2GuysTalkingCars Podcast


Ron Reiling & Mike Wilkerson
Whether it’s the details of new vehicles on the way, the stories of current vehicles and their drivers, or the vehicles featured inside TV, streaming video and feature films, you’re learning about it all from 2GuysTalkingCars
Batmobiles – A Complete & Detailed Review – Which is YOUR Favorite?
The ties of boys (and girls) to cars is something unique. They are unchallenged time machines that take us back to places that make the mind race. Whether it's 31 Chevy's, the muscle cars from the 60s and 70s, and even the newest vehicles being developed - they all transport us when they're seen, ridden in or driven to a different place. Sometimes mentally, but always literally. Today, 2GuysTalking launches, VAULTS almost into a completely new avenue of nostalgia and fandom appreciation as we run through television series and feature films - by way of their memorable vehicles! While there are MANY movies, television shows and more that can be thought of there is one franchise that has vehicles can simply cannot be denied when it comes to icons. BATMAN. That's right! It's time for a complete, detailed and educational review of The Batmobiles from Television and Movies here on The 2GuysTalkingCars Podcast! The 2GuyTalkingCars Podcast Links Bar:  Subscribe via iTunes |  Subscribe via RSS Feed |  Facebook Page |  Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network!  Housekeeping — A Call for Input: The bottom line when it comes to Batmobiles, is that EVERYONE IS RIGHT! Or are they? Stop and take a minute to tell us what YOUR favorite Batmobile is and why and we'll include YOUR input inside one of our future "All-Fan-Input episodes How can you do that? No need to find the statue/bust and slide down the batpole!  Fill out the form here and make your voice count! Links from this Episode: -- A Complete Gallery of ALL Batmobiles to Date! (Prepare for AWESOME!) -- Check out "The Evolution of the Batmobile" Poster! — Click Here to Buy Any/All of the Batman-related Soundtracks! Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: -- Which is YOUR favorite Batmobile?  Tell us now? — Who was your favorite Batman? Tell us now? <a href="https://acoustica.
Feb 14, 2022
40 min
Christine (1983) – A Perspective Review
&nbsp; The color - Red. The Make - Plymouth. The value - Awesome. In 1983 there were a lot of big things goin' on. Hair. Neon colored clothes. The expectations of your woodshop instructor. The other big thing that was going on, during the summer of 1983 - was a little movie, about a really angry car called Christine! Grab your popcorn, turn the radio to your favorite bebop station because it's time for the Perspective Review of Christine 1983 directed by John Carpenter! The 2GuyTalkingCars Podcast Links Bar:  Subscribe via iTunes |  Subscribe via RSS Feed |  Facebook Page |  Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network!  Housekeeping -- The Mystic River Perspective Review Links from this Episode: — Christine (1983) on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085333/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt — Christine (1983) on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Hard — Christine (1983) Dollars at Box Office Mojo — A Complete Review of ALL of the Vehicles from Christine (1983) — Christine (1983) Soundtrack Sample on YouTube — 15 Facts About John Carpenter's Christine YOU May Not Have Known Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: -- What color did YOU think Christine (1983) was? Be sure to tell us now! -- If you could own a car that would then become possessed and take you on a devilish hell ride, what kind would it be? Tell us now! -- What do you remember of The Hype from Christine (1983)? Tell us now! -- What do you remember that was "Good" inside of Christine (1983)? ...
