A Faithfully Radical Podcast Podcast

A Faithfully Radical Podcast

Timothy Carey
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A podcast to help enable and equip families from all walks of life in the authority of God's Word. This podcast covers a variety of topics and issues concerning everyday life and how to live out your faith. This podcast is produced by Faithfully Radical Ministries of Northwest Indiana. Music by Purple Planet Music. www.purple-planet.com
Sermon Special - The Anointed King
Timothy Carey preaches over Psalm 2. Support the show
Jul 18, 2022
36 min
Suffering Part 4: Christian Mourning
Part 4 in the Suffering series. Tim opens up Scripture to Job 1:13-2:10. We take these examples of Job's suffering and response to look how today's Christian's should respond to mourning. Support the show
Aug 12, 2020
35 min
Suffering Part 3: Behind Job's Suffering
Tim dives into Job 1:6-12 to give us a glimpse at what is behind the suffering of Job. Covering spiritual warfare, Satan, and heavenly conversations, he looks at how the book of Job shows us how we can deal with suffering. Support the show
Jun 4, 2020
32 min
Suffering Part 2: Intro to Job
As Tim continues his series on Suffering, we begin to look at the book of Job. Tim dives in to Scripture to explore the idea of suffering and how Job can point us to a better idea of biblical suffering.Support the show
May 20, 2020
23 min
Suffering Part 1: Biblical Suffering
Starting off a new series, Tim begins a talk on suffering. He looks at what the bible says about suffering, why it exists, and what we make of it. He works to lay down a foundation on suffering.Support the show
May 6, 2020
28 min
Testimony: Chris Wehner
Host Tim Carey brings in Christopher Wehner, co-founder of Faithfully Radical Ministries. The two talk about Chris's faith journey, coming out of catholicism, and finding Christ in adulthood. Support the show
Apr 22, 2020
38 min
Biblical Canon Part 5: Wrap Up
Tim wraps up the series on Biblical Canon. He covers a bit more on apocrypha and how it factors in to Catholicism. He also discusses the Bible being authoritative. Support the show
Apr 9, 2020
24 min
Biblical Canon Part 4: Apocrypha
Tim discusses the apocrypha. He covers what they are and why they are unreliable. He also gives encouragement during this time of crisis.Support the show
Mar 27, 2020
23 min
Why We Study Scripture
Tim takes a break from his current series, Biblical Canon, to discuss why we study the Bible. Why is it so important? How does it help in our relationship with Christ? Why should we make it a priority? Support the show
Mar 12, 2020
30 min
Biblical Canon Part 3: New Testament
Tim discusses the process of how we got the New Testament we have today. Support the show
Feb 20, 2020
29 min
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