小说《乱世佳人》 Podcast


斯嘉丽女神的“撩”天教程1. Excerpt & TranslationAt these last sounds, the twins realized it was time they were starting home. But they were loath to face their mother and they lingered on the porch of Tara, momentarily expecting Scarlett to give them an invitation to supper.听到这些声音,兄弟俩意识到他们该动身回家了。但他们不愿意回去面对他们的母亲,于是一直逗留在塔拉的游廊上,心里盼望着思嘉丽会邀请他们留在那吃饭。“Look, Scarlett. About tomorrow,” said Brent. “Just because we’ve been away and didn’t know about the barbecue and the ball, that’s no reason why we shouldn’t get plenty of dances tomorrow night. You haven’t promised them all, have you?”“我说思嘉,我们说说明天的事,”布伦特说,“因为我们一直不在,不知道野餐会和舞会的事,明天晚上我们没有理由不跳个够。你还没有答应别人吧?”“Well, I have! How did I know you all would be home? I couldn’t risk being a wallflower just waiting on you two.”“哦,我当然已经答应别人了。我怎么知道你们都会回来呢?我才不想为了只伺候你们俩而把自己变成舞会上受冷落的小可怜虫。”“You a wallflower!” The boys laughed uproariously.“你会成为受冷落的小可怜虫!”两个男孩乐得捧腹大笑。“Look, honey. You’ve got to give me the first waltz and Stu the last one and you’ve got to eat supper with us. We’ll sit on the stair landing like we did at the last ball and get Mammy Jincy to come tell our fortunes again.”“我说宝贝,你得答应跟我跳第一支华尔兹,跟斯图跳最后一支。你还得跟我们一起吃晚饭。我们再在楼梯平台上,就像上次舞会时那样。再让吉茜嬷嬷来给我们算命。”“I don’t like Mammy Jincy’s fortunes. You know she said I was going to marry a gentleman with jet-black hair and a long black mustache, and I don’t like black-haired gentlemen.”“我可不喜欢吉茜嬷嬷算命。你们知道的,上次她说我会和一个头发乌黑发亮、胡子又长又黑的先生结婚。我才不喜欢黑头发的先生呢。”2. Words & Expressions1. loath  /ləʊθ/ :厌恶,讨厌,同 loathe【短语】be loath to:不愿意做某事;self-loathing:自我厌恶【例句】Sensing he held the advantage, Mr. Danbar was loath to change the subject. 丹巴先生觉得占有优势,不愿改变话题。2. linger /ˈlɪŋɡə/:徘徊【短语】linger in:萦绕在【例句】:His words still linger in our ears. 他的话依然萦绕在我们耳畔。3. momentarily /ˈməʊməntrəli/  短暂地【例句】Such improper behaviour and language from a young lady left me momentarily incapable of speech. 如此不得体的言行竟来自一位年轻女士,这让我惊愕地一时无语。4. give someone an invitation to sth:给某人某活动的邀请【例句】:She gave me an invitation to the graduation ball. 她给了我毕业舞会的邀请。5. plenty of  大量;很多,可同时形容可数和不可数名词【例句】Most businesses face plenty of competition. 多数企业都面临大量的竞争。【例句】There are plenty of activities at the resort for the less daring.度假胜地有许多活动是供不太敢于冒险的人玩的。6. risk being...    risk + 动名词doing 结构: 表示冒险做...【例句】But it would also risk doing far more damage to the euro zone, and to the entire European Union, than good. 但同时又存在将整个欧元区置于这一政策带来的高风险的阴影之下。7.wallflower /ˈwɔːlˌflaʊə(r)/ : 壁花【英文释义】a person who does not dance at a party because they do not have sb to dance with or because they are too shy(西方用来形容在舞会上无人搭理的人,他人的陪衬)【其他含义】:桂竹香 a garden plant with yellow, orange or red flowers with a sweet smell that appear in late spring (一种园艺植物,暮春开花,呈黄、橙、红色)8. uproariously /ʌp'rɔːriəsli/:喧哗地,吵闹地,uproar 的副词形式。【例句】:He speaks uproariously. 他说话的声音喧闹。9. tell one's fortunes:给某人算命fortune teller:算命人在西方中世纪到维多利亚时期期间,算命人、占星术在社会中一直占有特殊的地位10. jet-black:乌黑的,墨黑的【例句】:She got silky, jet black hair. 她的头发乌黑顺滑。3. Close Reading用现代的眼光来看,小说前几章的斯嘉丽绝对是个受女生讨厌,异性缘爆棚的“心机girl”,这段斯嘉丽和塔尔顿兄弟的对话教科书版地展示了绿茶是如何维护和备胎之间的关系的。下面让我们用Grice的会话合作原则来具体分析一下魅力无穷的斯嘉丽是如何通过破坏会话合作原则来“撩拨”斯图尔特和布伦特直男两兄弟的吧!美国语言学家Grice(1975)指出,在对话中,对话的双方为了使会话顺利进行,实现沟通,必须相互合作,共同遵循的四项准则,它们是数量准则( The maxim of quantity),质量准则( The maxim of quality),关系准则( The maxim of relevance)以及方式准则( The maxim of manner)。在对话中,说话人可以通过故意不遵守某一条准则的方式来向听话人传递一种新的信息及会话含义。当布伦特邀请斯嘉丽当自己的舞伴时,斯嘉丽除了表示自己已经答应了别人外,还给出了一些无关信息:“我怎么知道你们都会回来呢?我才不想为了只伺候你们俩而把自己变成舞会上受冷落的小可怜虫。”斯嘉丽给出多于布伦特需要的信息,暗示塔尔顿兄弟俩要不是因为他们可能的缺席,她是完全有可能成为他俩的舞伴的。通过违反数量原则,斯嘉丽创造了新的会话含义:我以为你们不回来,又不想成为无人问津的可怜虫,所以才答应了别人。暗示了两兄弟在自己心里的重要地位。之后布伦特再次邀请斯嘉丽和自己跳舞,吃晚饭,让嬷嬷算命。而斯嘉丽的回答只针对了第三个算命的邀约:“我可不喜欢吉茜嬷嬷算命”,此处斯嘉丽违反了关系准则,将话题引到了吉茜嬷嬷算命这件事上,不经意地避免了给予兄弟俩是否一起跳舞吃饭的正面答复,同时也将话题和注意力牢牢地吸引到了和自己有关的话题上。整段对话中斯嘉丽从头到尾都没有给予塔尔顿兄弟俩任何承诺,但却有意无意地通过破坏会话准则增加了和他们之间的亲密度,如此高超的对话技术和套路,也难怪斯嘉丽的追随者们甘心被她玩弄于股掌之中了呢!那么斯嘉丽心目中的男神到底是谁?预言中的黑头发先生会不会出现?接下来的章节中你很快将找到答案!ReferenceGrice, H. P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In Speech acts (pp. 41-58). Brill.
