'80s All Over
'80s All Over
Scott Weinberg and Drew McWeeny
via Podcasts
Love this show
I think this show made me a better movie watcher. It definitely changed the way I talk about movies (for better or worse!), but I’m mostly just so grateful for all the wonderful films Drew and Scott introduced me to. Would absolutely love for them to finish the decade!
I miss missing the '80s with Scott and Drew
I met this podcast a week after it aired it's final episode. Aside from keeping me company and being genuinely informative besides, the hosts are very insightful and spontaneous with their reviews. Too, they really know - and respect - their subject matter. Perfect, perfect show. Although shy of its own ambitious goal, a flawless podcast nonetheless.
Brenna Grendal
Probably my favorite podcast of all time
It’s really too bad that this ended. I wish they had finished the 80s. I’ve listened to it twice and I’ll probably go through it again in a year or so. Guys, let’s put your differences (I assume) aside and please get together to wrap this. I would pay top Patreon dollar on day one.
This can’t be over….
Really just discovered this podcast and they’re only halfway through the decade. This is an excellent show. Drew has always been one of my favorite film commentators since the days of AICN. I really hope that Drew and Scott continue this on a platform that they can monetize. What an absolute gem of a show. There are few shows that look at film with as much fondness and insight.
Needs to come back
Loved it. Needs to be brought back!!!!!!!
The collector138
Come on, dudes. Finish the show!!
This show is amazing and deserves to be resurrected. Also, BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS!!!
Only recently found this podcast and I love it!! Sad to hear they weren’t able to finish it.
Zac TG
Back to the 80s
Love this show and look forward with eager anticipation. Our hosts manage to cover a month’s worth of releases with just enough conversation on each to triggering memories without lingering on them too long. A must listen and I hope new episodes are coming.
Great stuff
If you were sneaking into movies during the 80’s, you’ve got to listen to this podcast. Thoughtful and detailed comments on the history and business of films and film-making.
the real Sov
Still grateful
I started listening in 2017 and kept up until the last episode. I re-start the whole show every 8 months or so because it is so insightful and reminds me of what films I’m missing out on. I still hold hope that a day will come when they take up this project again but I’m terribly grateful for the show they’ve made.
Really great, bummed it won’t be completed
Don’t know what the one star review is talking about. Hosts are v chill. Being bored of the fiftieth police academy ripoff isnt “telling you what to like”, plus they don’t really review the films they cover, mostly they offer an overview and their two cents on films and how they fit into the larger context of 80s context. Also weird for a dude who considers Hollywood “PedoWood” to still be so into cinema. Kind of weird to like Hollywood movies if you think they’re all made by pedophiles tbh.
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mcb fan
McWeeny and Douschberg
Two degenerates from Pedowood tell you what you're allowed to like from the 80's
Great podcast
These guys are great, primarily because they lived through this so they can describe what it was like as movie fans of the time. It is great hearing about movies I love, movies I have never heard of, and the horrible bombs of the 80’s. They give interesting trivia and spend just enough time on each movie. Best of all they don’t bore the audience talking about what the ate for lunch like a lot of podcasts.
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Could you finish with a streamlined show?
All you need to do is play the trailer and then talk about the movie. You gave yourselves too much work with all of the other audio (Dabney Coleman, “Wow!”, the fake pitch meetings).
Perfect podcast for the quarantine
These guys know their stuff and are ready to review every major motion picture of the 80s. Love listening to these episodes and the witty banter of Scott and Drew.
Other than the language, this is perfect.
I adore your show. Y’all have done a fantastic job! Please come back and finish out the decade. Too many good movies have yet to be touched on!
Good Show!
I enjoy the talk about 80s movies and these two guys are pretty knowledgeable. Could do without their little coments about some of the actors and actresses political stands. It’s a show about movies not politics. That’s why it’s not 5 stars.
Great show until they gave up
It costs literally nothing to sit in front of a computer and record your voice. Why then did this show just give up with the excuse that it was too expensive?
Man, 80's all over is OVER!?!
Good lord, you should have started in 1985 if you were going to quit so quickly. I love this show and I will re-listen to the the seasons available. So many great discoveries from this podcast. I haven't found anything comparable to Siskel & Ebert, but this show was close. Scott Weinberg was the perfect counterpart for the insufferable namedropper Drew McWeeny. Hope you both reconsider.
