大麻煩不煩 In The Weeds
大麻煩不煩 In The Weeds
鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media
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大麻煩不煩 In The Weeds
鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media
2021 KKBOX 年度 PODCAST 風雲榜「最佳節目主持人」得主。 從大麻這個全球議題出發,延伸出各種關於「如何保護自己」的法律知識。話題從台灣大麻法律、全球大麻合法化、醫療使用、歷史文化、綠金產業,聊到臨檢盤查、性騷擾、刑法改革等法法普議題,教大家在關鍵時刻如何應對、同時保障自身權益,避免惹上不必要的大麻煩。 
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 15 days
Latest episode
23 days ago
March 28
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Stats, Tracking, Dynamic Audio
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All content for 大麻煩不煩 In The Weeds is the property of 鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podbay in any way.