Oct 7, 2021
9 min
斯佳丽和布伦特及斯图尔特兄弟在聊天,可是她突然发现自己暗恋的人要和别人订婚了......她会有怎样的感受和心情呢?这些心情如何准确地用英文表达出来呢?1. Excerpt & Translation"You like 'em red-headed, don't you, honey?" grinned Brent "Now, come on, promise us all the waltzes and the supper."“你喜欢红头发的,对么,宝贝儿?”布伦特咧嘴一笑,“好啦,快答应跟我俩跳所有的华尔兹,还有一起吃晚饭。”"If you'll promise, we'll tell you a secret," said Stuart.“要是答应了,就告诉你个秘密。”斯图尔特道。"What?" cried Scarlett, alert as a child at the word.“啥秘密?”斯佳丽一听就孩子似的竖起了耳朵。"Is it what we heard yesterday in Atlanta, Stu? If it is, you know we promised not to tell."“是昨天咱俩在亚特兰大听说的那档子事儿吧,斯图?要是的话,可别忘了咱们答应过不讲的。”"Well, Miss Pitty told us."“呣,是皮特小姐告诉我们的。”"Miss Who?"“哪位小姐?”"You know, Ashley Wilkes' cousin who lives in Atlanta, Miss Pittypat Hamilton--Charles and Melanie Hamilton's aunt."“你认识她,就是阿什礼·威尔克斯的姨妈,住在亚特兰大的,皮特帕特·汉密尔顿小姐——查尔斯和梅拉妮的姑妈。”"I do, and a sillier old lady I never met in all my life."“噢,我认识。这辈子还没见过比她更傻的老婆子呢。”"Well, when we were in Atlanta yesterday, waiting for the home train, her carriage went by the depot and she stopped and talked to us, and she told us there was going to be an engagement announced tomorrow night at the Wilkes ball."“昨天我俩在亚特兰大等火车回家,她的马车正好路过车站,就停下来跟我俩说说话,告诉我们明儿晚上威尔克斯家的舞会上要宣布一件婚约。”"Oh, I know about that," said Scarlett in disappointment. "That silly nephew of hers, Charlie Hamilton, and Honey Wilkes. Everybody's known for years that they'd get married some time, even if he did seem kind of lukewarm about it."“噢,我知道,”斯佳丽颇为失望,“准是她那个蠢里蠢气的侄儿查理·汉密尔顿和霍妮·威尔克斯订婚的事儿。这么多年,谁不知道他俩早晚要结婚,就算男的那么不冷不热。”"Do you think he's silly?" questioned Brent. "Last Christmas you sure let him buzz round you plenty."“你说查理蠢里蠢气?”布伦特问,“去年圣诞你还由着他围着你团团转呢。”"I couldn't help him buzzing," Scarlett shrugged negligently. "I think he's an awful sissy."“他爱转我有啥办法?”斯佳丽不在意地耸耸肩,“我看他也太娘娘腔了。”"Besides, it isn't his engagement that's going to be announced," said Stuart triumphantly. "It's Ashley's to Charlie's sister, Miss Melanie!" “可惜呀,要宣布的婚约不是他的,”斯图尔特得意洋洋,“是阿什礼跟查理的妹妹梅拉妮小姐!”Scarlett's face did not change but her lips went white--like a person who has received a stunning blow without warning and who, in the first moments of shock, does not realize what has happened. So still was her face as she stared at Stuart that he, never analytic, took it for granted that she was merely surprised and very interested.斯佳丽面不改色,但双唇发白,好比遭到突然袭击,一下子不明白发生了什么事。她一味瞪着斯图尔特,神色如常。而他呢,向来不善揣摩人心,理所当然以为她不过感到惊奇,觉得有趣而已。"Miss Pitty told us they hadn't intended announcing it till next year,because Miss Melly hasn't been very well; but with all the war talk going around, everybody in both families thought it would be better to get married soon. So it's to be announced tomorrow night at the supper intermission. Now, Scarlett, we've told you the secret, so you've got to promise to eat supper with us."“皮特小姐告诉我们,他俩原打算等明年再宣布,因为梅丽小姐身体一直不大好。可眼下到处都在谣传要打仗,两家都觉得还是早办喜事的好,所以明儿晚饭后就要宣布。好啦,斯佳丽,秘密都告诉你了,你可得答应跟我俩一起吃晚饭。”"Of course I will," Scarlett said automatically.“当然。”斯佳丽呆板地回答。"And all the waltzes?"“还有全部华尔兹?”"All."“都行。”