BabyJane Snodgrass
Judging the 80s by today’s standards of wokeness
If you want to hear whether all the movies of the 80s are “inclusive”, “Progressive”, or woke enough for today’s snowflake progressives, this will be your cup of tea.
Where did you go?
I was really looking forward to May 1985 - my birth month. Please don’t leave me hanging!
Awesome show
Where did you guys go? Is it all over? I was looking forward to Gymkata.
Great show!
I’m so happy I found this podcast. I’m a few years older than the hosts, but I totally relate to their love of 80’s cinema. Just finished the 1980 season, and looking forward to 1981 and beyond.
Amazing! Sad to see it go. Very disappointed
Only podcast I listen to over and over again. So funny and insightful. Understand the goal was a challenge, listening to podcasts will not be as enjoyable as it once was, listening to other podcasts will only remind me of this one ending too soon.
Marc Ph
It was a great show but you let us down
Loved the show but I don’t see why I have to hear from 2nd hand sources it’s over. I would have been happy with a show every 2-3 months to finish it out. Unlikely to follow either of your future podcasts as you have proved you can’t finish something you started.
‘80s All Over is Great All Over!
Wonderful podcast that celebrates the movies of the 1980s but in a realistic way. Whether you are someone who was there (like me) or interested in one of the greatest movie decades in history, it is a highly enjoyable podcast! Can’t recommend it enough. Keep up the strong work, gentlemen!
Smart, fun, & informative
I am roughly the same age as both Drew & Scott, so their frame of reference are the same as mine. However, unlike many “back in the day” podcasts, they take off their nostalgia goggles and look at the films now, not just how they remembered them. So it’s interesting to hear of amazingly progressive movies in 1982, and then have the “how in the hell did we think THAT was OK?!?” Not to mention the once in a while “what were my parents thinking?” Plus, you can find a gem you may have missed before. Well-researched, smart and often funny takes. Endlessly listenable.
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Best podcast around
Hope all is well. Quick question: what’s up with the podcast ? Not sure if it’s my app but haven’t seen a DL in a couple of weeks.
35 street magic
Must List
80s All Over has quickly jumped to the top of my must list. This movie explores the entire gambit of 80s films. Even if you think you are an expert on the decade this podcast will shed light on the holes in your viewing experience. The passion Drew and Scott have for the decade that defined their youth is clear in every moment of the show. This podcast transports me back to those childhood nights when my brother and I would sneak downstairs after our parents fell asleep to record the horror movies showing on the UHF channels out of Boston. I can’t recommend this highly enough. Subscribe now!
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This podcast is a warm blanket. Covers my favorites, but also helps introduce or allow me to re-examine so much more. Tremendous.
Clear Eyed and Nostalgic
When I discovered this, I was skeptical. I didn’t want another piece that was all raving, uncritical recaps of 80s movies. However, Drew and Scott took me back to my childhood of reading and re- reading movie guides and checking off the movies I had seen in the back of TV guide. They took me back to select just the right stack of movies for my Friday night VHS binge. Scott’s emotional recounting of watching The Terminator with his uncle and Drew’s tale of meeting John Carpenter reminded me how valuable film was to me and how it was the only way I ever connected with my father. This show is funny, informative and cathartic for we Video Store Brats. Bravo, Sirs.
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Emilio Lizardo
One of the finest bingeworthy film podcasts
There are plenty of podcasts that cover periods in time, or a finite set of TV programs or films, where you feel like you have to listen to all episodes to get the full picture, but '80s All Over is one of the best. First off, the hosts actually do watch all films (for the ones they haven't seen already). But they also have worthwhile things to say about each film -- and for those that don't deserve the attention, they just slide right past them. The show is funny, the hosts are knowledgeable, and the programs are expertly produced. You will never look at Al Pacino, Burt Young, or Dabney Coleman the same way again. WOW
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Fred and his Incredible Sheep-Shrinking Grateful Airplanes
Every episode is amazing
This is like reliving the 1980’s through the lens of pop culture. Both hosts are brilliant and obviously love the material.
