The Bunker
The Bunker
via Podcasts
Not so much
Used to love this pod, now tired of the endless snark. And the attacks on Sunak veer uncomfortably close to racism.
Read Starmer in The Guardian
If you truly believe that Kindness is the correct choice, then follow the approach of the lead Prosecutor above.
Twitter episode
It’s too much of a bias, it brings down the all project.
Stretching Too Thin
The bunker is a really good podcast, generally speaking. But there are times when the format is stretched too thin. A good example is this week’s Gen Z show, hosted by Jacob Jarvis. Does anyone really need to be told that people in their 20s have grown up in a world where cell phones, social media and personal branding are facts of life? Does anyone really not know what it means to STAN someone? Some of the questions were as banal as the answers. “Why do people use slang?” “ I think it’s an attempt to create a community.” Please.
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Original Sharkey
Must I be an atheist to be fully included?
It’s great to hear the diverse view of opinions on the podcast and I enjoy the conversations immensely. Once and a while, it does feel isolating. Alex Andreou, whom I very much like, recently interviewed Dr. Steven Pinker. It was an excellent interview, but I did feel at certain points that they were just kind of bashing religion as illogical nonsense and it would just be nice to hear a diversity of views on religion as well in other episodes. It’s clear this is predominantly a podcast for people who aren’t religious, but it would mean a lot to those of us out there if y’all could bring I, people with other viewpoints about God and the spiritual aspects of humanity and have equally engaging conversations.
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Astute and articulate...
...and interesting, uninhibited guests.
Excellent resource
Found these folks a couple years ago when researching alternatives to BBC Brexit coverage. Sometimes they paint with too broad a brush on US politics, government but they can be counted on for “deep dive” on UK politics, instant reactions to events there. Nice EU takes from time to time. (Stop inviting US “conservatives” as guests. The get too much air time in US as it is).
Luke O’Neill Needs To Do His Research Better
O’Neill made some good points, but also unfairly disparaged various fields of research. Psychology relies on many methods, or just surveys. And given that he criticised people for not have a broad, well-informed view of the data, this is very hypocritical. But I enjoy this podcast.
Do not miss
A perfect panoply of political punditry (with swearing!).
Gorman the Librarian
Amy Pope:Joe Biden did speak at a black church recently!
First of all, I like listening to the Bunker for a realistic view of what’s going on in the UK with the 2 challenges of Covid-19 and a BoJo committed to ramming the Brexit iceberg also this year. My son has a cafe in Hove, so I’m a very interested Yank. But your recent guest Amy Pope’s hand-ringing over how poor Joe Biden can address taking down pro-slavery statues was typical of “centrist” Democrats trying to walk a line rather than take a stand. A losing strategy! And Biden did speak in a black church-after the murder of George Floyd. Google “Joe Biden shoot em in the leg.” There, he made a mockery of BLM by advising cops to “shoot an unarmed attacker who maybe has a knife in the leg instead of the heart.” The incoherence of this aside, it’s awful on every level- legal, moral, and anatomical-and with the Atlanta cop shooting murder of Rayshard Brooks, it just further aligns Biden with killer cops ( which is where he’s been his whole career).No more cop shootings is the stance he should take! Black people here live in a deadly police state, now joined by all the peaceful protesters being attacked and tear-gassed for exercising their First Amendment rights.
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J and P Alden
Bunker’s post Brexit Britain
Brilliant, inspiring and much needed interview by Ayesha Hazarika with the TUC’s Frances O’Grady about the revitalization of unions in this time of crisis. And it’s a great show to boot!
ben plumley
Keep on keeping on
From across the pond: What would life be without the maniacal laughter, swearing, and insights from this crew? Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about that.
Familiar voices, new topics
Great to hear familiar voices from Remainiacs talking beyond Brexit, though the B word did crop up a bit! Insightful comments on immigration, the Labour party and also a US perspective on all things Brit from guest Amy Pope. Welcome addition to my podcast library.