“"You're sweet! I'll bet the other boys will be hopping mad."你真好!我敢打赌别的男孩子全都会气疯。”"Let 'em be mad," said Brent. "We two can handle 'em. Look, Scarlett. Sit with us at the barbecue in the morning."“让他们疯好啦,”布伦特道,“咱俩能对付。听我说,斯佳丽,上午吃烤肉也跟我俩坐一块儿吧。”"What?"“什么?”Stuart repeated his request.斯图尔特把请求重复一遍。"Of course." “当然。”2. Words & Expressions1. red-headed:红色头发(of a person) having red hair 有红色头发(指人)(of an animal) having a red head 有红色的头 (指动物)-headed   [suffix] 有特定种类或数量的头having a (specified kind of) head  【例词】clear-headed (尤指在困境中)头脑清醒的,明白事理的;having (a specified number of) heads【例词】two-headed  两个头的2. at the word: 当听到、 当读到......的时候【例句】At the word "interesting" Matt winced. 听到“有趣”这个词,马特皱了皱眉。3. waltz /wɒls/ 华尔兹舞华尔兹一词,据考证是大约在1780年前后出现的,最初来自古德文“Walzl”,意思是“滚动”“旋转”或“滑动”。华尔兹这种自娱舞蹈形式最早仅流行于农村,直到法国大革命和工业革命后才被广为接受。随着工人阶级的大规模出现和巨大的社会变革,人们对自娱性舞蹈风格的要求发生了巨大的改变。身体轻松自然、风度飘逸洒脱的华尔兹一时间取代刻板拘谨的小步舞和加伏特舞,成了人们自得其乐的方式。1834年后,华尔兹传到了美国。它在美国的第一个落脚点是波士顿,随即传到了纽约和费城,传说它也曾使上流社会呆若木鸡。但不久之后,到19世纪中叶,华尔兹就在美国的社交圈子里扎下了根。4. A sillier old lady I never met in all my life.我从没见过比她更傻的old lady了比较级+never 表示最高级5. Her carriage went by the depot.carriage /ˈkærɪdʒ/旧时指四轮马车,现在常常指火车车厢depot  /ˈdepəʊ/【US old-fashioned】汽车站;火车站a bus station or train station【Br】(尤指公共汽车的)车库;仓库a place where buses or railway engines are kept when they are not being used6. He did seem kind of lukewarm about it.lukewarm /ˌluːkˈwɔː(r)m/not very enthusiastic or interested not enthusiastic or interested【例句】The movie may get better reviews here than in America,where it attracted a decidedly lukewarm response.这部电影在美国可能会得到比在美国更好的评价,在美国它的反响肯定是冷淡的。【例句】Her proposals got a lukewarm response.大家对她的建议反应冷淡。(尤指液体)温吞的,微热的(especially of a liquid) only slightly warm【例句】This coffee's lukewarm.这杯咖啡不热。8. You sure let him buzz round you plenty.buzz /bʌz/ round 团团转9. It's to be announced tomorrow night at the supper intermission.intermission /ˌɪntə(r)ˈmɪʃ(ə)n/a short break in the middle of a play, film, concert etc(戏剧、电影、音乐会等的)幕间休息10. I couldn't help him buzzing," Scarlett shrugged negligently. "I think he's an awful sissy."shrug /ʃrʌɡ/(表示不知道或不感兴趣)耸(肩)to raise your shoulders and then lower them in order to say you do not know or are not interested【例句】He shrugged his shoulders as if to say that there was nothing he could do about it.他耸了耸肩,好像在说他对此无能为力。【例句】Thousands of people are starving to death while the world shrugs its shoulders (= shows no interest or care).(figurative) 成千上万的人濒于饿死,世人却无动于衷。awful /ˈɔːf(ə)l/used for emphasizing how unpleasant someone or something is 表示不愉快【例句】He had the awful feeling that everyone was laughing at him.每个人都在嘲笑他,他感觉很糟糕used for emphasizing what you are saying 表示强调【例句】She’s awful cute. 她也太可爱了吧!sissy /ˈsɪsi/ 女人气的男子;胆小鬼;懦弱的人an insulting word for a boy or a man who does things that girls or women usually do【例句】Kevin is such a sissy.凯文真是个娘娘腔。【例句】Can't you climb that tree, you big sissy?你爬不上那棵树吧,你这个胆小鬼!不过啦,新时代每个人都有自由选择做自己11. a person who has received a stunning blow without warning stunning blowstunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ 震惊;惊讶shocking or very impressiveblow /bləʊ/ (用拳头或武器的)重击a hard hit with a hand or a weapon【例词】a sharp blow to the stomach 对肚子猛的一击【例句】The victim was apparently killed by a blow to the head with a heavy object. 受害者显然是头部被重物击中致死。12. He, never analyticanalytic  /ˌænəlˈɪtɪk/ /analytical 分析的;善于分析的thinking about things in a detailed and intelligent way, so that you can examine and understand things 【例句】She’s got an analytical mind.她非常善于分析。13. "Of course I will," Scarlett said automatically.automatically /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/ 不由自主地without conscious thought or intention, especially because of habit【例句】I just automatically said ‘Yes’.我想也没想地就说了“是”。14. the other boys will be hopping mad.hopping mad 暴跳如雷informal very angry【SYN】furious /ˈfjʊəriəs/ 暴怒的Christmas dinner ruined and so on - she's hopping mad.圣诞晚餐被毁了,她气疯了。
