Art Ed Radio
Art Ed Radio
The Art of Education University
Ep. 058 - The Why and How of Elementary STEAM Education
28 minutes Posted Mar 28, 2017 at 1:30 am.
So many teachers want to incorporate more technology, and especially more STEAM concepts, into their classroom. In this episode, Andrew brings on STEAM expert Tricia Fuglestad to talk about the best ways to bring these concepts into your classroom. Their discussion covers a wide range of topics, including the benefits of technology integration and trying new things
finding the right balance between art and technology
and making the most of the short amount of time you have in your classroom
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So many teachers want to incorporate more technology, and especially more STEAM concepts, into their classroom. In this episode, Andrew brings on STEAM expert Tricia Fuglestad to talk about the best ways to bring these concepts into your classroom. Their discussion covers a wide range of topics, including the benefits of technology integration and trying new things (7:00), finding the right balance between art and technology (9:15), and making the most of the short amount of time you have in your classroom (16:15). Resources and Links: Visit Tricia's blog Tricia's Twitter account Take a look at all of AOE's articles and resources on STEAM education Check out the Project-Based Art Room grad course Andrew mentioned