Her. Podcast


Maddisen Spano
My name is Maddisen Spano! I'm just a girl who has been through life, love, the good, and the not-so good. I've learned a lot through dreaming catching, sometimes failing, mom-ing, and wife-ing. As a Christian how does 'she' do it? Sometimes it can be hard to find HER in the midst of life, well, lived... So many times religion, too, can drain us dry in the midst of all that life has to offer, but it wasn't meant to be this way! Let's rediscover HER buried beneath the rubble of life, love, betrayal, depression, anxiety, and really through all the bitter and sweet moments of this beautiful life!
Spiritual Renewal | Leveling Up This Year
This is a short podcast on spiritual renewal- a major aspect of becoming and maintaining HER, and really its the foundation of all other aspects of her as well! When we are out of flow spiritually we are out of flow mentally, phsycially, and emotionally as well! So let's learn what it looks like to restart our faith day by day to start living FOWARDS this year and not BACKWARDS! Happy 20th decade girl, and may this one be the best one yet!  M. 
Jan 1, 2020
14 min
How To Find Your Future Spouse | A How-To Guide
Hey there girl! You are listening to ‘HER’ Podcast! Today with me is my husband Vincent Spano acting as my co-host! And we will be sharing with ya’ll single ladies out there what it looks like to find your future man! If you are still single, feel exhausted with the waiting game, want to know if the person you are with is it, and just need a little direction this is for you! We will also be sharing our own story and the crazy awesome ways that God really does write modern day love stories! Let's talk about what it looks like to wait, and prepare for your future spouse, cuz he (or she, for all you guys listening in!) is out there, I promise!
Dec 11, 2019
35 min
How To Recreate Your Life From A Mess | My Story
What’s up ya’ll its Maddisen Spano! SO I wanted to share a little bit about myself and how I got to this place of complete inner freedom and self- awareness that I am at today. Really I want to share this with ya’ll because it took a lot to get where I am. TO become centered, whole, and happy! I used to be such a mess, so broken, and really I was just so scared to live my life because I was afraid of making the same mistakes as the generations before me. My family legacy is like not perfect. It’s not pretty, and I really much of my depression, anxiety, fear, and altogether dead-end lifestyle stemmed from my family background. How a person is raised, whether she has socially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically healthy roots determines how she flourishes in life! A lot of times you are your environment. Unless you choose to change. So how do you change? What does this look like? Of course we cannot control the environment we are born into, or even some of the traumatic things that have happened to us. But we CAN change the future! Take a few tips from me. I had to learn the hard, long, confusing way. But you can skip past all that!
Dec 5, 2019
13 min
When The Love Dries Up- What If That's Not A Bad Thing?
On today's episode we will be discussing the topic of "when the love dries up". Of course that honey moon stage can be oh so sweet! The feelings, the infatuation, the passion, and grand acts of romance. But it's called a stage for a reason: it was never meant to be the foundation, but a natural shift into something deeper! What if I told you that the end of the honey moon stage didn't mean the relationship was over, or that the love was never there?? Well, girl, it doesn't mean that at all! Quite the opposite actually! If you are married and you feel as though you've made a terrible mistake because all the romantic ways about him are now periodic, at best, I can assure you that this is a good thing! It means the relationship is progressing and moving onto the second level of what eventually brings about the  'completion' of a relationship that has made it out of the trenches and into the bliss. So grab your cup of peppermint tea, your pumpkin latte, or whatever you've got and listen in! Your hosts are Maddisen Spano and her husband Vincent. They share tips on relatable issues every 'HER' faces- to bring you a little direction in living your best life yet! Please subscribe and share! More at Maddisenspano.com
Nov 29, 2019
32 min
What do you do when your husband won't lead?
Do you struggle with a husband who has checked out? Failed to lead spiritually, emotionally, or even has neglected to provide in areas of necessity? Maybe you've grown bitter, angry, and have grown to just take charge yourself but still can't shake this need you have for your husband to step up to the plate and be the man you know he can be, should be,  (or used to be!).  In this episode Vincent and Maddisen Spano seek to speak into 'Her' life from experience, having been there and done that, they share tips and insight into the real issues and ultimately get to the bottom of what their listener can do to seek what she needs from her spouse. With years of experience being 'successfully' married, they seek to teach tips they've learned along the rocky way and come along side other couples in similar struggles they may face.
Nov 24, 2019
24 min
Five ways to get our hubby to listen without nagging- a husbands perspective
How do we positively get what we want in marriage? Sometimes we may not be getting a want or need met in marriage and have tried everything to enact change, yet nothing works. Things have actually gotten worse! So what's a girl to do? Vincent Spano joins Her to encourage the listener with five ways she can get her husband to finally respond to her pleas, and enact positive change!
Nov 20, 2019
13 min
How To Stop Self-Sabotaging Part 1
Hey there girl!  Do you have trouble keeping friendships? Maybe your marriage even struggles due to an inability to feel loved? Perhaps you have taken steps towards 'change' and nothing ever seems to quite solve the always-ebbing flow of strain put on your relationships? Well this episode is for you! Brought to you by Madwoman, we discuss how to Stop Self-Sabotaging in relationships with practical tips and insight into 'why you do what you do'. and how to get out of the rut!  XOXO, M Follow us on social here: @maddisenbrookespano maddisenspano.com
Nov 17, 2019
10 min