Oct 7, 2021
18 min
To the ears of the three on the porch came the sounds of hooves, the jingling of harness chains and the shrill careless laughter of negro voices, as the field hands and mules came in from the fields. From within the house floated the soft voice of Scarlett’s mother, Ellen O’Hara, as she called to the little black girl who carried her basket of keys. The high-pitched, childish voice answered “Yas’m,” and there were sounds of footsteps going out the back way toward thesmokehouse where Ellen would ration out the food to the home-coming hands. There was the clickof china and the rattle of silver as Pork, the valet-butler of Tara, laid the table for supper. 门廊下的三个人忽听见马蹄嘚嘚敲地,鞍辔作响,黑奴们放肆的喧声笑语,下地干活的人们赶着骡子回来啦。屋里飘出斯佳丽的母亲埃伦·奥哈拉柔和的嗓音,呼唤那个掌管钥匙篮子的黑女孩,尖脆的童声答应着“来啦,太太”,随后一片杂沓的脚步朝屋后熏腊贮藏室去了。奥哈拉太太要在那儿给收工归来的人们分发食物。还听到瓷器相碰,银餐具叮当,塔拉庄园管伙食的男管家波克正准备开晚饭呢。 1 jingling(原型为jingle) ['dʒɪŋɡlɪŋ] n. 叮当声 【例子】 Ask the child to stop jingling the keys. 叫那个孩子不要把钥匙弄得丁当响。 2 harness [ˈhɑːnɪs] n. 马具【英文释义】a set of strips of leather and metal pieces that is put around a horse's head and body so that the horse can be controlled and fastened to a carriage , etc.【图片】 3 shrill [ʃrɪl] adj. (声音或嗓音)尖锐的【短语】:a shrill voice 刺耳的嗓音【其他释义】shrill demands/protests: 坚持要求/拼命反对 4 mule  [mjuːl] n. 骡【英文释义】:an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads 【例句】He's as  stubborn as a mule. 他像骡子一样倔。【图片】  5 From within the house英语中两个介词能用在一起吗?答案是肯定的,当两个介词连用时我们称它们为双重介词,这里的from within就是一个双重介词,表示从...之内【例子】:emerge from within a culture 从一个文化内部出现 6 Yas' m 熟悉关于南北战争时期小说电影的读者可能会发现,黑奴使用的英语和平时熟悉的英语并不是完全一样。在学术界,黑人英语自成体系,不为地区与阶级所变的架势甚至让一些语言学家至今都坚持认为其并不是英语,而应属于一种独立的语言:克里奥尔语。美国内战前,最早说着非洲各语种的黑人们被丢在一起,被迫选择用英语沟通,学习对象大多是白人主子和有合作关系的白人劳工,也就是所谓的南方口音。也有一种说法,由于爱尔兰人和英国人在当时都是契约工人和种植园监察员,他们对黑人的持续接触也让其方言中沾染上爱尔兰和英国殖民地口音。这种有重点的兼收并蓄生成了第一代奴隶所说的黑色英语:克里奥尔语。 这种语言有很多特点和独特风格,比如文中的yas,通常由女性使用,表示非常喜欢一件事物或者非常赞同一个观点时,当然如果是男生,就不太会使用啦。    7 ration out 按定额配给 【例句】:We'll have to ration out the water. 我们得将水按定额配给。【相关短语】:ration sth out【例句】:So they have to ration gas out carefully . 所以他们必须小心地限额配给汽油。 8 valet-butler valet [ˈvæleɪ; ˈvælɪt] n. (照管男子衣食等的)贴身男仆,比如唐顿庄园中的贝茨,负责照顾格兰瑟姆伯爵的穿衣,出行butler [ˈbʌtlə(r)] n. 男管家,比如唐顿庄园中的卡森,负责管理庄园大大小小的事物,他有权管理贴身男仆  
Nov 6, 2020
8 min
导读:上一期我们的视线随着斯佳丽领略了她家棉田地与自然风光的交相辉映。夕阳的余晖点缀着刚刚撒上棉籽的田地,像极了一片红色的海洋,浮起小岛似的白色砖屋。今天我们将收回远眺的视线,聚焦这片土地上的风景。这里的景物有着最强烈的对比,光明与幽暗共存,酷热与凉爽相伴。通过这一节的阅读,我们一方面可以学到具体的景象的英文,如阳光、林中空地;另一方面也能够积累到更多让这些景象富有活力的形容词,例如缓缓流淌的,平和满足的。【原文】It was a savagely red land, blood-colored after rains, brick dust in droughts, the best cotton land in the world. It was a pleasant land of white houses, peaceful plowed fields and sluggish yellow rivers, but a land of contrasts, of brightest sun glare and densest shade. The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid, complacent. At their edges rose the virgin forests, dark and cool even in the hottest noons, mysterious, a little sinister, the soughing pines seeming to wait with an age-old patience, to threaten with soft sighs: “Be careful! Be careful! We had you once. We can take you back again.”