Episode 300. Topic: Editing embryos. Theme: Science scandals. CRISPR-Cas9 has allowed for efficient DNA editing. Scientists edit the DNA of cells all the time including in embryos. What are the rules for editing the DNA of human embryos? And has anyone ever been born from an edited embryo? Twitter: @3minutelessonEmail: [email protected] episode every week day!
Jun 4, 2021
3 min
Episode 299. Topic: Autism and vaccines. Theme: Science scandals. Why do people think autism and vaccinations are linked? Is this science real? Who first made this claim and where are they now?Twitter: @3minutelessonEmail: [email protected] episode every week day! Get vaccinated.
Jun 3, 2021
3 min
Episode 298. Topic: The snub of Rosalind Franklin. Theme: Science scandals. What is the history of the discovery of DNA? Who really identified the structure of the molecule? Why are we only now getting around to recognizing the work of Rosalind Franklin? Twitter: @3minutelessonEmail: [email protected] episode every week day!
Jun 2, 2021
2 min
Episode 297. Topic: Data manipulation. Theme: Science scandals. Today's episode tells the story of a Cornell professor who was accused of (and eventually resigned over) falsifying data on nutrition research. What happened and how is ethics in research challenging to enforce? Twitter: @3minutelessonEmail: [email protected] episode every week day!
Jun 1, 2021
3 min
Episode 296. Topic: The tobacco research coverup. Theme: Science scandals. We now know cigarettes are incredibly dangerous and a major cause of lung cancer among many other diseases. However, this was contested by the tobacco industry for decades!Twitter: @3minutelessonEmail: [email protected] episode every week day!
May 31, 2021
3 min
Episode 295. Topic: 4G vs 5G. Theme: Telecommunication. What does 'G' in 5G stand for? What were the older generations of cellular service? What is different about 5G? And why is 5G first appearing in cities?
May 28, 2021
3 min
Episode 294. Topic: Cell tower politics. Theme: Telecommunication. What determines why you may or may not have cellular service in an area? How are cell towers controlled and bargained for by cellular providers?
May 27, 2021
3 min
Episode 293. Topic: Cellular phones. Theme: Telecommunication. How are cellphones like walkie talkies? How can calls be transmitted over long distances? What is a 'cell'?
May 26, 2021
2 min
Episode 292. Topic: Radio waves. Theme: Telecommunication. How do radio waves transmit information? What is AM and FM? Are radio waves dangerous?
May 25, 2021
3 min
Episode 291. Topic: History of the telephone. Theme: Telecommunication. How do telephones (land lines) work? Who invented them and why is this still controversial? How did long distance calling used to work?
May 24, 2021
3 min
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