us, but it is a spiritual battle between you and devil.d
May 2, 2022
17 min

This episode is going to share the BAD tendencies and GOOD things that can come with being obsessed with death.
When having a relationship with Christ there is a lot peace that comes with death. Cancer has put death in my face and forced me to think about it. Death doesn't have to be scary.
Mar 24, 2022
11 min

If you don't have kids this episode still pertains to you.
This episode is to encourage you to be creative with whatever you are going through and to pray over the ones you love. A suggestion for a prayer to pray over them, that their mind will be protected.
Mar 15, 2022
16 min

In this episode I expose where my heart was and now is with being compassionate towards others. I vulnerably explain how my heart needed to change and what I did to make that happen.
If you ever want to reach out to me please contact me:
email: [email protected] | Facebook & Instagram: @amomscancerstory
Mar 3, 2022
12 min

This episode is reading to you something I wrote while going through my Ewing's Sarcoma chemo treatments.
I challenge you to figure out who are your opponents in your life and how are you going to fight them!
Email: [email protected] | Facebook & Instagram: @amomscancerstory
Feb 23, 2022
9 min

This episode is to encourage you and take a step back and think about the legacy you want to leave for others. I share with you how I decided to write letters to my loved ones and why.
Email: [email protected] | Facebook & Instagram: @amomscancerstory
Feb 15, 2022
9 min

This episode is to encourage you to figure out if you are at a place in your grieving process to look at the WHO of your situation instead of just focusing on the WHAT you are going through.
Email: [email protected] | Facebook & Instagram: @amomscancerstory
Feb 8, 2022
9 min

This episode is something that I recorded while laying in the hospital post brain surgery.
The goal of todays message/encouragement is: God will not have you here one breath more or one breath less then what He has planned.
I might not like the plan that happens in life, in a sinful world, but being able to trust God gives peace.
Email: [email protected] | Facebook & Instagram: @amomscancerstory
Feb 1, 2022
7 min
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