【译文】这是片野性十足的红土地,雨后红如血,旱天似粉末,种棉花尤为适宜。这又是片欢乐的土地,白色的房舍,宁静的四野,缓缓流淌的浑黄河水。然而它也有着鲜明的对比,灼热刺眼的阳光,浓厚幽暗的阴影,种植园垦拓的块块土地,绵延数英里的片片棉田,笑对温暖的太阳,安详,满足。田野边缘矗立着原始森林,即便在酷热的正午也幽暗凉爽,神秘而带几分不祥。松涛阵阵,仿佛在耐心等着地老天荒, 仿佛在发出低声的威胁:“留神!留神!你们原本属于我们,我们还能把你们夺回来。”1. savage /ˈsævɪdʒ/  adj. 蒙昧的;未开化的;野蛮的【英文释义】an offensive way of referring to groups of people or customs that are considered to be simple and not highly developed 【例子】a savage tribe 野蛮部落2.drought/draʊt/ 干旱,缺失【英文释义】:a period of dry weather, especially a long one that Is injurious to crops【例句】:The land is so drought that crops died地太干旱,导致庄稼都死了。3. of contrast: 富有对比的....【例句】A picture of contrast:富有对比的一幅画4. sluggish /ˈslʌɡɪʃ/ adj. 缓缓流动的【英文释义】not moving as quickly as usual【例子】a sluggish stream 缓缓流动的小溪5. dense  /dens/ adj. 浓密的;浓重的【英文释义】having parts that are close together so that it is difficult to go or see through【例子】dense fog 浓雾【例子】a dense forest 密林6. clearing /ˈklɪərɪŋ/ n. 林中空地【英文释义】an area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes【例句】A helicopter landed in a clearing in the dense jungle.一架直升机在茂密丛林中的一片空地着陆了。7. placid /ˈplæsɪd/ adj. 宁静的;平和的【英文释义】 having a calm appearance or characteristics【例子】the placid pace of village life乡村悠然的生活节奏She was a very placid (= calm and not easily excited) child who slept all night and hardly ever cried.她是个非常安静的孩子,整晚上都睡觉,几乎不哭。8. complacent /kəmˈpleɪs(ə)nt/ adj. 自满的,自鸣得意的【英文释义】feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder【例子】We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.我们不能对自己的任何一款产品沾沾自喜。9. virgin /ˈvɜː(r)dʒɪn/ adj.(森林等)未开发的,原始状态的【英文释义】A virgin forest or area of land has not yet been cultivated (= used to grow crops) or used by people.【例子】The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.这条铁路一直延伸到原始森林地带。【补充】Virgin oil, especially olive oil, is made directly from pressing the fruit, rather than by using heat.(油,尤指橄榄油)初榨的,直接提取的【补例】extra virgin olive oil特等初榨橄榄油10. sinister /ˈsɪnɪstə(r)/ adj. 不祥的,有凶兆的【英文释义】making you feel that something bad or evil might happen【例句】The ruined house had a sinister appearance.那座倒塌的房子外观给人一种不祥之感。11. soughing /ˈsaʊ.ɪŋ/ n. 飒飒声【英文释义】the high or low long sound that something such as the wind or sea makes as it moves【例句】Overhead, there was a soughing in the treetops.头顶上,树梢飒飒作响。12. pine /paɪn/ n. 松树【英文释义】a tall tree with thin sharp leaves called needles that do not fall off in winter, and hard brown fruits called cones【例子】a pine forest 松树林13. sigh /saɪ/  n. (风穿过树林时)发出呜咽声【英文释义】If the wind sighs, it makes a long, soft sound as it moves through trees.【例句】I lay on my back, listening to the sound of the wind sighing in the trees.我仰面躺着,听着风穿过树林发出的呜咽声。
Feb 15, 2020
15 min
导读:上一期我们提到了负责大片棉花地的塔尔顿太太,以及家里皮的不行的塔尔顿兄弟们。这一节则更具侧重于对棉花地风貌的描写,从中我们可以学到许多描绘整体风景和几种景物的词句,尤其是针对于颜色和形状。They looked out across the endless acres of Gerald O’Hara’s newly plowed cotton fields toward the red horizon. Now that the sun was setting in a welter of crimson behind the hills  across the Flint River, the warmth of the April day was ebbing into a faint but balmy chill.三人放眼望去,但见杰拉尔德·奥哈拉新耕的棉田直铺到血红的天际。此刻,夕阳似火,正向弗林特河对岸的小山后落去,四月白昼的温暖渐渐消退,化作一阵芬芳的凉意。1. plow /plaʊ/  v/n 犁地;【英式为plough】【英文释义】to turn over the soil before putting seeds into it using a plough. 【例句】Farmers start ploughing in the spring. 农民开始春耕了。 2. welter /ˈweltə(r)/  n. 杂乱的一堆 [书面]  常用a welter of sth【英文释义】A welter of something is a large quantity of it which occurs suddenly or in a confusing way. 【例句】We are reducing the company's welter of development  projects   我们正在缩减公司杂乱无章的开发项目。 