Your PUSH Coach
Your PUSH Coach
Josh Coats
Josh is a Wall Street Journal #1 Best Selling author and founder of Push Coach Certification School for life coaches. He has trained over 40k entrepreneurs in his online trainings that specialize in creating and scaling online offers.Josh combines his life coaching background with his passion for sales and marketing to make business strategy easy for his clients and listeners.Josh will PUSH you to move past the limits and fears in your life and create intentional plans to grow your business, leadership, and life!
Making the Unconscious Conscious
In this episode, Josh talks about subconscious beliefs, and how they can affect your daily actions in ways you might not be aware of.If you're feeling stuck and don't know why, and you're looking for a way to break through, don't miss this powerful episode!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Feb 21
15 min
First Year to Now - A 10-Year Journey of Growth as Life and Performance Coach
Welcome to Josh' 10 Years to 10 Days Celebration! This year marks 10 years that Josh has been in business!To celebrate, Josh is offering 10 days of training that you can access on his site,! And the greatest thing is, Josh would like to give this gift to everyone, so you can access all 10 days of training for whatever price YOU choose to pay!That's right, even $1!Join us in this episode, for a sample of an interview Josh did with one of his certified master coaches, and the co-creator of the PUSH Coach Certification program, Marc Hildebrand!In this interview, the discussion is about Josh' early years in business, and how he went from 2 sales in his first year, to owning a multi-million dollar coaching business!For the rest of this interview, and to access all of the interviews and training, please visit, and sign up for 10 Years in 10 Days!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Feb 12
13 min
What I Love Most About Being in Business!
Welcome to Josh' 10 Years to 10 Days Celebration! This year marks 10 years that Josh has been in business!To celebrate, Josh is offering 10 days of training that you can access on his site,! And the greatest thing is, Josh would like to give this gift to everyone, so you can access all 10 days of training for whatever price YOU choose to pay!That's right, even $1!Join us in this episode, for a sample of an interview Josh did with one of his certified master coaches, Annie McCarty!In this interview, the discussion is about what Josh loves most about being in business!For the rest of this interview, and to access all of the interviews and training, please visit, and sign up for 10 Years in 10 Days!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Feb 10
28 min
My Most Impactful Year in Business
Welcome to Josh' 10 Years to 10 Days Celebration! This year marks 10 years that Josh has been in business!To celebrate, Josh is offering 10 days of training that you can access on his site,! And the greatest thing is, Josh would like to give this gift to everyone, so you can access all 10 days of training for whatever price YOU choose to pay!That's right, even $1! Join us in this episode, for a sample of an interview Josh did with two of his master coaches, Trysh Berndt and Chelsea Rosner! In this interview, the discussion is about which year Josh feels was his most impactful year!For the rest of this interview, and to access all of the interviews and training, please visit, and sign up for 10 Years in 10 Days!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Feb 6
17 min
Celebrating 10 Years as a Life & Performance Coach, and a Chapter from Josh's New Book!
In this episode, Josh is sharing the first chapter of his new book, "Six Months to Six Figures"! He's also discussing his upcoming multi-day event, "10 Years in 10 Days", celebrating his 10th anniversary as a Life and Performance Coach!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Jan 27
20 min
Unlock Your Sales Potential by Asking the Right Questions!
In this episode, Josh talks about how the subconscious mind can lock you into automation based on old habits, and how asking yourself the right questions can unlock new levels of potential within you.  Discover how to use these principles to ask your potential customers the right questions, and unlock your sales potential!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Jan 15
19 min
How to Make More Sales in Less Time, By Using the Right Messaging
In this episode, Josh shares a special snippet from his recent Six Figure Summit event, where he launched his brand new program, Six Months to Six Figures!Here, Josh talks about how you can start converting more sales in less time by using the right messaging.  If you'd like access to the entire Six Figure Summit event replay which includes Josh and his guest speakers, Julie Voris, Holly Hillyer, Mavic Bright, and Morgan Zambrano, AND to get access to Josh' Six Months to Six Figures program for 30 days for only $1, visit:'d like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Jan 8
11 min
Overcoming Setbacks By Building Momentum - The Law of the Lid
Today's episode is another segment from our recent life coach retreat in Scottsdale Arizona. Here, Josh is speaking with some recent PUSH coach graduates about regaining momentum after setbacks, and how the Law of the Lid can help you grow your business.We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Dec 11, 2023
13 min
626: Six Months to Six Figures Mastermind
Join Josh as he discusses his brand new program:626: Six Months to Six Figures Mastermind!626 is one program that teaches you how to:- Create KILLER messaging for your social media to attract the RIGHT people who want to join you.- Learn the Questions That Convert style of selling in a way that SERVES others instead of trying to "sell" and convince them- How to turbo charge the expansion of your audience so you have a consistent stream of new people coming to you- How to create unwavering confidence so that you can know without a shadow of a doubt that you are worthy and capable of the life you really want for yourself and your family- How to become a powerful leader that others will want to chase to the ends of the earthIf you are someone that is committed to being a dreamer, check out this episode and see what the hype is all about!!!We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Dec 5, 2023
1 hr 24 min
Momentum and Sales Psychology
Today's episode is another segment from our recent life coach retreat in Scottsdale Arizona. Here, Josh is speaking with some recent PUSH coach graduates about momentum and sales psychology, and how they can work hand in hand to help you grow your business.We'd like to share an extraordinary offer with you! Get your first 30 days in Josh' 626 Program for only $1, here:
Nov 27, 2023
11 min
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