hanging out with audiophiles
hanging out with audiophiles
hanging out with audiophiles
HOWA - Ep18 - Sean O'Brien
55 minutes Posted May 14, 2018 at 10:58 am.
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Yo! Welcome to my 18th Birthday. The show is now a ripe 36 weeks old and I'm chuffed to have Sean Obrien on the show. He's a top chap and really down to ground fellow who's a relatively under the radar badass and someone I'd not heard of until our meeting but now he's very much a part of the extended family :) He's worked with Moses Sumney, the national and a whole host of folks include Tony Berg who is a recurring figure on the pod having mentored Blake Mills and Shawn Everett so it's that LA knowledge in the house! check this link: http://seanobrienmusic.com I get into the making MUSIC with delays.. what? yeah THAT! Music from pure feedback. Bucket in a brigade all sining their weird wobbly song! Kiss the hand that feeds you :) Hello hello