3. crimson /ˈkrɪmz(ə)n/ adj. 深红色的 【英文释义】dark purple-red in colour 【短语】go /turn crimson 脸色变得绯红(常因尴尬或生气)【英文释义】If you go/turn crimson, your face becomes red because you are very embarrassed or angry. 【例句】She turned crimson with embarrassment. 她的脸因难为情而变得通红。4. ebb  /eb/  v. / n. 衰退【英文释义】ebb or ebb away to gradually become smaller or less 【短语】the ebb and flow of...:...的兴衰/起伏【例子】The ebb and flow of the empire 王国的兴衰 5. faint /feɪnt/ 微弱的 【英文释义】faint sound, colour, mark, feeling, or quality has very little strength or intensity. 【例句】The lamp gave out a faint glow. 灯发出微弱的光。 6. balmy /ˈbɑːmi/  温暖舒适的(用来形容天气)【英文释义】warm and pleasant【例子】a balmy morning 温暖舒适的早晨【例子】balmy weather 温暖舒适的天气Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills. Already the plowing was nearly finished, and the bloody glory of the sunset colored the fresh-cut furrows of red Georgia clay to even redder hues.春天来得很早,伴随来的是几场温暖的春雨,这时粉红的桃花突然纷纷绽放,山茱萸雪白似的繁花将河边湿地和山冈装点起来。春耕已快要结束,残阳的光辉把佐治亚州的红土地上的新犁沟映照得更加通红 。1. froth /frɒθ/  v./ n.  产生泡沫【英文释义】If a liquid froths, or if you froth it, small air bubbles form on its surface.【例句】The sea froths over my feet. 海水在我脚上泛起泡沫。 2. blossom /ˈblɒsəm/ n. 果树的花【名词英文释义】a flower on a tree, or all the flowers on a tree. 【例子】樱花 the cherry blossom【动词英文释义】to develop and become more successful 成功发展【例句】What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 开始时的一个地方节日已经发展成了一个国际盛会。               3. dapple /'dæp(ə)l/ 起斑纹,这里dapple with white 表示起白色的斑纹【英文释义】to cover something with spots of colour that are lighter or darker than the main colour, or to cover something with areas of light and darkness. 【例句】Bird droppings dapple the floor of the vast facility 宽阔的地上斑驳地洒落着鸟粪 5. far-off adj. 距离上的遥远,时空上的久远【英文释义】a long way from where you are; a long time ago【例子】far-off countries【例句】In those far-off days it never entered anyone's mind that a  woman could be prime minister. 在那些久远的日子里,绝没有人会想到一个女人可以当上首相。 6.furrow /ˈfʌrəʊ/ 犁沟【英文释义】a line that a farmer digs in the soil with a plough where a crop will be  planted【新解】有趣的是除了土地上的deep lines,furrow也可以用来形容人脸上的deep lines,也就是皱纹【例句】Years of anxiety have lined her brow with deep furrows 多年的焦虑在她的额头上留下了深深的皱纹。7. hue / hjuː/ [文学用词] 颜色,色彩【英文释义】colour【例子】violet hue 紫色色调【例句】The same hue will look different in different light. 同一颜色在不同光线下看起来会不同。The moist hungry earth, waiting upturned for the cotton seeds, showed pinkish on the sandy tops of furrows, vermilion and scarlet and maroon where shadows lay along the sides of the trenches. The whitewashed brick plantation house seemed an island set in a wild red sea, a sea of spiraling, curving, crescent billows petrified suddenly at the moment when the pink-tipped waves were breaking into surf.湿润的土地饥饿似的等待着人们把它翻开并撒上棉籽,它在犁沟的顶上显出是淡红色,在沟道两旁的地方则呈现出猩红和栗色来。粉白的种植园砖屋宛若红色海洋中的小岛,那海波涛起伏,浪花滚滚,却在波峰裂作碎浪的瞬间忽而凝住。1. upturned /ʌpˈtɜː(r)nd/ adj. 向上翻的【英文释义】an upturned object has been moved so that its top part is at the bottom.【例句】Instead of coffee tables, designers seem to have used upturned wooden boxes.看起来设计者是把木箱子翻过来当咖啡桌使用。 2. vermilion  /və(r)ˈmɪliən/  n. 朱红色(偏橙色的红)    scarlet  /ˈskɑː(r)lət/ n. 猩红色(斯佳丽名字的来源)    maroon  /məˈruːn/ n. 褐红色(也用来形容逃亡的黑人奴隶、孤立的人)【英文释义+图片】    vermilion: bright red or red-orange in colour   朱红色(偏橙色的红)    scarlet: brint red in colour 猩红色     maroon: dark red-brown in colour 褐红色3. trench  /trentʃ/ n. 壕沟,沟渠【英文释义】a long narrow hole dug into the surface of the ground.【例子】A workman was killed when the sides of the trench he was working in collapsed. 