2 Black Chicks Talkin' Politics Podcast

2 Black Chicks Talkin' Politics

Saadya Byrd Danielle Jenkins
Welcome to our channel! We are two black women, dedicated to showing their view of politics. We are often left out of these political conversations so, both of us came up with this idea with the intention to have our voices heard! The Channel's Social Media: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/twoblackchi... Twitter:https://twitter.com/2blckchicks
2 Black Chicks Talkin' Politics- Episode 1: Election Reactions
Join Saadya and Danielle for our reactions to the 2020 Election. Thank you for joining us! We are so sorry for uploading this so late, but we are college students and. we just finished off the semester. So, expect a more consistent upload schedule from now on! Please Subscribe if you like our content! Enjoy!   The Channel's Social Media:  Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/twoblackchi...  Twitter:https://twitter.com/2blckchicks
Jan 5, 2021
1 hr 24 min
2 Black Chicks Talkin' Politics- Election Predictions
Join Saadya and Danielle, as we both talk about our predictions for the 2020 Presidential Election. We also have a Youtube channel, so look for a video on our Election Reactions. Thank you for joining us! Please Subscribe if you like our content! Enjoy!   The Channel's Social Media:  Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/twoblackchi...  Twitter:https://twitter.com/2blckchicks
Nov 11, 2020
1 hr 3 min