Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran
Michelle Cohen Farber
via Podcasts
Women should not be Learning Gemara
Women should not be learning Gemara. My source for this is the Gemara itself which says women shouldn’t learn Gemara!
gavriel gg
A masterful class
These shiurim are absolutely amazing. They are clear and accessible for any level of learning. Thank you!
Estie Agus
This is just wrong it says bferesh in the Torah WOMEN DONT LEARM GEMARA IT IS A MITZVAH SHEHASMAN GMARA
unknown #1 follower
Thank you for this incredible resource!
Such a great tool
Really appreciate Rabbanit Farber for taking the time to lead us through the daf. I really enjoy her method of teaching.
The world of Talmud opened to women!
A wonderful, knowledgeable, interesting daily dose of Talmud given by a brilliant woman who changes the way women view Judaism. She provides insight into why we do what we do connecting us even more to what it means to be a Jew. We are privileged to have Rabbanit Farber in our generation! I would highly recommend this pod cast to beginners and the experienced Talmud students alike!
Great podcast
The teacher is great, the subject matter is fascinating and the podcast is fast paced.
Wonderful for beginners to Talmud
The Rabbanit is a wonderful teacher because she doesn’t assume that listeners are coming to the subject matter with a background in Talmud. Sometimes, it’s hard to follow her because she takes questions/comments from her live classroom and since you can’t hear the questions or comments, you might feel like you’re missing out on something.
Superb and reliable. A real treasure
Rabbanit is wonderful. Incredibly knowledgeable, articulate, thoughtful, terrific clear pronunciation, lightning quick connections among different texts, interpretations, and practice. Attentive to relevance and meaning. No fluff, just very solid learning. A real treasure.
Chicago customer cb
Thanks to this wonderful podcast and modern technology! I was able to listen to entire shiur on the way to work and understand it without having much of jewish educational background. Beraka was well explained in a way that is comprehensible and clear. Hoping to continue my learning!!!