55 Degrees Podcast

55 Degrees

Kevin Shinn
Good ideas are like red wine. They take time to develop. Here's a collection of my thinking in the area of faith, grief, and recovering a new sense of identity. Thanks for listening.
Season 2 Introduction
Cooperating with the shift from written word to spoken word.
Feb 18, 2022
7 min
Certainty and Control
The recent news of yet another noted leader in the evangelical world is making the news for revelations of sexual misconduct. Instead of explaining the details, here is an article outlining the allegations against apologist and teacher, Ravi Zacharias.
Feb 17, 2021
5 min
The Contender
The Contender. A poem by Kevin Shinn, ©55 Degrees, 2020 When a partner leaves, either through divorce or death, their physical presence might be missing, but any unresolved conflict doesn’t go away with them. In my case, I’m now forced into a one-way conversation. When I was preparing to get married in 1990, the couple that did our pre-marriage counseling gave me this advice. They said in their many years of being together, the two things that were most important was praying together and resolving conflict together. I have new insight into this wisdom today. I wrote this poem last June shortly after a session with my therapist who helped me identify the unsolved mystery. Her physical body was absent, but she left behind a lot emotional inventory for me to sift through without her. Much of my energy in therapy has been an attempt to resolve that conflict on my own, knowing that I have no hope of ever being able to properly resolve it together. I likened my marriage as a boxing match with me as The Contender, going up against the 5 ft four, 110 pound Heavyweight Champion of the World. And if you knew her, you know I’m not exaggerating. She was an incredibly tough person. In the world of the Enneagram, it was Type 8 versus Type 4. Two very different kinds of strong going head to head. My greatest motivation collided with her deepest fear. And therein was the needed insight for much of the conflict that we experienced. This was one of my earliest and certainly my favorite poem that I’ve written. I think it’s because it communicates something I felt for a long time but was not sure how to express. This is the beauty and necessity of poetry
Feb 8, 2021
4 min
Watch Your Language
When I was a young boy, my father made it clear to me that there were certain words he did not want me using. As a father with children of my own now, I see that my Father in Heaven feels the same about the language I use to describe my relationship with him. In this episode, I describe how leaving The Church As We Know It has led me to a new language to describe my current faith journey, and the new freedom it has produced in me.
Dec 23, 2020
22 min
Dreams and Visions - Part IV
This is the fourth and final episode in sharing my experience of dreams and visions and the process I follow once I receive them. Dreams are for the dreamer first. The dream will shape the dreamer as it is carried and held for its proper time. Thanks for listening.
Dec 22, 2020
20 min
Dreams and Visions - Part III
The prophet Daniel was a dreamer with whom I identify in my own experience of dreams and visions. In no way am I claiming to receive apocalyptic information equivalent to his, but the process of receiving a dream or vision is very similar to what he went through. The dream is first for the dreamer, and the dreamer must give it time to shape her life and character. In this episode I tell a story of how I saw a vision of a watchman and how I allowed it to influence my faith for over 20 years. Thanks for listening.
Dec 19, 2020
16 min
Dreams and Visions - Part II
I’m continuing to explore this odd topic of Dreams and Visions that has been a part of my story most of my life. There isn’t a lot of information out there that I trust or feel comfortable with on this subject so I’ve been left to dwell on this privately. But I want to share some of my insight here today and trust that it might bring some clarity to your own story.
Dec 10, 2020
24 min
Dreams and Visions - Part I
I want to explore this odd topic that has been a part of my story most of my life. It's the category of Dreams and Visions.  There isn’t a lot of information out there that I trust or feel comfortable with on this subject so I’ve been left to dwell on this privately. But I want to share some of my insight here today and trust that it might bring some clarity to your own story. The book I referred to is The Body Keeps The Score by Dr. Besel van der Kolk
Dec 3, 2020
23 min
Pain Relief
It’s been a year since my wife passed away. Here are some ways I have dealt with that loss that have been helpful in moving me toward recovery and improved emotional health.
Nov 25, 2020
3 min
Show Up and Pay Attention
It's been a year since my wife passed away. Here are some ways I have dealt with that loss that have been helpful in moving me toward recovery and improved emotional health.
Nov 25, 2020
5 min
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