A LOOK WITHIN: Conversations on Mental Health & Well Being
A LOOK WITHIN: Conversations on Mental Health & Well Being
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
via Podcasts
Great perspective
Dr Magid is such a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the mental health of kids and teens. I loved her perspective on the importance of a parent’s relationship with their child. I’m glad to hear it is never too late to improve upon this and I will be buying some of her book recommendations immediately!
Great information for any caregiver!
Dr. Magid provides very useful information on what to look for & how to help children who are struggling with anxiety & depression, offers suggestions for helping children with mental health issues as well as for children who are struggling with typical, day to day stress or situational anxiety. Incredibly helpful & up to date on most current science related to child & adolescent wellness.
Paulette N
Wow! Powerful message.
Dr. Magid is such a wealth of knowledge on this podcast! Being a parent of young children, this was a great reminder of the why’s with parenting. It also is a resource to apply to our everyday life. Having a healthy and open relationship with my children is one of my biggest goals in life! This podcast is a weapon I will have on repeat! Thank you to Viktoriya Magid and SC Department of Mental Health! Well done!!
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