30 Days To Level Up Podcast

30 Days To Level Up

Zachary Wessolleck
I will be learning a new skill every month or take on a new challenge and want to document the journey. Hopefully this may give you some new ideas about new things to learn or just inspire you to get out of the comfort zone.
Episode 4- Lucid Dreaming Part 4 & a peek into the next challenge
I share my thoughts as I head into the final week of my lucid dreaming challenge and also give some insight into what challenge I will begin next week.
Aug 26, 2020
12 min
Lucid Dreaming Part 3
Saw a little bit of regression last week and that’s ok. Going to take this weeks lessons and try to make more progress for next week!
Aug 19, 2020
9 min
Lucid Dreaming Week 2
So i actually had my first lucid dream last night!! Hear about that and some of the tips I’m learning this week for increasing lucid dreaming capabilities.
Aug 12, 2020
11 min
Episode 1-Lucid Dreaming part 1
Welcome to this journey everyone! I decided to start this podcast where every month I will either learn a new skill or take a skill to the next level with new information. This first skill is going to be lucid dreaming...it’s something that I’ve always been fascinated by and look forward to what the next month holds.
Aug 4, 2020
4 min