Ben Rock
Where have I been
What rock have I been living under? This is one of the greatest podcast’s I’ve ever found!
Addictive listening
I have been shotgunning these for the last month while I work. I have pages of movies to watch now and I’m going to be bummed when I start having to wait for these in real time.
D Von Egidy
Addictive And Hysterical, My New Favorite Podcast
A friend who loves movies as much as I do recommended this podcast to me ,just a few weeks, and I average about an episode a day. I would probably listen to 2 a day, but I want to savor each episode and not run out anytime soon. I am about the same age as Drew and Scott (about midway between their ages, if my guess is correct, and so my recollections of these movies are so similar to theirs. (Also, I also grew up in Northeast Philly, and apparently saw The Empire Strikes Back at the exact same movie theater that Scott did, so to say I relate to their experiences is an understatement). So many of these movies have been forgotten (some tragically, some mercifully...) and to hear about them all over again has been a terrific and illuminating experience. Love every single episode. Hope you guys keep going into the Nineties.
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Serrano Has The Discs!
One of My Favorites
I should have rated/reviewed long before this. I'm a few years older than the hosts, and I went to the movies a lot in the '80s. This is a great way to revisit the era, and I like hearing the stories about what they bring to their rewatches. It's a very good niche podcast.
Alumni Drive
I lived it
As a 50 year old, I’m enjoying every second of this podcast. It reminds me of how fun going to the movies was in the 80’s. I’m going back and finding some of the films I completely forgot I saw and watching them again.
You'll look forward to this podcast every 2 weeks
Good for any age, but for those of us at a certain age - i.e. young teens in the 80's - this podcast is gold. Both hosts very knowledgable and entertaining, and the trips back in time hearing them talk about some of these (now 30+ year old!!) movies is not only great nostalgically, but often you get a good backstory as to how these movies that dotted your adolescence came to be - and whether a movie still holds up.
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Full of hate
A podcast that can’t stand competition that also has a toxic fan base. Is zero stars an option?
Remember the 80s? Yeah. Who cares.
Awesome All Over
Scott and Drew are hilarious, insightful and profane in equal measures. I am their age and their recollections transport me back to a time I was just starting to become a movie junkie. I just finished the Best of 1984 and it was so good! Spinal Tap is my fave of that year also. I can’t afford Patreon but would happily listen to you guys do ads.
‘80s All Over gets better and better
Two and a half years in, and ‘80s All Over is running at full steam! Drew and Scott still have an excellent rapport that makes each episode a joy to listen to, even when the month in question has stinkers of films to discuss. By far the best film podcast on the Internet!!!
My favorite movie podcast
I grew up in the 80’s but have always thought of most 80’s movies to be fairly disposable. Turns out I was maybe a little right about that, but there are SO many great films of the decade. Going through every major movie of the decade is quite an undertaking, but the hosts Drew McWeeney and Scott Weinberg approach it with intelligence, humor and a personal touch. It’s a joy to listen to these guys dissect the movie trends of the 80’s and each movie specifically and how each one affected (or didn’t affect) them at the time and how they see them today. Again, my favorite and the most entertaining movie podcast I know of.
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Great show
Like a smooth balm for the soul. These men are doing God’s work!
Chuck 1010101010
Really fun to relive these movies
Got turned onto this show from We'll See You in Hell. I'm having a lot of fun and picking up on a lot of movies I missed out on.
Just Some Duder
it's great!
Excellent show, it's great!
Loving this team!
I really enjoy Scott and Drew’s take on the movies reviewed. Its helping me fill in some holes I didn’t know I had and allowing me to get all nostalgic about some of my favorites. Keep up the good work!
Gotta Keep A List
One of the best movie review podcasts out there. Discussing all the films that came out in a month of a year is a daunting task and these hosts do a great job of highlighting the majors while not slighting the minors (unless they deserve it). One of the few drawbacks is the reviews come so quick and and each show is so densly packed that I find myself having to rewind oftern to catch a title that sounds interesting for viewing later. I should just keep a running list as I listen.
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Look forward to every new episode!
I love rolling down memory lane with every episode! The amount of research that goes into each episode is crazy. I have a running list of movies to watch that Scott & Drew have suggested.
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