Thinking LSAT
Thinking LSAT
Nathan Fox and Ben Olson
Episode 85: La La Law
1 hour 14 minutes Posted Mar 1, 2017 at 4:21 pm.
An update from musician-turned-future-lawyer Peter notifies the guys that, despite their best efforts to dissuade him, he did indeed apply to Temple Law School with his 164 LSAT score. The good news is that Peter was accepted with a full-ride scholarship. The bad news is that Peter still is wondering whether he should retake the LSAT and reapply to get offers to higher ranking programs. At first, Nathan and Ben disagree on the merits of waiting, but they soon devise a solution that could satisfy everyone.
Nathan and Ben discuss La La Land.
Nathan and Ben discuss La La Land.
Nathan reveals his surprising new pastime that makes his mom nervous and Ben intrigued.
“Thad hominem,” a 34-year-old actor who is starting law school in the fall, is wondering whether he should sign up for a 1L prep program before classes begin. Ben is skeptical of the worth of these programs and recommends a few books for Thad to check out instead, including Getting to Maybe: How to Excel on Law School Exams. Nathan wants Thad to get his ducks in a row by finishing home projects, seeing friends, and getting fresh air and exercise before the law school walls close around him.
Adam, a carpenter with a degree in journalism from Auburn, is registered for the Kaplan course to prepare for his first LSAT attempt in June. He has also been talking to lawyers, using Kaplan’s online study tools, and listening faithfully to the Thinking LSAT Podcast. Adam wants ideas on what else he can do to round out his application and input on whether he needs to switch from his carpentry job to something in the legal field.
We continue working through the June 2007 LSAT with Logical Reasoning Section 3, Question 19, a strengthen question. To play at home, just download the free test; work through Section 3, Question 19; and listen in as we discuss the solution.
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Show notes
An update from musician-turned-future-lawyer Peter notifies the guys that, despite their best efforts to dissuade him, he did indeed apply to Temple Law School with his 164 LSAT score. The good news is that Peter was accepted with a full-ride scholarship. The bad news is that Peter still is wondering whether he should retake the LSAT and reapply to get offers to higher ranking programs. At first, Nathan and Ben disagree on the merits of waiting, but they soon devise a solution that could satisfy everyone. (1:46)
Nathan and Ben discuss La La Land. (
Nathan and Ben discuss La La Land. (
Nathan reveals his surprising new pastime that makes his mom nervous and Ben intrigued. (
“Thad hominem,” a 34-year-old actor who is starting law school in the fall, is wondering whether he should sign up for a 1L prep program before classes begin. Ben is skeptical of the worth of these programs and recommends a few books for Thad to check out instead, including Getting to Maybe: How to Excel on Law School Exams. Nathan wants Thad to get his ducks in a row by finishing home projects, seeing friends, and getting fresh air and exercise before the law school walls close around him. (
Adam, a carpenter with a degree in journalism from Auburn, is registered for the Kaplan course to prepare for his first LSAT attempt in June. He has also been talking to lawyers, using Kaplan’s online study tools, and listening faithfully to the Thinking LSAT Podcast. Adam wants ideas on what else he can do to round out his application and input on whether he needs to switch from his carpentry job to something in the legal field. (
We continue working through the June 2007 LSAT with Logical Reasoning Section 3, Question 19, a strengthen question. To play at home, just download the free test; work through Section 3, Question 19; and listen in as we discuss the solution. (
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