![Show # 3 August 7](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1lcmVkaXRoLmVkdS9hcnQvaW1hZ2VzL2NzLWdyYXBoaWMtZGVzaWduLTkxMS1leC5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXM0LXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvRmVhdHVyZXMvdjQvNWYvODgvOTYvNWY4ODk2ZTktOWJlNS01MjlhLWFmMTQtY2M4MDczNjc1NjhhL216YV8xMzgyNzQ0ODc1Mzk0MjU3NDIxLnBuZy82MDB4NjAwYmIuanBnIn0.o2AJypVHg4Cc-Emx3g8qxfwlw7WAS2hVFkfrSkhz-J8.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Here are the show notes for show number three. Here is show #3Here is show # 3 First, as usual, is listener feedback. Then I cover the latest 9/11 Truthers getting some Mainstream exposure. We had at least three big break through interviews this week: Kevin Barret on Fox News, click here Mike Malloy interviews Webster Tarpley, Click here Randi Rhodes interviews Paul Thompson, click here I’ve got a tiny bit of info regarding black box Data from Flight 77. I go over the current status of black boxes. CounterPunch article about black boxes Greg Szymanski's article about black box cover up PsyOps info at WantToKnow.info I talk about the release of NORAD tapes, and I explore all the worms that have come out of THAT can in this past week, including some interesting defensive maneuvering on the part of the Kean Commission. David Griffins article on the different NORAD stories Washington Post's "9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon" NY Daily News: "9/11 panel heads say Rudy got off easy" THE Vanity Fair article by Michael Bronner, complete with sound bites New Poll results about 9/11 suspicions in America make waves in the media. Scripps Howard News Service, "Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy" Plus a new 9/11 movie, and some new Podcasts and websites…new to me anyway. Well, Here i've included a link to the new movie called "911 Press for Truth". I actually forgot to talk about it on the show. 911 Press for Truth Michael Wolsey's site for 911 Visibility Richard Grove speaking on 9/11 WantToknow.info, a great place to learn and be empowered
Aug 7, 2006