A Blissfully Balanced Life Podcast

A Blissfully Balanced Life

Khrystle Rea
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Khrystle Rea is a Certified Health + Fitness Coach & Reiki Master who helps busy women make their health a priority! If you are someone who has been struggling with creating your ideal healthy lifestyle than this is the podcast for you! On this show, you will be exposed to various tips on how to up-level your life and truly feel your best. Get ready to transform! If you'd like to stay connected, you can find me on Instagram (@khrystlerea) & Facebook or at www.khrystlerea.com. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
S. 2 Ep. 40 Kristen Bowen Explains How Magnesium Can Heal the Body
Kristen Bowen, the founder of Living the Good Life Naturally, joins us today to explain how she lost 3 years of her life and what helped her to overcome her health challenges. If you have guessed it by now, magnesium played a key role! **Heads up - we are doing a Special Giveaway - details are at the end of the episode** Connect with Kristen further: www.livingthegoodlifenaturally.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Feb 22, 2021
46 min
S. 2 Ep. 39 Trauma Expert Irene Lyon Teaches Us How to Heal from the Past
Irene Lyon joins us today to shed light on how we can heal from trauma and explain exactly what happens to us physically as we experience life. Connect with Irene further: website: https://irenelyon.com instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irenelyon/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBkXgr0E9ZWUg4iSDEUKqVA --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Feb 15, 2021
39 min
S. 2 Ep. 38 Laurie Gerber Shares How the Handel Method Helped Her Change Her Life
Laurie Gerber joins us today to share her journey of going from burn-out and unhappy to rekindling her relationship with her husband and transforming her life into one she loves. She shares with us the specific method that helped her transform and shares ways in which you can do the same. Connect with Laurie Further: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauriegerber_coach/ Take the Quiz: https://www.handelgroup.com/crq/ Handel Group: https://www.handelgroup.com Inner U: https://www.inneru.coach --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Feb 8, 2021
35 min
S. 2 Ep. 37 Florencia Fridman Shares The Magic of Ceremonial Cacao
Today Florencia Fridman, CoFounder of Cacao Laboratory, shares with us the meaning behind cacao and the physical benefits cacao brings to the body. She explains how this sacred plant can transform our life and her personal experiences with this beautiful medicine. Connect with Florencia further: www.cacaolaboratory.com https://www.instagram.com/florencia.fridman/ https://www.instagram.com/cacaolaboratory/ --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Feb 1, 2021
37 min
S2. Ep. 36 Daniel Mangena Reveals How to Create More Abundance + All About Microshifting
Daniel Mangena joins us today for an incredible episode talking all about abundance, how to make changes within ourselves, what joy actually feels like, how to play the money game, and so much more! Connect Further with Dan: https://dreamwithdan.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreamerceo/ --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Jan 25, 2021
47 min
S. 2 Ep. 35 Jeff Chilton Educates Us on the Most Underrated Nutritious Food - Mushrooms!
Mushroom expert Jeff Chilton joins us today to share everything you'd want to know about mushrooms - how to select the best mushrooms at the grocery store, how to cook them, how to find the best mushroom supplements, what mushrooms are the healthiest and so much more! Connect with Jeff further: www.nammex.com www.realmushrooms.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Jan 18, 2021
56 min
S. 2 Ep. 34 Anne Hayman Explains Different Ways to Connect With Your Inner Self
Anne Hayman, joins us today to help us become more clear on how we can connect with our inner self by working with moon energy and human design. Anne is a Holistic Health Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, NLP master practitioner, Moon Temple Oracle, IIN Health Coach, Human Design Strategist, who is most notably recognized for her current business, Moonifest Daily, where she breaks down how to harness the moon’s energy for manifesting. On January 11th, 2021, Anne is launching her new course called Activated Consciousness, where she will support students through a 12-week journey of becoming their higher selves. She will be teaching how to find the gift in life's struggles, clearing the limiting beliefs we have accumulated, and how to move on to manifest an amazing 2021 with confidence. Moonifest daily shop with human design sessions + workbooks: moonifestdaily.com 12 week program: anneHayman.com Connect with Anne Further: Website: www.annehayman.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/moonifestdaily --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Jan 4, 2021
46 min
S. 2 Ep. 33 How to Accept Your Shadow Sides
Today we are exploring this idea of embracing our shadow sides rather than trying to rid our selves of them. When we accept all aspects of ourselves we are able to live a more empowered life. Connect with me further: www.khrystlerea.com www.instagram.com/khrystlerea www.facebook.com/khrystlerea www.youtube.com/khrystlerea www.crystalbykhrystle.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Dec 28, 2020
15 min
S. 2 Ep. 32 Alaina Shows Us What's Possible When We Allow Ourselves to Change
Alaina is here to show us what is possible when we allow ourselves to transform. Her journey has been incredible to watch and it is only the beginning! Connect with Alaina Further: www.raemoonrose.com instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raemoonrose/ tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@raemoonrose --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Dec 21, 2020
29 min
S. 2 Ep. 31 It's Time to Let Go + A Mini Meditation
Happy New Moon + Solar Eclipse! Right now I feel like we are really in a time of letting go and welcoming in the newer versions of ourselves. In today's episode I do a mini meditation with you to wake up to your authentic self. Sign up for the special Solstice Ritual on Friday December 18 at 8pm EST featuring Anne Hayman from Moonifestdaily on Instagram. You can sign up here: www.annehayman.com/solstice-activation Check out the New Moon Ritual I have uploaded on YouTube: www.youtube.com/khrystlerea Book a 1-1 Reiki session with me to go deeper with your healing: www.khrystlerea.com/booking Connect with me further: Instagram: www.instagram.com/khrystlerea Facebook: www.facebook.com/khrystlerea Etsy Shop: www.crystalbykhrystle.com Website: www.khrystlerea.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blissfully-balanced-life/support
Dec 14, 2020
25 min
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