一名工人在工作时他两侧的壕沟坍塌了,他因此而丧生。4. spiraling and curving spiraling /ˈspaɪrəl/ 指的是螺旋运动,而curving指的是蜿蜒,两者连在一起在这里指连绵起伏。 5. crescent /ˈkrez(ə)nt/ n. 新月形【英文释义】(something with) a curved shape that has two narrow pointed ends, like the moon when it is less than half of a circle.【例句】The moon was a brightly shining crescent. 当时月亮是一弯明亮的新月。 6. billow/ˈbɪləʊ/  [文学用语] n. 海浪【英文释义】a large wave in the sea 7. petrified /ˈpetrɪfaɪd/  v 僵化,石化 / adj. 目瞪口呆【英文释义】extremely frightened, especially so that you cannot move or decide what to do.【例句】I am petrified to give a speech. 我公共演讲时会吓呆。 8. -tipped /tɪpt/【英文释义】used with some nouns for saying that something has a tip that is made from a particular substance. 【例子】a gold-tipped pen  9. surf  /sɜː(r)f/ n. 波浪【英文释义】the waves of the sea as they move onto a beach, falling to produce foam 【例子】We were almost deafened by the crash of the surf. 我们几乎被海浪的拍击声震聋了。For here were no long, straight furrows, such as could be seen in the yellow clay fields of the flat middle Georgia country or in the lush black earth of the coastal plantations. The rolling foothill country of north Georgia was plowed in a million curves to keep the rich earth from washing down into the river bottoms.因为这里没有像佐治亚中部的黄土地或海滨种植场 滋润的黑土地那样的长长的笔直的犁沟。北佐治亚迤逦的丘陵被耕耘为无数条曲线,免得肥沃的土壤被雨水冲刷到河底去。1. for there were no long....已知for在句中可以表示因为的意思,此处用在句首的形式比较少见。 2. rolling /ˈrəʊlɪŋ/ (山峦)平缓起伏的【英文释义】(of hills) gently rising and falling 【例句】The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills. 我们乘坐火车沿一条山谷延绵起伏的山峦。 3. foothill  /ˈfʊtˌhɪl/ 山峦小丘 【英文释义】a low mountain or low hill at the bottom of a larger mountain or range of mountains. 【例子】the foothills of the Pyrenees比利牛斯山山麓丘陵4. lush /lʌʃ/ (地区)郁郁葱葱的,植被茂盛的【英文释义】A lush area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees.【例子】lush green valleys 郁郁葱葱的山谷播讲:Jane主体文稿:Isabella,Jane,chen chen导读:Jane技术支持:chen chen
Jan 31, 2020
11 min
Beatrice Tarleton was a busy woman, having on her hands not only a large cotton plantation, a hundred negroes and eight children, but the largest horse-breeding farm in the state as well. She was hot-tempered and easily plagued by the frequent scrapes of her four sons, and while no one was permitted to whip a horse or a slave, she felt that a lick now and then didn't do the boys any harm.塔尔顿太太终日操劳不休,不仅得经营一大片棉花地、上百名黑奴、八个儿女,还得照料本州最大的养马场。她性情暴躁,四个儿子又不争气,所以她动不动就大发雷霆。她不许任何人鞭打马匹和黑奴,却认为对几个儿子抽上一顿没坏处。"Of course she won't hit Boyed. She never did beat Boyed much because he's the oldest and besides he's the runt of the litter" said Stuart, proud of his six feet two. That's why we left him at home to explain things to her. God's mighty, Ma ought to stop licking us! We're nineteen and Tom's twenty-one, and she acts like we are six years old."“妈才不会揍博伊德哩。博伊德是老大,个头又小,妈从不对他动真格的。“ 斯图尔特边说边得意自己六英尺二的身量,”所以我们才留他在家,好跟妈解释解释。老天在上,妈真不该再揍我们啦!我俩都十九了,汤姆二十一,可妈还把我们当成六岁的小娃娃。“"Will your mother ride the new horse to the Wilkes barbecue tomorrow?"“你妈明天会不会骑那匹新买的马参加威克斯尔家的烤肉宴?“"She wants to, but Pa says he's too dangerous. And, anyway, the girls won't let her. They said they were going to have her go to one party at least like a lady, riding in the carriage."“她是这么想的,可我爸说太危险。再说我家那几位小姐也不肯,说妈至少得有一回像一个有身份的太太,坐着马车去。“"I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow," said Scarlett. It's raied nearly evvery day for a week. There's nothing worse than a barbecue turned into an indoor picinic. "“但愿明天不要下雨,“斯佳丽道,”这星期几乎天天下。烤肉宴若搬到屋子里办,那才真没意思。