Zoe Church LA
Zoe Church LA
Chad Veach
Welcome to the audio podcast of Zoe Church Los Angeles lead by Pastors Chad and Julia Veach. We hope that these podcasts give you hope, faith and encouragement throughout your week. To learn more about Zoe Church visit www.zoechurch.org.
You Gotta Fight... for Your Right... to Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 4)| Chad Veach
You Gotta Fight... for Your Right... to Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 4)| Chad Veach by Chad Veach
Mar 13
34 min
Find Your Balance... Find Your Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 3) | Chad Veach
Find Your Balance... Find Your Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 3) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
Mar 13
37 min
His Mercy My Story | Talk of the Tows (Part 2)| Chad Veach
His Mercy My Story | Talk of the Tows (Part 2)| Chad Veach by Chad Veach
Feb 26
31 min
Talk Your Talk | Talk of the Town | Chad Narayan
In this week's message Pastor Chad Narayan preaches the beginning to a brand new series called Talk of the Town. Tune in as he dissects the story of Legion and how Jesus not only provides him freedom and forgiveness, but how he can do the same for us… #zoechurch #chadveach zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people... To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give —— Stay Connected ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf... Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi... Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
Feb 19
38 min
Soaring Season | Julia Veach
In this week's message Pastor Julia preaches a challenging message on what it takes to soar on the wings of eagles! #zoechurch (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/zoechurch)  #chadveach (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/chadveach) zoemusic #liveworship (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/liveworship) #sermon (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/sermon) #preaching (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/preaching) #onlinechurch (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/onlinechurch) #Jesus (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/jesus) #church (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/church) #bible (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/bible)  #faith (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/faith) #blessed (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/blessed) #trust (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/trust) #steward (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/steward) #stewardship (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/stewardship) #god (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/god) If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1VtVFF1aVdKNjViRjFOTjJyOUkwTHNtbjhFUXxBQ3Jtc0tuenFtelFOXzRpUk15ZDRlOHd1R0JlQ05Sa3dEYWxyYl9mbGd1cU8xZHk0X2hjaThtb3VRb2k5RjVmb251Rk1xQUxOa0dpZk4xeDk4X1lRV2xNQ0ZyUnFNa1EzczlSQjRoSGdwakdxNDJla2QwdGtTcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fzoela.churchcenter.com%2Fpeople..&v=KkpXFjfdtRo) . To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2tMV2hGeVo4bmxnOGdCNUUxanhra0VxUFAzZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsaUx0Mk5LWEJtWjVxRjdXZlFPeWJnd0FuallEWERnYkVYT3hpa284NE92WmtVMHlIMmhSMmtWMjU4bDhuZ3ZfZWxRVlo1QmtHakswbVZPWHNJajI0alRKOVNwRHpiejdfQVZweXVrRDFxRXFrbnZiYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zoechurch.org%2Fgive&v=KkpXFjfdtRo) —— Stay Connected ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGlvajRZLXNoSnR0d2NBeEpQYzBuVUNtLUhHd3xBQ3Jtc0tscnVjemt6YTlaRlV5bjU5NUNsYkl1dGZEenVnenVRX056bzlGRUZYdnpLOFd1WHVxOGlzTFp4X0ktd0d0V3pabVdtajkzTmZydkQ5a1BNdlVEVzI1a0lMc194SXdRZjVXNUZWdkJ2aXRnbk96bjYtZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zoechurch.org%2F&v=KkpXFjfdtRo) ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf.. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf..) . Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNidmhoVFM2Q0t6cVNFYmFFQTFSNGJkMjNuQXxBQ3Jtc0tsQ3puRmpSbWJacktfWTVWdHVZZVBVWnFDQ3hhX29tY2VKVFEyc0xpTU5hWGZuVDRCbzJFQkFjRjA4cTV6ZmtONm1Md0xWV3V3N2lKTFJrbE9Xb0ZSb1JBVHp0YjhpNm8xT1Fjd0ZrS3A1eWllUW44TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Finstagram.com%2Fchadveach%3Figshi..&v=KkpXFjfdtRo) . Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3dDbnU1UjRNWkNVTzVnQmNraDlSRWZjWEJoZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsU0tVS29OUGx1ZS1sLUc1LWZRRzVhalNqaVU1X3hDcjNkS01QYl94bTR2T2g2QU53T3p1RG5sWUNNcVJsZjN2Rk03RlhhMDdVZ3hLTGJicmdsZ202b21YMFRxelkzYnk5TnM0bHl1LW11VHhkb0NCUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fchadcveach%3Fs%3D11%26t..&v=KkpXFjfdtRo) .
Feb 11
39 min
Fishin with Faith | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad preaches a challenging message on the what it means to follow God and to share the gospel! #zoechurch #chadveach zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people... To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give —— Stay Connected ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf... Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi... Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
Feb 5
33 min
Your Story's Not Over | | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 4) | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad concludes the series "He Gives and Takes Away". Tune in as he preaches on perseverance, honoring God, and understanding that His ways are higher than ours! #zoechurch #chadveach zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people... To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give —— Stay Connected ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf... Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi... Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
Jan 29
39 min
Processing my pain with purpose | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 3) | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad continues the series "He Gives and Takes Away". Tune in as he preaches on working through the pains of life and finding our fulfillment in God instead of the things of this world! #zoechurch #chadveach zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people... To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give —— Stay Connected ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/ ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf... Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi... Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
Jan 22
33 min
Anything But That | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 2) | Chad Veach
Anything But That | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 2) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
Jan 15
31 min
Never Too High Never Too Low | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 1) | Chad Veach
Never Too High Never Too Low | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 1) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
Jan 7
34 min
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