Oct 21, 2021
1 hr 12 min
Best Police Vehicles from TV & Movies
The LAW, is out there, in vehicles of all kinds no less. Whether they on two wheels or on wheels that peel out and chase the good guys like in The Dukes of Hazzard, or the bad guys like Sonny Crocket and Tubbs in the day-glow cityscape of Miami, the law has always and will always have a presence in entertainment. It’s time for a literal hybrid podcast, combining the superpowers of 2GuysTalkingCars.Com, and WhatCopsWatch.Com where we put some polish on some of the coolest cop cars in entertainment history! Sit back a spell, strap on your proverbial duty belt and or shoulder holster and join us as we revisit the land of nostalgia, police officers and entertainment as we list The 10 Best Cop Vehicles from TV &amp; Movies on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network… The WhatCopsWatch.Com Podcast Links Bar:   Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via RSS Feed |   Facebook Page |   Twitter Page | Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Housekeeping Be sure to continue the talk at our OFFICIAL Fan Gathering Point on Facebook at: 24LegacyFans.Com! Another Nod to Guest Host Lt. Pat Doering, Real-Life Crisis Negotiator, Author and Original 24 Fan! Check out Pat’s Book, “Crisis Cops: The Evolution of Crisis Negotiator in America” Links from this Episode: The 24- Legacy Podcast: Check out the review the “Worst Day of Former Army Ranger Eric Carter’s Life” now!2016 Look for More Great Links Here Soon! Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: — — Who is your favorite actor inside this property? Tell us now! — — What “lightbulb moment” did you have about law enforcement inside this episode? Tell us now! Be an Advertiser/Sponsor for This Program! &nbsp; &nbsp; Tell us what you think! It’s never too late to be an advertiser in this podcast, thanks to Perpetual Advertising! Contact WhatCopsWatch now and<a href="http://2gtt...
Jul 8, 2021
42 min
The Best MOPAR Vehicles in TV and Movie History!
It’s a word you’ve probably heard don’t know the real definition to. What is MOPAR? More importantly, which MOPAR vehicles appear in television and movies? Which one’s the best? Check out the fun, detail, and education now in the most recent 2GuysTalkingCars podcast! The 2GuyTalkingCars Podcast Links Bar:  Subscribe via iTunes |  Subscribe via RSS Feed |  Facebook Page |  Stitcher Page  Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network!  Housekeeping — A Call for Input: The impact of MOPAR continues across the automotive industry. What are your favorite parts, car add-ons or cars when it comes to MOPAR? Stop and take a minute to tell us and we'll include YOUR input inside one of our future "All-Fan-Input episodes. Fill out the form here and make your voice count! -- AmazingPetExpos.Com: Because YOU Have Amazing Pets! -- The American Grafitti Perspective Review - a Nostalgia Bomb from 1973 Showcasing 1962! Links from this Episode: -- The Official MOPAR Website -- Not Satisfied with What We Focused-on/Talked About? Let your eyes and attention span! Get After It!  -- NOTE: You will not be able to just "read our listing!" You'll have to listen to get it all now! Be sure to tell us what we missed! Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: -- Wnat MOPAR vehicles did you think we missed? Be sure to tell us now! &nbsp;
Jul 2, 2018
3 min
American Graffiti (1973) – A Perspective Review
When I was a kid, HAPPY DAYS was one of the most prolific programs on television. What I remember from that was red-headed Richie Cunningham, his family, and the rocking around the clock of those who worshipped the Fonz, and all things drive-in diner. The cars. The stories. The innocence, and ROLLER SKATES! It was a different time with different morals and truly completely different lifestyles. No electronic “things” to take up your time and tons of steel AWESOME to capture your gaze. Time to slick your hair back, grab a cherry coke and rev your engine, because it’s time for The 2GuysTalkingCars Perspective Review of American Graffiti 1973, directed by George Lucas, here on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network. The 2GuyTalkingCars Podcast Links Bar:  Subscribe via iTunes |  Subscribe via RSS Feed |  Facebook Page |  Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network!  Housekeeping — A Call for Input: The impact of American Graffiti continues even these many years later. What was your favorite part, car or acting moment inside of this American classic? Stop and take a minute to tell us and we'll include YOUR input inside one of our future "All-Fan-Input episodes. Fill out the form here and make your voice count! -- The Top 10 Best MOPAR in TV &amp; Movies: what does MOPAR mean to you? Be sure to check out the Top 10 MOPARs in TV and Movie History from 2GuysTalkingCars! Links from this Episode: -- A Link to American Graffiti (1973) at IMDB -- The Official Movie Trailer for American Graffitti (1973) -- A link to American Grafiti (1973) on Wikipedia -- Learn More About the Cars from American Grafitti (1973) -- Check out "The Making of American Grafitti (1973) -- Visit the Filming Locations of American Grafitti (1973) -- The Discography and Career of James Horner -- Buy <a href="https://www.amazon.com/American-Graffiti-Special-Blu-ray-Howard/dp/B001AQMBDM/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1530386764&amp;sr=8-11&amp;keywor...
Jun 30, 2018
1 hr 13 min