“"Oh, it'll be clear tomorrow and hot as June," said Stuart. "Look at that sunset. I never saw one redder. You can always tell weather by sunsets."“天没准晴,会热得跟六月份一样,“斯图尔特道,”瞧瞧那落日,没见过更红的啦。看落日知天气嘛。“解析第一段:Beatrice Tarleton was a busy woman, having on her hands not only a large cotton plantation, a hundred negroes and eight children, but the largest horse-breeding farm in the state as well. She was hot-tempered and easily plagued by the frequent scrapes of her four sons, and while no one was permitted to whip a horse or a slave, she felt that a lick now and then didn't do the boys any harm.塔尔顿太太终日操劳不休,不仅得经营一大片棉花地、上百名黑奴、八个儿女,还得照料本州最大的养马场。她性情暴躁,四个儿子又不争气,所以她动不动就大发雷霆。她不许任何人鞭打马匹和黑奴,却认为对几个儿子抽上一顿没坏处。1)hot-tempered /ˌhɒt ˈtempə(r)d/: becoming angry very easily 脾气暴躁的;易怒的类似的词还可以用bad-tempered,short-tempered,irritable,moody,touchy 等;反义词可以用patient。2)plague /pleɪɡ/ :我们一般认为这个词是瘟疫的意思,但在这里它生动地被用作动词,作为烦扰,纠缠的意思e.g., Telephone sales plague our lives.         有电话销售烦扰到我们的生活。3)scrapes: (口语上)困境,窘境e.g., We need to handle our scraped here.         我们需要处理困境。4)lick /lɪk/:我们一般理解它为舔舐的意思,在这里指鞭打,它还可以延伸为狠狠一击的意思e.g., We licked the other team on Sunday.           我们星期天狠狠打败了那一队5) do harm to    对......有害处e.g., What you have done might do harm to others.你所做的事或许对别人有害处。第二段:"Of course she won't hit Boyed. She never did beat Boyed much because he's the oldest and besides he's the runt of the litter" said Stuart, proud of his six feet two. That's why we left him at home to explain things to her. God mighty, Ma ought to stop licking us! We're nineteen and Tom's twenty-one, and she acts like we are six years old."“妈才不会揍博伊德哩。博伊德是老大,个头又小,妈从不对他动真格的。“ 斯图尔特边说边得意自己六英尺二的身量,”所以我们才留他在家,好跟妈解释解释。老天在上,妈真不该再揍我们啦!我俩都十九了,汤姆二十一,可妈还把我们当成六岁的小娃娃。“the runt of the litter: (俚语)我们这伙人中最矮小的第三段:"Will your mother ride the new horse to the Wilkes barbecue tomorrow?"“你妈明天会不会骑那匹新买的马区参加威克斯尔家的烤肉宴?“barbecue:户外烧烤              第四段:"She wants to, but Pa says he's too dangerous. And, anyway, the girls won't let her. They said they were going to have her go to one party at least like a lady, riding in the carriage."“她是这么想的,可我爸说太危险。再说我家那几位小姐也不肯,说妈至少得有一回像一个有身份的太太,坐着马车去。“Riding in a carriage 做 at least like a lady的伴随状语, 表示一种go to one party 的伴随动作,并且和前面主语一致,这个语法功能可以代替and,丰富句式。在这里,几位小姐们坚持乘坐马车和当时的美国大工业发展的背景形成了有趣的文化冲突。19世纪前半叶蒸汽火车就已经进入欧美人视野,然而就像《飘》这本小说里的人物反映的,人们依然将马车当作身份贵重的标志之一。由于泥泞的路面状况,只有马车才能即保持出行效率,又有能显得身份体面。有趣的是,18世纪的欧洲上流人士必须配备一辆白天搭乘的蒂尔伯力敞篷轿车,和一辆晚上出门的四轮马车,和小说中的美国社会有异曲同工之妙。第五段:"I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow," said Scarlett. It's rained nearly every day for a week. There's nothing worse than a barbecue turned into an indoor picnic. "“但愿明天不要下雨,“斯佳丽道,”这星期几乎天天下。烤肉宴若搬到屋子里办,那才真没意思。“There is nothing worse than: 这种否定词比较级than的用法:没有比...更怎样的了:e.g., There is nothing more complicated than this lawsuit.          没有比这个案件更复杂的了。第六段:"Oh, it'll be clear tomorrow and hot as June," said Stuart. "Look at that sunset. I never saw one redder. You can always tell the weather by sunsets."“天没准晴,会热得跟六月份一样,“斯图尔特道,”瞧瞧那落日,没见过更红的啦。看落日知天气嘛。“1) clear:if the sky or the weather is clear, there are no clouds, rain etce.g., The following Sunday is bright and clear.下周天阳光明媚,晴朗无云。2) tell something by...: 通过...来分辨...e.g., We can tell her mood by talking with her.我们可以通过和她说话来分辨她的情绪如何。Hope you all enjoy it! From a hard-working student who is working to tight deadlines播讲:Jane文案:Jane, Isabella, chen chen文案后期:Jane音频后期:chen chen
Jan 31, 2020
8 min
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