In this video I discuss the history of the Warrior Aristocracy from the Iron Age Invaders to the French Monarchs. I discuss Warrior cultures and their impact on social hierarchy as well, especially in comparison to the current bourgeois elite of modernity. Thinkers discussed: Nietzsche Julius Evola Bronze Age Pervert Yukio MishimaTimestamps: 0:00 Intro, Traditional War 6:57 Modern War 11:03 Origins of Warrior Aristocracy, Iron Age Invaders 19:34 Warrior vs Economic Elite, Savage Excellence fr...
Feb 17
44 min
Today I discussed the necessity for power to ensure survival/prosperity both for individuals and the collective group that empowers them, the cycles of civilizations regarding their rise and fall, and the symptoms of power and weakness within them. I discussed the signs of weakness in a decaying society, why moral degeneracy/decay leads to a weak State, as well as relating my 4 Tiers of Human value to why societies seem to grow weak in general, and how political ideology replacing religion/cu...
Apr 16, 2023
1 hr 15 min
Hey everyone, I know it took a little longer than I originally announced but I finally got around to making it. It ended up being much longer than expected but I hope you get something out of it. I think that the concepts I discuss have major ramifications towards future and in many ways show us our responsibility to do good in the world. Thank you all for the support as always.
Apr 16, 2023
1 hr 8 min
10 Minute Philosophy: The Nature of Evil, its existence in everyone and its roots in hate/power/love
Again this went way longer than planned. As usual it was a bit all over the place riddled with various tangents but I enjoyed discussing this topic a lot. If you found issue with the format, being a bit difficult to follow, please let me know. My thought process is very ADD constantly going from different points. I think this is an important topic given the human nature to follow a specific group even when it violates what we believe in. Then again, aren’t these groups inevitable? Is evil ine...
Apr 7, 2023
47 min
I meant for this to be a bit shorter but as usual I went of on some tangents. This video was meant to briefly go over some of the concepts behind Nietzsche’s Will to Power and Schopenhauer’s Will to Life in regards to human suffering, fulfillment and how we can deal with hyper stimuli/dopamine regulation etc.
Apr 3, 2023
28 min